So how do you explain the fact that a lot of solo queue players can climb? Do they not face the same problems as everyone else?
The things listed may have some influence but they in no way prevent one from climbing. At the very most they make it harder, not impossible. Prevention means it can’t happen at all, ever.
Just because one player can climb doesn’t mean every player can climb, because no 2 people are the same. No 2 people play the same. No 2 people experience the game in the same way.
So yes, those things can prevent a player from climbing while others climb unimpeded.
The problems we’re talking about here slow you down from climbing. However I still believe they don’t stop you climbing if you actually play well enough to climb in the absence of these problems. You can’t blame these issues if you would not climb even in perfect circumstances.
They’re annoying problems and they definitely make a lot of matches not very fun but they’re not stopping anyone who deserves to climb from doing so.
a GM can cut through the ranks like a warm knife through butter.
but the difference between low plat and high silver is, by todays standards, minimal. been there, done that.
the main problems are smurfs, MMR matchmaking and misplaced players, that don‘t belong in their current rank.
and in these ranks are 70% of the community. and for them, the game feels completely random and not rewarding at all, because of that.
in one game you STOMP boosted or miserably misplaced players, that are WAY too high for their elo. in the next game you get REKT by five-stacks and/or deranked smurfs for the lolz.
there is no steady increase in difficulty while playing. there are veeery few matches that are „balanced“ and feel good, even if they were technically close.
mostly it‘s about who has the better smurfs or the less impactful throwers.
I think you’re missing the entire point. It is NOT possible for everyone to climb. For you to climb, you have to TAKE SR from the other team. You climbing comes at the expense of your opponents, and vice versa. That’s what people don’t understand about ranked. It’s cruel, but it’s the reality, and that is why Competitive was never mandatory to play.
I am glad you said this, whole thread in matter of fact.
I experienced that “git gud” bull tail stuff last night. I said “This is just my luck. Just as I use ultimate to kill 2, out of no where whole team appears” and then 2 people went on me “That is just bad game sense, it’s not luck”. I definitely don’t need that after I lost 10 matches in a row after I reached platinum. I am also solo queuing. I am open for healthy critique and discussion, I am not when you just trash me down.
My game sense is good as theirs. We are in same team. I’m not sorry because I cannot see through the walls as Soldier 76. I’m only a human and I cannot think of it all of what I can do to change in certain situations. I am completely aware that I just need just a word or two to change what I am doing wrong. But most of the time you don’t get that. You get trashed down.
I am playing damage role most of the time. In recent matches, I am getting rather very aware of trend why those matches are DEFEAT. It’s either tanks unable to protect/pressure or healers are not healing enough and you as DPS, no matter how great damage you do, they kill you and then you are not doing as much damage as you could.
I don’t mind if people tell me to “git gud” but do these people realize that if you only tell them to “git gud” and you don’t give any suggestion how to improve that you are not helping anyone?
You are just trashing the player to indulge yourself or whatever.
Boy that is so well said. People seem to have this issue measuring self worth with externals and they are not even aware that job/work is also external. There are lots of externals out there…
Why would I get a coach when I can figure it out my self? I figured out my self how to climb from silver to platinum (in less than a month), I don’t see why I shouldn’t continue doing so. Also, I wasn’t blaming the healers and tanks. I was saying what was the trend of lost matches. How can I be good DPS if I am dead most of the time? Unless you know, Widow, Sombra…
Dont die than, play more safe or find good support duo partner. Its nice you climbed from silver to plat, good job. I didnt know, i thought you are stuck based on what you wrote.
That’s not exactly what I was talking about. Any one person can climb, but I was was under the impression that Comixfan was trying to express that it should be possible for the entire player population to climb into high ranks (he doesn’t explicitly say it but it was an impression), and that’s simply not possible because you have to take ranks from people for yourself to go upwards.
And you have to acknowledge, that every smurf or alt account pushes REAL players (or “main” accounts) down, even if he would have otherwise belonged in that range originally.
5 accounts in plat from one person means (simplified) 4 other players have to be a tier below.
I mean, I feel like there’s a difference between a Plat+ “overcoming the shortcomings” of a bronze team vs a bronze player trying to overcome the shortcomings of a bronze team.
As a plat+ player, it would be harder for you to carry a plat+ team than a bronze team, right? Because it’s easy to carry lower level players against lower level enemies. When you’re trying to carry people in your tier against people in your tier, that’s a lot harder.