Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

Hey everyone,

Same issue with me. Is this the only way to express our concerns? This has been an issue even since the previous Overwatch.
Its not fair being penalized for something we dont have control of. Not the best way to start off with a new game. It just feels like the same old thing. I might switch games if this doesnt change. It makes competitive play worthless.


Same for meā€¦ wtf is going on blizzard? Even your Servers are bad as your company isā€¦ Every other mobile phone game has better connections.
Thanks for nothing!


Hello blizzard!!! Can you please fix this stupid issue??? Us being kicked without being able to rejoin the game and get banned because of it is something really ridiculous, frustrated and unfairā€¦ now I canā€™t play comp for a whole day, oh and what happens tomorrow when I play again, will i get banned again for a week??? Because of your issus and bugs that you cannot solve!!!


Same here, my connection is fine no lags or whatsoever, the game disconnected me and didnā€™t let me rejoin whilst my friend disconnected and still can rejoin. WTF? this is frustrating


my account is banned for season 1 because failed to connect to server in multiple match.
Wtf my internet is completely fine.
i have no problem playing other competitive shooters


Happened 5 min ago to me and my mate, we got kicked at the same time, couldnā€™t reconnect instantly and after restarting the game we couldnā€™t rejoin. Suspended and lost a game that we were probably going to win. Fix this

This also happened a couple of days ago, 1 or 2 times


Same here, at the same time, this happened to me and other so many friends. We are in EUā€¦ i hope blizz give us answersā€¦


Yep, twice it was my internet since I think my cable is just done for at this point, but the other like three times it was just a random dc. Now Iā€™m suspended for an hour and Iā€™m afraid to even play again and get season banned. Like damn is it that hard to do it like Apex and just let us join the game again? Apparently OW 1 was already doing that.


Why no one (blizzard support) is giving us a solution or replying??? We need an answer blizzard we need a move to solve this issueā€¦ why are they keep ignoring us?


If you play again youā€™ll get the season ban, itā€™s what happened to me


I know, we should tell them weā€™ll throw a party full of women they can have little booths to creep over, we havenā€™t forgot, Blizzard. You owe this community something for loyalty considering that controversy and Iā€™m pretty sure shoddy servers arenā€™t it, youā€™re lucky people even want to play your games after all the frat boy culture.


Same thing happened to me. Just got an 40 minute suspension because of disconnection with server.


Same to me, ban for season 1. LC-208 error. Not able to join back until the comp game end. During this time Iā€™m able to join the menu with an alt account.

Support say itā€™s on my end and canā€™t touch my ban.

If you look this thread on Reddit, with 2k like and 450 coms. Overwatch just close the threadā€¦. They penalize gamer for their server issue and just want to be blind about it. : https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/y1ud0d/banned_for_all_of_season_1_comp_after_being/


Iā€™ve had the same issue on PC. I just had a game where everything started lagging really hard and then I got booted. This is the 4th time it has happened and Iā€™m afraid to even play the game and risk getting a season ban. I sent them a ticket about it but Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll just pass over it if itā€™s this common.


yeah same thing keeps happening to me. I gave up on playing ranked for now after getting an 8 hour ban. Try hitting windows button+R and then search %programdata% then delete the file named blizardentertainment to reset your cache. it didnā€™t totally solve it but it stopped it from happening for a day. I keep getting kicked from games and my internet is fine, my friends donā€™t get kicked either. Makes playing ranked impossible


Same thing happened to me aswell, i was on a 5 game win streak in placements and now thats going to be ruined. Blizzard, please fix this issue, its straight up making the game not fun


Be the same thing happened to me as well :frowning:


Me and my buddy both just got kicked to ā€œServer Failureā€ and banned for 15 min. First time itā€™s happened to me so far. I recorded it just in case they can reverse somehow. Iā€™m on Xbox and Iā€™m really hoping they fix this and reset bans.


Support say they donā€™t reset the ban. Even you have capture of the moment.

Weird thing, with my alt account I never get disconnected and LC-208 errorā€¦.


This furthers my train of thinkingā€¦my stats are all messed up, the same with other peopleā€™s accounts, could this be causing the issue as itā€™s confusing the competitive servers?