Overwatch 2 Competitive Play - Season 3

Maybe yall should actually worry about fixing the ranked bugs/system before you worry about anything else. Just a thought there, Craig.


I was ranked Diamond 2 and won 5 games in a row right after. I was then ranked back at Diamond 5. Is this a bug and I still gained Masters but the new rank icon is not showing? I would be very discouraged if I had to climb back because this is the highest Iā€™ve reached yet. If anyone can help with any information it would be greatly appreciated.

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CAN YOU PLEASE FIX MATCHMACKING. Iā€™m Masters 5 and there are multiple games this evening where there are players in the same lobby that are Plat 5. When Iā€™m not allowed to queue with someone of this rank because the skillcap is to big, how is it that I encounter these players.
These experiences arenā€™t nice for anyone, not when you win, not when you lose.


The time you queue at has a bigger influence on the sr ranges of both teams.
Masters is less than 1% of the playerbase 99% of players are below masters.
Also you being masters, means youā€™re more likely playing with GMS and Top500s who think that you are too low sr to be placed with them. Golds donā€™t want to play with silvers either.
Even though this game has 5 million-10 million accounts/players, most of them are below Diamond Skill Rating.

The amount of ppl who play this game at the highest level is VERY SMALL. And theyā€™re not always logged on.
The weird truth is that there are not enough High Elo Players logged onto Queue to make those lobbies.
The solution for High Elo/SR
Diamond, Masters, GM, Top500
is for these players to have set times to play.
At 6pm every night, or to a menu notification that a Showdown/Tournament will be held at 6pm, 9pm, whevenever. Have bonus xp or special cosmetics or titles.

Right now, ppl just play whenever they can or whenever they want and the matchmaker does itā€™s best with who is online.
If youā€™re getting bad games over and over, itā€™s just not a good time to queue.

The ranks are a skill curve and even though a player was Plat3 against all the teams they faced yesterday, the next day could have a different skill curve and the same Plat3 perfomance would be considered Gold1 because of the new daily skill curve

I just canā€™t agree. They are obviously not trying what so everā€¦ Or they donā€™t know how to read. It doesnt take more than 3 seconds of scrolling and reading comments to see that.

I will say this I played ow1 on for the first couple of seasons. On ranks from platinum to diamond. Now I came back when ow2 came out and played on ranks from gold to master. I have played over 500 ranked matches. And what I am experiencing now is the worst thing I have ever encountered in this game. It used to be that even if I was losing most of the games were even. Now I either win with a big advantage or get destroyed. There is nothing in between. At best, one in five games is equal. This is very frustrating because when I get to a team that canā€™t move from the spawn there is nothing I can do to change the course of the match. Playing as a master 4 I have a plat 5 on my team. Another thing that strikes me is just the big difference in ranks and to make things even more interesting the biggest advantage is felt in the DPS difference. When a TANK or SUPP is a bit worse you donā€™t feel it so much. But the large disparity in ranks at DPS role is probably the reason why the matches are so one-sided. The feel of the game is really bad if in a master match I have a DPS of rank gold. I never had a problem waiting in que for a good match. I waste more time on one sided matches. Sometimes for 5 wins in row I stays in the same division. Once for 5 wins and 10 losses I was demoted by 5 divisions.
I play SUPP and I am not able to influence the game if there is such a big gap in ranks especially in the role of DPS. I canā€™t carry it as SUPP, if my two DPS donā€™t know what to do then the game feels terrible.


The ranking system is completely destroyed, I have lost my desire to play this game!


Rank inflation is a real problem killing the game. Once I thought gm was a prestigious titleā€¦ It is just so unfair to people who have put effort in playing, improving and climbing thought the ladder.

Maybe fixing this mid season would cause frustration to some certain players but the problem is, they donā€™t deserve their current rank in the first place. Putting them back to where they belong is the move of righteousness.

As long as it is justified and fair, fixing the rank inflation asap is the best way to keep the game sustainable.

I see most people are replying about their skewed high rank matches. But my issue is low rank with friends. I never played OW 1 but my friends did on console. They hadnā€™t played for years though and in the new game they are on PC and retained their high MMR but their visible rank is Bronze.

