Orisa = Old Mercy

It just goes to show how willing blizzard was to nerf characters for ignorant players, everyone who played at the professional level knew exactly what she was capable of and how vulnerable she was.

Though, she was not as engaging to play. Not that she’s all that much more engaging to play now-a-days anyways.

10 nerfs was ouch. I wish the 50 healing got bumped back up to 60, but it’ll never happen.

bc she got direct and indirect buffs to actual moment

You know anas pickrate has been like old mercy for like six months right?

bUT SkIlL!!11111


Revert Lucio changes, revert Global armor nerf, revert Brig shield to 500.

I think that covers it.

Ah yes, her movement is definitely her most powerful ability and the reason she’s picked, the fact that she can gallop all across the battlefield at breakneck speeds is incredibly powerful.

C’mon now, you’re seriously telling me Orisa is overpowered because she now moves at a snail’s pace, rather than half a snail’s pace while shooting?

Massive buff, I know, I can see why that would make her a must pick :roll_eyes:

  • It’s not like she’s effectively stationary most of the time anyway, right?

  • It’s not like she got the buff and then still saw zero play for two more months, right?

  • It’s not like she also got nerfed in the same time period because damage mitigation from armor got reduced and half her HP is armor, making her have significantly less effective HP, right?

Oh wait. All of those are true.


Wall of useless text, miss one key word, indirect buffs, thats mean someone got nerfs which provide others being op. Now we have new goats through the mei orisa dva/hog ggs. I mean goats playstyle, press buttons, tiny windows for punishment, all about abilities, less shooting, moba domination again. Orisa was op even before, but others was strong enough to couner her playstyle. This stupid hero just have too much for that game, she have cc, 50% resist 50% increase damage for team, consistent shields, all abilities synergizes with her uptimes and others, she have 134 dps w/o fallof that grants rain to be unplayable against, dive/flans are punishable bc of pull+hook and damage output just from those 2 tanks. Hog aswell got direct buffs grants him to oneshot everything with 250 hp or less.

orisa’s shield is kind of unhealthy for the game, but i can’t really think of any ways to nerf it.

Rein needs a shield buff and an armor buff. Maybe like a +1000 hp shield buff if he wants to be anywhere near competitive with orisa.

When you nerf pretty much every tank the ones who haven’t been touched in MONTHS can actually see playtime

Which is sad to think, that every tank has been nerfed so much, or the characters they need to work with have been nerfed, that characters who have been “meh” for a YEAR are suddenly “OP!?!”

Rein doesn’t work well because of D.va nerfs, Lucio nerfs, Brig nerfs, chain CC, and DPS powercreep

Winston doesn’t work because of D.va nerfs, Zen nerfs, Mercy nerfs, chain CC, and DPS powercreep

Zarya doesn’t work because of D.va nerfs, and Reinhardt being pushed out

Hammond doesn’t work because he only really worked in 4-1-1 which you can’t do anymore

That leaves Orisa, Roadhog, and D.va, and D.va only scrapes by because DM still keeps HER safe

Though with Sigma on the way, maybe we’ll see Sigma/ D.va comps since they can stop the Halt/ Hook combo with their abilities

It is easy, cooldowns should be wider, wtf are those 7-8 seconds? it should be 10-12 seconds for that kind of powers like fortify, shields, pull especially and mei wall/cryo. fortify lasts too long it is 5 seconds, it is eternity. The problem with goats was because of too much moba aspect in the game, too much abilities with fast cooldowns grants tiny windows for punishment, so OW from moba/shooter becomes moba favour. Just press the sequence of keys ftw…it is so boring. Baptiste immortality is broken too, why it is starts to cooldown when it is active?

Lol no he doesn’t. Let him fall out of meta for a while, he’s been a must-pick for a very long time, even in his utterly bugged pre-Doomfist state. Brig’s release did the same Baptiste did to Orisa - she enabled him a lot.

Don’t look at tanks, look at supports, they enable tanks and make metas.

someone on reddit was suggesting like a 9 sec cooldown with an extra 2 sec cd if it breaks

Cool. Looks like we will be going back to complaining about rein then.

Her guardian angel has certainly been improved, but I’d say that overall Mercy has gotten less engaging since her 1.0 version.

Multirez remains controversial to this very day, but the fact remains that it was Mercy’s big power moment, her main source of player agency, and where most of her skill expression manifested through mastery of gamesense and battlefield awareness.

The Valkyrie rework hasn’t given Mercy any acceptable substitutes for these gameplay elements.

Mercy no longer has anything that can be accurately be described as a “big power moment”. Mercy’s player agency is at an all time low, and Mercy’s skill ceiling has been significantly lowered.

Nearly all of Mercy’s value is bound to team-dependent abilities that derive their value from the skill of Mercy’s teammates instead of Mercy herself.

Instead of adding new skills to master, Mercy’s E and Q abilities undermine and sabotage the skill expression of Mercy’s base kit: beam juggling and survival through GA management. E-Rez forces Mercy to stop healing and stand still, while Valkyrie juggles Mercy’s beams for her and invalidates GA skills with free flight and permaregen.

And while the skill celling of GA management has gone up through the roof, the skill celling of Mercy’s beam juggling has been noticably lowered.

The healing nerf from 60 to 50 hps gives Mercy significantly less time to juggle her damage boost. Allies you could have saved by the skin of your teeth with 60hps (if you got there early enough) now die under 50hps no matter what you do.

The damage boost mechanic being changed from “applied even the blow lands” to “applied even the shot is fired” denies Mercy the skill expression of playing attention to her team’s attacks, and juggling her beams to boost a shot just as it landed.

Some team dependence is fine, but Mercy’s kit has become so oversaturated with it that her value is more decided by her team’s ability to make use of her, instead of the Mercy player’s ability to make use of their own kit.

I still love Mercy’s base gameplay of lock-on beams and guardian angel, but it feels like a foundation with no building on top.

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rein got no changes since goats and is now useless, outside sources can make a hero under powered or overpowered.
orisa needs to be gutted.

Judging from what I saw on PTR… Orisa will still stay the meta pick. Sure, it might be SIGMA all around for a few days until people get tired of him, but it’s back to Orisa all day every day again.

The PTR nerf is a joke, especially since she get a compensation buff and one of the best heroes against her got nerfed more.

People defending Orisa are just flat out wrong.

Tank = Healer…

Nope, sorry, don’t see it.

What was the compensation buff?

I think one day you’ll catch up with the rest of us and be able to succeed with Mercy. I really believe in you. Bless your little heart. :pray::raised_hands: