Orisa = Old Mercy

Orisa’s pick rate right now is 88% in OWL, the old mercy went also to 90% in OWL before being reworked hopefully.

The state of Orisa right now in 2-2-2 is ridicolous, not only in OWL to be honest, but also in rankeds, the losing team is always the team playing against orisa with another random main tank.

I don’t know if devs can balance this hero only nerfing her, we just need an orisa 2.0


She’s already getting a nerf tomorrow. Plus rein gets a new passive.

Not to mention sigma will be added to comp September 3rd giving her even more competition for the shield tank slot


Imagine whining because a meta favours a hero that has no real changes besides cooldowns wince her launch.

Maybe the game bunker busters just suck and Ana is waaaaaay to good at healing right now


I love Orisa comps… Because I can usually demolish them with Hammond. :man_shrugging:

People like being meta slaves, Orisa isn’t particularly broken at most ranks on ladder. Remember, she got no significant buffs in the time she went from being the least played main tank, to being the most played. It’s really hard to argue she needs nerfs IMO.


Maybe its too hard to engage into her because Winston and Rein suck, and all it takes is a Mei to end Hammond’s whole career?


Uhm, most people when referencing “old Mercy” means the one with Mass Rez, and I seriously doubt she was used to any extent in OWL. I’m going to assume you’re talking about the first iteration of Valkyrie.


They are obviously talking about pickrates. :roll_eyes:

I hope they don’t rework Orisa. But if they do, I hope she can fly. She needs to be able to fly.

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Meta is a consiquence, hero OPness is a reason


Actually Mercy’s rework came before the Overwatch League. The reason she was so highly picked was because her rework made her overpowered in that they gave her ultimate as a basic cooldown and given the rare times Mercy was used before her rework in professional play was as a single target resurrect, it not only made her better, but insanely broken since Valkyrie offered cooldown resets and cooldown reduction on Resurrect. So you did not even have to wait for everyone to die at once, you could rez as they died and the average amount of resurrects per game almost doubled.

But regardless, Mercy was only ever picked almost 100% when she was reworked since prior to it, Overwatch League did not exist, and based on other professional play, Mercy was unlikely to be used.


Do you have details, by chance?

What is this new Passive that Rein’s getting?

If “hero OPness” is the reason, why was she the least played main tank in the game two months ago?


I think any functional hero will have a nerf lynch mob after him or her.

This is because a functional hero will have the capacity to make a decisive impact on a game, which leads the losing players to conclude the hero is unfair. Doesn’t matter if it’s Orisa or Mei or whoever.


He’s getting a passive that gives Rein something lke a 30% reduction to CC boops.


No. She’s. Not. She’s got a 7.62 pickrate across all competitive modes, old mercy was 16%. IE, Two mercys, one on both teams, every single game. While orisa’s winrate is high (54.48%) and warrants attention, this is the direct effect of adding a bunker HEALER to the cast. Baptiste was practically built for Bunker comps.

Orisa was F-tier before Baptiste dropped. Orisa and Reinhardt’s pickrates have swapped. I get it, it’s not fun to watch the old vanguard get crushed by a new wombo combo, but it’s nice that Orisa is finally in a place where she’s getting picked and has a reason to be picked over Reinhardt, which is something she’s struggled with in the 2 years since her release.


Thank you! (20 characters)

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Orisa’s effectiveness now is the literal definition of power creep. Her ability was always there, it’s just now being realized.

IMO It’s a combination of that, and most of the other tanks having been nerfed over the last year or so because of goats.

No, the other MT just got nerfed to the ground.
She was never OP, she was Trash against 3 3, and with that gone and Rein nerfed, they looked at her as the next “”“vaible”"" MT.

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You’re thinking of post-rework “Moth Mercy”, before the rework got bludgeoned with the nerf bat.

OWL barely ever used Mercy 1.0, and when they did it was only for an occasional pharmercy strat.

Old Mercy was literally one of the least used characters in pro play.
Reworked Mercy was the most broken hero of all time.