Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Designing heroes for a new era

If they are using the reload key for this, a charge mechanic would be great. Doing something unique with it is tough. She could make a “smoke bomb” that blocks LOS for 2 sec or something like that, if she uses RMB to launch that. Or create an area where healing is boosted for 4 sec like Ana’s nade.

Right because I’ve been asking for Mercy to get an R ability for FOUR YEARS and all they’ve done with her this beta is screw with her mobility for some reason which was the ONE part of her kit that Mercy players could agree on being fun and fine.


I love reading this. I’m so into the creating process of the things I love. Thank you team 4!


Even if they were to also add some sort of cleanse to fade, it wouldn’t be bad for her.

Maybe they could replace Biotic Orb with a brand new ability, like what they did with Bastion’s Self-Repair, or Orisa’s Halt

I always thought that Moira was the type of hero to use some kind of poisen ability. What if her fade left a poisen cloud trail which would allow her to have some form of zoning effect?

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What Blizzard is calling “adding depth” is more like “revamping and refitting” as they’ve done with the other hero changes they have cemented in OW2. They could practically create a new support hero and give them these new ideas instead of complete replacement for an existing hero. You want extra “depth”? Add more functionality and layers on top of her pre-existing abilities. Don’t use the “balancing the equation” method of taking an already situational move like a Sound Barrier or Nano and try to design an ability around countering and negating such action. Here are some ideas:

Idea 1: Ultimate can operate between healing/damage mode (like it does now), only-healing mode (boosted healing rate), and only-damage ( boosted damage) mode. Holding left click only heals, right click only damages, and clicking neither makes the beam remain the same heal/damage combo it is now. Moira players will now have a broader range of circumstances to pull out their ultimate. They can fire in a clump of the two teams to simultaneously damage and heal. She can stay in her backline and concentrate on refilling her team’s health bars, with the occasional damage beam to promptly scare off flankers and divers. Or she can try to sub in for a fallen DPS and go damage beam only for a brief moment.

Idea 2: after casting an orb, click the same button again to cause the orb to: a) explode (opposite to Orisa’s orb of implosion), causing a sudden burst healing or damage in the AoE b) suddenly come to a stop and momentarily increase in size for a boost of potential healing or damage until it dissipates. Then we all won’t have annoying illogical ricochets sending our orbs out into yonder, being utterly wasted by poor surface deflection design. I saw another reply suggesting a cloud trail behind the orb for a mild zoning effect.

Blizzard read this and pass this around the office :+1::call_me_hand::metal:


It may be too much, but if they are thinking of going forwards with this “Weaken” ability, I really hope they consider adding a one-time rebound to it.

When I first saw Moira’s reveal trailer, I was so excited to learn what kind of clutch map-geometry-rebounds she could learn to maximize her orbs, but her gameplay didn’t reward it as much as I had hoped. Her orbs were too forgiving to feel nuanced.

But with this, it’d be really cool to be able to ricochet her skillshot debuff around a corner, or over an enemy barrier. Reward the very skillset that Moira seemed to be built for.

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Sleep dart is the direct equivalent of hitting a Mei icicle body shot. As a Mei player, I would sure love a fraction of that fight winning reward every time I land such an incredible skill shot lol


What a strange comment.

Firstly, it should be common sense by now to anybody with any intelligence that providing more information during game development engages fans of the game.

Secondly, if these people are kids as you say, why do you expect them to know the software development process?

In fact, why do you expect ANYONE that is not a software engineer to know this process?

And if they don’t know the process… why would this not be interesting?


ahh yes…
more supports being support counters.

ana blocks all healing removing the main job of 2 of enemy team.
new moira reduces healing received

i mean run these 2 & (if leak turns otu true) junekr queens anti heal why even bother playing support when your job is so easy to shut down?

and even tanks are going to go back ot OW1’s view of “tanking sucks” when you can’t be healed and thus die all time.

Let alone how OW2 is going away from “team based” and more “personal skill based” gameplay.

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They said it reduces healing OUTPUT, not reception.

If I’m reading it right, the only way for this ability to reduce the support role’s healing capabilities would be if they went out of their way to land the ability on the support directly.

I don’t think the healing reduction will be a very big deal, unless you’re playing Roadhog or Reaper.


Yeah, ain’t it the truth. Honestly, I think seeing someone who can consistently hit pinpoint icicle headshots is way cooler than someone who can just consistently sleep a massive Roadhog or some stationary Bastion, especially because Meis have such a smaller target that they have to hit to get good value off their icicles while Anas can just hit anywhere on the body.

But Anas who just use their basic abilities seem to be uber glorified on the forums, while those same forum users dismiss Meis because for Mei players, it’s just called doing their job.


Nullify sounds like an interesting idea to come back to. Maybe as an AOE ability for a future new hero.

It would be way too much to add to Moira though.

Fix your matchmaker first dub

“Weaken” just sounds like what sleep dart should have been

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I know Dev’s dont like it when we give suggestions but… just give healing orb a speed boost and damage orb a slow. Moria fixed, tada!

I had an idea for Resistance Health, which is also purple. It combines the attributes of both Shield and Amour Health.

Basically it would be used to make some super chunky Tanks.

Thing is he can attack or not in this form. If yes, it’d very op. If not, it would have high troll potential.

Glad to see more communication! These are neat ability ideas.

(calling sleep dart a deserved skill shot though… yikes. Gives me very low hopes for future support changes)

I agree. Overwatch is sadly turning into Overrant & OverStrike.

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