Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

I’ve had this happen 3 times and just now it told me the server was down, I come back and I have a 30 min suspension after being told the server was down 15 minutes. How do they expect to make money when they are running so many people to uninstall. I can’t even convince friends to play because they’ve all also had this issue


I think I’m getting the same stuff as everyone here, I randomly mid-match get a “Client Requested Disconnect” and drop out of whatever match I was playing.

I decided to time them, and they happen to me exactly every 20 minutes… unfortunately, it’s gotten to a point where I’ve been penalised for leaving games…

When I first noticed it, it said “-75% exp (2 matches remaining)”. I then started a game after noticing this, only to get disconnected just before we won. I reconnected to the game servers, only to see I’m now at “6 matches remaining” on the penalty…

Unsure if it’s my old PS4, our modem/router, or just the area we live in (I get 15mb/s download speeds on a good day)…

I’m only doing Unranked, so no suspensions. But the -75% exp for a set amount of games sucks…


Happened to me twice, can’t reconnect after, then got suspended for 15 minutes and then it counts as a leave in the promotion, both times in a ranked, random moments both times. I hope blizz fixes this game or won’t keep going into rankeds


I have a similar issue, I have been DC’d from a match, restart my game and try to reconnect within a minute but it doesn’t let me back into the match but I can still see my team’s messages. I’ve been hit with two 8 hour suspensions already now because the game doesn’t let me rejoin the match, please fix this.


Same thing to me and it won’t let me log back into the game- gives lc-208 error until the competitive match completes. I have an 8hour ban because of the game constantly crashing and disconnecting.


I’ve got the same issue and now I’m season banned, I’m convinced it’s server issue cause my connection still work during the dc, its happening only in this game and don’t forget I can’t even rejoin like overwatch 1. I’m on psn and getting LC-202 so the server dc me and than a lot of LC-208 until the game is over I guess. I’ve sent a ticket and in 2 days still no reply. I guess it’s time to move on good bye overwatch and battle pass.


That’s exactly what happens to me, the disconnect then the repeated server connection error for a fair while afterwards, as you say it seems until the game has finished


such a stupid game, got a 1 hour suspension bus of there trash server


Yeah it wont even let me enter a comp game instantly kicks me out and wont let me rejoin and then bans me :frowning:


this just happened to me. I didn’t even have time to pick a hero, said could not connect to server and then I got a ban. No option to rejoin. Internet is fine on my end.


Yes it’s not our internet, the game crashes and the servers I assume because it’s now linked to battlenet isn’t able to identify who has disconnected there for it assumes you’re still “on the server” and because you can’t have 2 connections of the same ip connected to the same server it gives us a lc-208 error until the match is complete only then does the server knows this and then allows you to make a connection to the server and lets you go back to the main menu… (I assume) I’m sure I’m off but I’m probably not that far off.


Does anyone know the suspension progression? Server disconnected again and now I’m on 20 hours suspension. (Playing on Xbox). Is the whole season next? That would make battle pass progression difficult, and I honestly don’t enjoy the other game modes as much.


I was thinking this as all my stats are also wrong like the servers confused but I feel like if I disconnect my battle net it may not let me reconnect it straight away. At least we can confirm it isn’t our end and should be fixed, I feel like next battle pass should be free for anyone who’s played the game during all these bugs, seems only fair


Whole season is probably next, I’m sticking with QP for now, ended up bronze four partly thanks to the disconnects anyway :laughing:


I’m sure it’s happened to 10+k people just not enough people posting about… seems like they look more at Reddit and streamers… if we want this fixed and addressed I think we need to make some noise on Reddit about it or something… my game has crashed many times due to this (not just disconnected and my Ps5 shut off!) then it will not let me connect to the servers to go into the main menu where I would even see a “rejoin match” - it gives me LC-208 error and only when the match completes am I allowed back on the server in the main menu screen and Lc-208 error goes away.

I now have a 8hour suspension and on my way to a season suspension because of this… and it’s not my internet it’s not on my side- it’s not my fault.


Well they will have to revert all the bans and season bans. Or I am uninstallling this game and never playing it again.


They really should, absolutely agreed


I was just disconnected and came back to a ban for no reason. The ranked game got super laggy, i was like floating around the map, then unable to log back in. I was on my lunch break, came back and was banned…wtf? We should file a class action suit about this…


It’s honestly so frustrating that this game been disconnecting me when I’m winning then can’t log back in at all when my connection is perfectly fine🤦🏻‍♂️ Then it’s followed with a lost and suspension. It just makes me not even wanna play the game smh


I’m now in the fully seasoned club, the whole damn thing served up by your lovely chef disconnected and sprinkled with a garnish of no CP for you…:ramen: