Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

i was banned for one hour after i had 2 disconnects. tried to rejoin but was kicked due to the ban lol.

i had several penalties now. its hard to get into a fair match as solo player thanks to the dreadful mm (2 wins in 6hrs…) and thanks to the potato servers its more frustrating than the game itself. the lazyness of every aspect of blizzard is on another level of profit maximization…even CODWZ is more “customer friendly” than this here…

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I had the same issue today. I noticed there were several games today where people would just disconnect suddenly at the start of the game. Then after a few games, it happened to me. Never happened before - it went to the splash screen saying trying to connect to in-game servers - bam 15min suspended.


b/c customer support is 20 year old indian dudes being outsourced, and Mike Ybarra is a cancer

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Mike Ybarra wants you to make a new account and buy the game all over again so he can pay for his mail order Ukrainian bride.

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This bug just happened the second time with me, I was playing with a friend and he crashed after 2 minutes the game disconnected me, I who played the game and was winning I took an 8 hour ban while my party friend fell and took 15 minutes.

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Try what I did. Maybe it will help. I got a season ban on my other account due to crashes and disconnects. I did what I posted and 3 days now never crashed never disconnected

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I’ll but at the same time I’m scared to enter a rank game without them saying that they have solve it! I don’t want to get banned again…

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Same. It’s pretty ridiculous that you either can’t play comp or have to risk getting disconnected and possibly suspended all season due to their server issues

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ShadowVoid : as I sais it’s normal that one of your account doesn’t bug as your ban one.

It’s the same for me.
My alt account haven’t the dc. But my main is season ban now.

I’m pretty sure the bug is du to battle.net.

So as I said : my account who is ban have also the problem where stats doesn’t show on my profile.

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I experienced the same thing today, I was disconnected from the ranked game and I was punished for 15 minutes. The game didn’t even let me reconnect.

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This was happening on both my accounts. I only did what I did on my new account when I was finally able to play comp. in hopes I wouldn’t crash and disconnect anymore. And it worked.

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How many hours have you played since you just reinstall the game ?

I’m sure it’s on their end. Because when I get kick and can’t rejoin the comp game I am able to join the menu with another account !

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It’s now been 4 days of which I’ve played 4-5 hrs each day with no issues.

Also guaranteed there is still a bug regarding this that I had to do all that in the first place, without allowing rejoining a match if the client crashed or disconnected, LC-208… I got a season ban on my other account because of that. I really do hope they remove all the bans and give people a re-do after they fix the rejoin feature because that is completely unfair.

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Hi! Just to let you know that they removed my ban for the whole season. Just now with the update (I’m on Xbox).

I still don’t know if the LC-208 error will happen again. And if we will be now able to rejoin the match.

But my stats are still not shown for this season. And for previous season only season 33 to 36 are shown (I’ve played every season) …

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Nice happy for you 🥹… well i guess I’ll try to play comp today to see what will happen :sob: I’m scared :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Hmmm… so they haven’t fixed anything.

I’m now 15 min ban because I got the error even before the lobby start.

Game found → no loading screen → LC-208 error with 15 min ban.

I hate this game !

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I just entered my 1st game on rank and get banned :grinning:!

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This just happened to me.
Very frustrating.

Middle of the game → kicked out of the server → attempt to reconnect → suspended
And this all happens within a span of 3 seconds.

The problem is that I can’t even rejoin to finish the game.
Like why?


Seems they are working on it, but we don’t know when it will be fix.

ShadowVoid : I’m trying your step and I will let know if it work for me.

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Same issues here, servers keep kicking me out during the start of the game

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