Orisa = Old Mercy

She was a problem from day one, but the “pros” didn’t care, so Blizzard didn’t care. Totally risk-free version of Rein, except she suffers no penalty from broken shields, and acts as a damage pump while shielding at the same time.

I can’t believe this fundamentally flawed concept even made it past the brainstorming phase. I instinctively cringe every time I hear the enemy Mercy ressing Orisa (often after I have blown an ultimate just to remove her)

Where do people like you even come from.

“Suffers no penalty from broken shields”

Like… later dude(tte).

In response to what though, take the next step in the thought process here.

Widow, hanzo, mccree, ashe?

How long have they been prominent? Who else has the tools to defend from them?

I agree that she’s not a problem but this isn’t true, her projectile speed and spread and other gun thingies have been buffed over the past few months.


Lucio speed nerf is probably the biggest factor. You can see Rein’s win/pickrate go down and Orisa’s go up the same time in GM.

Which old mercy are we talkin here?

Troll pick mass rez or Moth meta rework disaster?

They nerfed Hanzo who happens to be one of the best barrier busters in the game, don’t forget.

I would assume must pick Mercy. Mercy from season 6-10, I believe.

Wasn’t mercy also 90% pickrate on live? Not just OWL?

Also I have no data on this one, but didn’t teams without a mercy have like…a 30% winrate or something ridiculously low?