Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Designing heroes for a new era

That’s the catch. I said 50%, but what if it was 15%.

Would that be too weak?

If 50% is too much, 15% is too little.

That means there’s a desirable number in that range.

New R Ability: Reaper cat call

Description: Moira makes a suggestive comment to a nearby friendly or enemy Reaper. If both a friendly and enemy Reaper are near Moira at the same time the comment becomes even more spicy.

Developer comments: “We ship Reaper x Moira and wanted to give Moira players a chance to be extra sassy.”

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What if it rapidly drops off?

So the damage reduction starts at 50% and drops to zero in the course of the 3 seconds. I could also see it causing a slowing effect in a similar manner but thats probably a different discussion.

Dunno, I think Moira just looks at Reaper as a lab rat.

That’s her pet name for him.

Uhhhh no

Seen this suggested many times lol

Maybe re-read what you quoted.

No. They didn’t mean 50% anti-heal, they meant -50% damage done. You deal less damage.

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Thank you for the article and the communication. Appreciate it a lot. The hate and nit picking is getting annoying from the community though.


I think Weaken could potentially be pretty good, and it would be ideal if the rest of her kit went unchanged. Obviously it depends on the specifics of 1) how long does it take to charge before you can use it 2) how much does it reduce damage output 3) how much does it reduce healing output 4) how long does it remain in effect 5) what’s the CD before re-use 6) does charging it waste the CD, or only when fired.

Practical applications could be:

  • Slap a Reaper, Pharah, Soldier, Genji or similar hero when they are ulting
  • Slap a healer you can hit but maybe not delete quickly so you can then focus down their healing target
  • Slap an isolated target and duel them down or let your team clean them up
  • Slap a flanker trying to kill you or the other support

People have mentioned concern about this going onto tanks constantly. I don’t know that I’m as concerned (as a tank player), because there’s a lot they could do to balance it in terms of parameters and CD usage. Also it’s a bigger deal for tanks who can deal high damage - if right now you’re trying to shield/control space and not contributing a ton in the damage department, probably not all that impactful. It’s definitely less bothersome than sleep, especially in OW2’s 5v5 world where a slept tank means your team might want to back off. I think the tank most affected by this would be Roadhog, since he relies the most on damage AND he has a self-heal. They really ought to think about giving TaB a cleanse, at least on startup.

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Idk what to say, I’ll just clap

It looks promising, I hope more heroes can get some interesting changes


Weaken is basically Ana’s sleep dart, but with a longer cast time and weaker effect. Weaken is what Sleep Dart should be changed to, Supports aren’t supposed to have hard-CC. Especially one that not only hard-CC stuns, but can take a Tank out of a fight for 5 seconds.

It is going to be impossible to balance tanks like Ball and Doom when Sleep Dart is always 100% free on them now that they can’t get Zarya Bubbled or DVA DM’ed anymore.

Since they mentioned Purge from Warcraft III Orc Shaman:

“Removes all buffs from a target unit. Enemy units are also immobilized for 3 seconds and their movement speed is reduced by a factor of 5; they will slowly regain their movement speed over 15 seconds. Deals 400 damage to summoned units.”

Sounds like a solid ability once you factor in some kind of brief “Root” effect. Large damage to things like Torb turret or Bob would be interesting as well.

Just make it an ability that casts like Repair Pack and put it on Reload.

Also, moira wasn’t even used in GOATS :joy:
No idea what they are on about

It was always
Lucio brig + zen for more damage
Lucio brig + ana for utility and heals
Lucio bap zen, used by shock mostly

Moira was never a staple in GOATS meta. She never offered the utility or damage to replace zen, ana, lucio or brig, nor could heal long enough due to her resource to compete against ana or bap. What are they smoking

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I love the idea of the mad scientist character getting a debuff. And I like the idea of damage or healing output reduction, because it kind of runs opposite to Ana (who can boost healing) and Mercy (who can boost damage) and fits her kind of backward support mentality.

Along with the selfishness of her life steal on her secondary fire and the absolute NOPE of her Fade it very much suits her personality.

That said, can we talk about letting her stop her orbs in place? Maybe have it extend the cooldown, or reduce the damage. But being able to trap locations, or create on demand healing stations that don’t run away would really give Moira a more strategic vibe that I think she needs.

That said, it’s always cool to get these peaks behind the curtain. I’m very curious if Weaken will make it into one of the Betas for trial by players, or if we’ll have moved on to some other idea by then.

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Geez people. Yall will always complain when the dev’s trying something new and crazy. This is why we no longer have heroes with crazy abilities. Everything is just generic gun-heroes like Soldier and Soujorn which is just Soldier 2.0. There’s a reason why post-launch Overwatch 1 is so popular because all the heroes have crazy abilities that are so fun.


Maybe do that with a new hero (sojourn is so bland and boring in any way) instead of ruining one which people have got used to play in certain way?

Also gotta love changes just for the sake of change.

Please keep these coming! It’s good to hear about the team’s process.


I’ll give you Ball. Short of just making him immune to Sleep (hell, it isn’t hitting him, it’s hitting the mech so maybe that works lore wise) I have no idea what you do for him.

Doom, on the other hand, has a ready and high skill solution just sitting there in the devs faces if they can make it work. Give Power Block a Parry. Time it just right and it COMPLETELY negates an incoming projectile or damage. Miss the timing and you just get the standard effect. This would give Doom an option to counter sleep, and would make Power Block all kinds of useful against burst damage like a Helix Rocket, or a Junk nade or whatever.

And if we think that’s too strong, then just don’t let the parried item count towards Empowered Punch. The trade off for the negation is then not getting the better Rocket Punch out of it. I’d take that. Skill and decision making all in one package.

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Not a big fan of arbitrarily binding new abilities to reload just because the button is there. What if Moira actually needed to reload? That’s a nerf, but you can then make up for it by applying a debuff to her offensive abilities for example.

If you guys are reading this, here ´s an idea: Make her Fade not instant, instead when you presses the ability she charges something (give some indication to the player), then you have two choices (something that is very Moira).

  1. press again the ability button: activates the fade as we all know it.
  2. Presses primary fire. A skillshot that can affect allies and enemies.
    -If it hits an ally: give the fade effect to him (he becomes untargetable and slightly faster, something more similar to Reaper’s shadow form) - this fits Moira´s character, since she is the one that gave Reaper his abilities in the first place. And with this the Moira player sacrificies his own survivability to protect his/her allies.
    -If the ability hits an enemy it could give them the Weaken effect you guys are trying.

With this you don’t have to give her a new imput to her kit.

Another thing for you guys to consider: Her orbs are the best and most fun part of her kit (at the moment), and the best part is to learn how to bounce them around to make the most of them. What I would suggest is to reward players that know how to bounce the orbs properly. The orbs could initiate weaker, and get more stronger as they bounce (or bigger). Or they could leave something in the places that they bounce. I don’t know, but know this bouncing effect of the orbs is the most fun part of using them, so rewarding players for that could be great for her kit!