Overwatch 2 Beta: Bugs Report List (For all Players to fill)

Sometime the games just stuck and not responding

Tried exiting out of the Beta through the main menu, game did not exit properly and froze up my computer. Had to force restart.

Edit - Note: Was screen-sharing in a discord call, may or may have not had anything to do with this possibly???

Game seemed to work flawlessly for me otherwise in the training range.

There seems to be some sort of mouse acceleration issue in the beta for OW2. Ive played widow for thousands of hours across a few accounts at masters+ ranks and it just doesnt feel like a 1 to 1 replica of the feel of aiming in overwatch 1. It must be mouse acceleration or some sort of raw mouse input issue, we need more mouse settings to tinker with in the controls please or to just better replicate what the mouse felt like in overwatch 1 which was CSGO level of perfection.

Symmetra bug: when you will drop your turrets into nothing and they will get automatically destroyed you cant get them back

Check the advanced mouse settings. Might be addressing some of that.

When accidentally assigning the same button to two different actions, the game doesn’t warn me, both actions just stop working. e.g. I had the middle mouse button assigned to toggle mic and the new pinging action also got assigned to middle mouse button. Neither worked until I chose another mapping for one of them.

When I first launched the game, it was set to full screen but only covered part of my screen. I was able to circumvent this issue by setting it to borderless windowed, restarting and then going full screen. I play on a 4K monitor at 1080p.

Soldier’s HUD is tilted and some of it is off the screen.

On Dorado, after the second point was captured by the enemy team and the wall in front of the cart went up, it still continued acting as a wall.

When capturing point, the color of the team in the large icon does not change. So even though blue team held point, the point marker in the top of the screen remains red, but the blue hold counter keeps rising.

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Low end pc suffering a great deal on the beta, I use a gt920M it runs Overwatch 1 but OW2 is making it bottleneck causing constant crashes, Genshin Impact is heavier and takes a bigger toll on my pc and doesn’t crash not even nearly as much as OW2

Brig score card still says armor provided.

Pharah’s “Mission Complete” Highlight Intro does not render her helmet, leading to bonus hilarity when paired with the Enchanted Armor Skin.

Sombra’s “Hacking” Highlight Intro does not play any animation before the POTG, simply showing a static camera angle of the map.

When using the Brick Bastion skin, the audio for his weapon still has the old audio making the weapon sound way faster than it actually is.

So if I get rez’d by Mercy or if I spawn during the deathcam, my UI is totally gone for the next minute or so. Then it will come back randomly. If it doesn’t come back it will just crash to the desktop. Anyone else get this issue?

So far I’ve noticed 2 issues

I’m not positive on this first one but it seemed that brig inspire was still healing after I had died, or at least it kept showing I was on the score card

The second one is there are some holes in the texture on the upper bridge of second point eichenwalde.

Another thing I’ve noticed is a lot more incidents where your ragdoll flies off if you die to an explosion or while using mobility.

Having your Windows Scale at anything but 100% will cause the game to crash on Launch.

Hi! I’ve been testing new maps on a custom room and found a visual bug of ping system. It’s not big of a deal but I wanted to contribute to this thread of bugs to fix. Here is a short video I made so all of you can see what i’m talking about. Overwatch 2 Beta Ping Visual Bug - YouTube

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Sombra’s hack doesn’t seem to disable abilities for as long as it should and her ultimate sometimes doesn’t disable them at all.

Sombra - reload animation doesn’t play sometimes. I’ll hit reload, nothing happens with the gun, clip is full after a second.
Sombra - as many have said, the “Hacking” highlight doesn’t play for POTG
Lucio - weapon wouldn’t reload for me. Only happened once.

[GUI] pressing esc wont exit the options screen and idk if this counts as a bug and not seen many people report it but things feel unresponsive like aim and abilitys

I’ve actually been having some issues with the new ping system. Sometimes when I either join a new game or select a new character in the middle of a new match the setting will revert to my presets from live OW, i.e. the “ping” function is set to clicking my scroll wheel, but sometimes it’ll switch to “I need help” from my live OW account settings. I check the setting and they’re still showing the changes for the ping settings.

Also just as a quality of life the ping wheel itself feels stiff. Just as a comparison to Apex’s ping it feels more fluid and seamless. This one really feels like you have to fling the mouse to get the selection you want which really messes with you’re aim in the middle of a fight. But i really like that when it does work it will automatically show you who you pinged which is REALLY helpful. Three years waiting on that change.