Overwatch 2 Beta: Bugs Report List (For all Players to fill)

at the end of a match my entire HUD disappeared. like i couldnt see my abilities, health, enemies health etc.

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Game ruining sound bug. I picked up Overwatch 1 just before the beta dropped and had the same issue. Sound cuts out occasionally and then all pops on at once, blasting out my speakers or headphones (it’s not a tech issue as it’s on all my sound devices)

Recording of issue: https://vimeo.com/705158173/6d502e16a6

GeForce overlay (alt+z) breaks gui and hud, both in a match and in the menus

On New York map the platform on the defender’s side of the train zen was slept and fell slightly underneath the floor so he was unshootable until he woke up

Moira’s heal ball disappears when coming into contact with Mei’s Ice wall. Is this on purpose or a bug? It happened twice in one game.

(Unsure if OP can still move this post as there have been quite some replies)
Though if possible please move this thread to #pvp-beta-bug-reports, you are able to see this if you have logged into the forums with the account you have beta access with.
If you are unable to see this, please relog onto the forums with your account and you’ll be able to view it.

If you are having issues with accessing the beta forums, please go here:

Any new posts might be better off in seperate threads so it’s easier to categorise the bugs instead of a megathread like this.

If OP is unable to move this thread, rather requesting this to be moved to #pvp-beta-bug-reports by CS if possible and thank you.

I don’t know if someone reported this, but if you press tab at a certain frame (Not 100% sure, but I always loses my hud when I press tab repeatedly) it completely hides the U.I. It doesn’t go away until the match ends so I’m stuck playing OW 2 cinematic mode. Alt+Z doesn’t bring it back either, it just removes my frame counter and that’s it.

  1. Unable to back out (B button and/or ESC) when in the Options screen under the following menus:
  • Sound
  • Controls (if any changes are made)
    *Tabbing over to a different menu will allow backing out
  1. Unable to use voice commands when down (i.e. “Sorry” voice line after you die)
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This bug has been mentioned previously inside this post but in my opinion it could use a bit more clarity so I figured I’d phrase it in a more clear way.

There’s a bug with Symmetra’s turret deployment that is consistently triggered by deploying a sentry in the skybox (destruction caused by death barriers do not cause the same bug).
Once the turret(s) will get automatically destroyed by the game, Symmetra permanently loses them, even after death.

For example, by deploying two turrets into the skybox, once they’ll be destroyed, Symmetra will be able to have a single turret deployed at any time throughout the game.

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There’s a small bug with the 3440x1440 21:9 resolution where I am seeing black bars on either side of the screen. Nothing major though.

I’ve had two King of the Hill games now where the enemy team have lost even though they were all on point at 100% without anyone contesting and another where they were at 98% yet the game ended before they reached 100%. Really wish they’d add a “Report a bug” option in-game since this is a beta for us to test and a replay mode so we can send recordings in of the bug happening. Maps that they happened on were Ilios and Oasis. Not sure if it’s map related but just adding for more detail

Another bug I’ve found once is when a teammate dies, their revive orb is pinged to another part of the map so you can’t rez them. Not sure how to recreate the bug.

For more detail: I was playing Mercy, pocketing a Soldier on top of the castle in Eichenwalde. A Cassidy and Genji killed the Soldier and when I went to rez him, I couldn’t. After a bit of panic, I found his death Icon on the first point of Eichenwalde. Not sure how it got there as he died right next to me on top of the castle.

Hi, I just played a game on Kingsrow as lucio, on point 3 on defense i could not see my head up display. No health, others health, my ult charge, nothing. hope this helps, i don’t know what caused it

It’s hard to explain but while playing a match some combination of ults/abilities caused a quite loud sound to happen. It wasn’t something normal and more of a loud tone.

Idk if it has been reported already. But in my last game Cassidy ulted through a half broken Rein shield

When I try to change the sound output in the Overwatch 2 settings, it never saves my choice and always resets back to a default option.

I watched echo leave her ult visibly on point when it was in overtime. The timer then went immediately down after losing ult . I watched her transforming out of ult making it count as her off point. We ended up winning because of this. I don’t believe that should count as her being off point going in or out of ult.

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If you find multiple bugs, create a separate thread for each one. While this may seem tedious, it is essential to our workflow as it allows our internal tools track which specific bugs have been investigated and it helps us share the workload among our team.

I can’t get it to work either. Bound it to G and that works fine and from what I can tell I don’t have scroll wheel click bound anywhere else.

Just found when scrolling through the Controls that I had previously bound it to Push to Talk. Removed that (right click) and now Ping works.