Orisa = Old Mercy

I hope it will remove her from the matches because she along with widow and hanzo is the definition of anti fun.

Literally every hero on the enemy team is the definition of “anti-fun” :woman_shrugging:

It’s a good thing “fun” is subjective

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I meant previous buffs + heroes being good against her nerfed I just woke up.

Not really, I have fun playing against most heroes in the game.

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I’m just trying to say that calling a hero “anti-fun” is pretty meaningless since lots of people have different opinions on what’s fun.

I have no problem with Widowmaker but some people can’t handle the thought of being one-shot. Calling for nerfs on the basis of what some call “fun” is pretty extreme.

You should be able to see what heroes are anti-fun just by their kit. Not getting to play the game or getting forced to play in very restrictive ways isn’t very fun. You’re never going to have anything but an extreme minority of people like playing against Orisa, Mei or Widow unless they’re bad and don’t know any better or play those heroes themselves.

its the dps that are the problem and orisa is the tank that can deal with heavy damage the best because of her regenerating shield. rein gets melted by hanzos and widows

I mean Orisa’s damage is a big part of why you can’t run Rein either. Orisa Hog melts Rein’s shield before he can get close.

Rein needs at minimum Zarya and Lucio to be good to get enabled. Reinhardt has never ever been better than Orisa, Rein was being run because of the other heroes enabling him.

Why does everyone want to nerf everything I love and hold dear :frowning:

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If you really loved Orisa you’d want her to balanced instead of making people have a personal vendetta against her for being the default MT and dumping on everyone else for nearly a year like certain other heroes.

I don’t know but I’m running out of mains to play at this rate. :frowning:

Lucio, Symm, Sombra, Orisa…everything I love gets nerfed.

I like Blizzard’s path of minor adjustment. Reworks can be fun but they’re always cause for drama. Her shield is getting nerfed and that’s a good start. As well, Sigma is being added which opens up new strategies and draws attention away from her.

I think Halt may need some kind of change next, but nuclear routes are dangerous and we’re at a point in balance where IMO most heroes are pretty good, so nuclear routes are unnecessary and instead we should have more frequent but still smaller patches

Or again a meta is favouring something. I’m glad they ignore the forums if these asinine rumblings are what they think

this is why low ranks aren’t involved in balance changes, you’re so wrong it’s not even funny.

And then petty insults and made up rank shaming when someone has no point. Predictable

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“Weather forecast: mon-SOON.”


it’s not that orisa is strong is that a mixture of dps powercreep and tank nerfs left her as the only viable main tank.

also, SERIOUSLY, if you think orisa is anywhere close to moth merc then you are either delusional, grossly misinformed or in bad faith.
Moth Mercy was on a realm not even launch brig reached. Orisa has been in this state fr over a year and only now has risen to dominance.
If she was as busted as moth mercy as you stupidly claim her to be she would have dominated the whole game for a long time.

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I loved her when everyone thought she was a throw pick.

I stuck with her as the meta changed, and now you want us to leave her hangin?

I don’t do my boo dirty like that.

Seriously though, it’s such a joke how people woke up one day and were like “YUP ORISA IS SUDDENLY ALL OF MY PROBLEMS IN THIS GAME.”

Lol get real. It’s not her fault the rest of the tanks aren’t tanks. There is a mismatch between dps being overtuned and tanks being too flimsy. She just happens to be the least affected by this mismatch and she’s one of the most recent. Hammond is also new. Hammond is also good.

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it’s amazing how fast people started hating her.
Not even two days of meta and “nerf orisa” threads started popping up.

It’s somehting all main tanks have gone through.
Remember “rein must pick pls ban he causes goats” and “orisa just can’t replace rein, she’s too bad”.
Same happened during dive for winston.

Main tanks gets a lot of hate


She’s been meta in high rank for months. It’s not that recent.