I could be wrong but the problem Iā€™m seeing here is that because of their retained stats, we keep matching against very high skilled players (regardless of visible rank) and weā€™ve been stuck in Bronze since season one. BUT if Iplay without them, my win rate SOARS. APPARENTLY Iā€™m good for Bronze!

Whatā€™s frustrating too is I donā€™t think I have a big skill gap with my friends. Like their old console ranks are yanking them into matches with much higher skilled PC players even for them.

But apparently this current matchmaking system punishes me for wanting to play a TEAM game with my FRIENDS?

Please like just matchmake with visible SR ranks. Sure some stomping at low ranks will happen but it will flatten out REALLY fast when I stall at my actual skill tier (low gold based on some of the very few REALLY close and intense, fun matches we get).


the game is deadā€¦ terrible matchmaking, hackers everywhere and no content improvementā€¦ waiting for the finals.

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I finish the season as silver and start as bronze5! but thatā€™s not all - the ranking does not change as if it had been suspended for a very long time despite playing very good matches, and when I finally managed to get to bronze3, after five consecutive VERY GOOD STATISTICALLY GOOD MATCHES AND WON IN A ROWā€¦ Iā€™m falling to bronze 4 hehehehehehehehee. I stop playing this game because it has lost its meaning. I wonā€™t mention that since this game became free, the real pathology started - I was playing with a guy who played Zenyata and didnā€™t know he was a healer! Iā€™m slowly saying goodbye to Overwatch because this game has already lost a dream. you can stand on your head, but you will not leave bronze because it is impossible.


Disagree hard man. I play in the low ranks where there should be MASSIVE populations to pull from to find me a good match. Itā€™s rarely good matches. If I play by myself I win a lotā€¦. But god forbid I play with friends who are ranked slightly higher than me. We lose 12/15 matches in like 3 hours. And MAYBE like 3 of those games were close enough to still be fun.

So sad that a game that is this masterpiece of game mechanics is being almost completely undermined by its abismal matchmaking experience that punishes me for playing this TEAM game with friends.

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Absolutely maddening that this game crushes your soul. I know Iā€™m not a BAD player. But Iā€™ve been trapped in bronze since the game came out. Itā€™s like they care neither for new or old playersā€¦.

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Iā€™m diamond 4 (support) and diamond 5 dps. Why am I playing against masters, GMā€™s, and top 500ā€™s!?

The visual rank feels like a sham. :face_vomiting: Feels more like a team rank than my own rank. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I am gold 3 on support and have completed my matches 3 times today (15 wins) losing 2 to 4 games on each placement and I havenā€™t moved once. I feel like usually I would have gone up by now as I have breezed through this rank before. Iā€™m lost here any advice?

Same team. Iā€™ve been stuck here for a long time in bronze and canā€™t get past 3, but now Iā€™m 4ā€¦frustrating

EXACTLY the same with me! Even if you stand on your head, they wonā€™t let you out of bronze. Iā€™m not a bad player, but I canā€™t go higher than bronze 3 right now! Iā€™m slowly finishing my adventure with this game - itā€™s a waste of time and nerves. Second - since they made the game free to play, pure pathology began. Goodbye Overwatch, but I donā€™t have the nerves and time to continue playing your pathological production. Overwatch 2 is pure failure.

Anybody else having an issue with ā€œskill based matchmakingā€? I made diamond 4 solo queue, but was getting teammates who were unranked?? How tf does that happen or make senseā€¦ Iā€™m back down to platinum 5 now. Basically overwatch is horrible to play unless you have a dedicated team every time you play.

Why is it that players can insta leave ranked matches with little to no repercussions, but the people that end up losing, thanks to these losers that leave from the slightest bit of pressure, still get penalized with a loss. EVEN ROCKET LEAGUE DOESNā€™T PENALIZE THE PEOPLE THAT DIDNā€™T LEAVE.


Iā€™m a silver player trying to rank up but keep getting games where the enemy players are in plat/Dimond. Making the game less enjoyable

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