Orisa- Never here, always forgotten

Hello! Another post about flaws in OW:

Today we look at one of the most ignored heroes in Overwatch history, Orisa. A hero whose lack of respect and attention in the overwatch community has been pitiful.

Orisa, the first tank to be added to the game, was released in March 2017. She was meant to be released as an alternative from Rein that could deal damage from a distance. However, upon release, she fit no niche. SirSwag, a pretty profilic OW/gaming YouTuber, put it best when he said (about Orisa) “I can do everything my team can do… only much worse”.

Fun Fact- Orisa was actually the first hero I “mained”. When I bought the game, there wasn’t any hero that I actually found fun because I felt that since other people had the more experience with those heroes that I did, I would never be good enough. But a new hero, with a do-everything playstyle, would put me on roughly the same ground as anyone else- so I played Orisa a lot at first. She was also my first POTG. I played heavily Orisa in my first set of placements. Safe to say, I did not win easily nor did my team receive me very well. I was flamed for playing a “terrible hero”. After that, I stuck to Roadhog.

Orisa has gotten a few buffs since launch- the biggest being the buff to her shield CD that brought it from 12 to 8. It allowed her to occupy a niche where your team could hold a position very easily because Orisa had her shield up much more than Reinhardt and she could pull heroes for damage to spam into, but she was really only played on defense and maps with cliffs to pull stuff off of. That’s still really the only places she’s played at.

She also got a buff more recently that charges Supercharger 15% faster- which was very helpful because Supercharger, along with being a terrible ultimate, charged slower than maybe anything the game for a year or so, even if you always were getting damage off.

Overbuff, Competitive, Last Month, Pickrates
Reinhardt- 11.95%
Winston- 3.00%
Orisa- 1.71%

And Orisa has been #3 among main tank pickrates since her release, picked so much less than her counterparts. Why is this?

Well, it has to do with a few things. Like I said above, Orisa had trouble finding her niche and even though she has, she remains a very niche hero even though she was designed to be a more central pick. She struggles to make sufficient pushes on attack because of how immobile her playstyle is. She has a fat hitbox with only 400 HP, the lowest among all tanks, technically a little more than Zarya since she has armor but Zarya also has the advantage of her personal shield and shield regen. Once she loses Fortify, she gets smoked by pretty much every DPS in the game. But these issues are not as central as what I believe her two main issues are, from what all other issues stem.

#1- Her image.
There are multiple accused “F Tier heroes” who are, simply, heroes who are countered all too easily and are unable to do their basic jobs. Orisa, I believe, is among them.

But these other “F Tier heroes” have communities behind them. The Bastion Megathreads, who I’m sure anyone who’s been on this forum for more than a day has gotten a chance to see, are some of the most liked and replied to posts of all time, and Bastion is finally, after a year and a half, is getting buffs. Mei has her own megathread and she is in a much better place right now, with decent winrates, good long range and short range damage, and the ability to stall. Reaper just got buffed and although he might not be great at all ranks yet, he is still a very good hero in lower ranks. Sym has gotten multiple megathreads and her die hard fans frequently rally changes for sym, and she also just got a buff.

But Orisa?

How many people have you met, online or IRL, who call themselves Orisa mains? How many mega threads have been made for Orisa? How much is Orisa even talked about in discussion? You don’t even really have to think that hard about the answers to these questions. We know the answers.

And who can blame the community? In a game of so many dynamic and cool looking heroes, who wants to play as a clunky looking Horse Lady Omnic, who moves at the speed of a rock rather than a horse, who’s only real purpose is to spam her shield, who is a guaranteed death as soon as the main healer dies, who has underwhelming damage despite having a mini gun attached to her arm, whose ultimate is a crap version of Valkyrie? Her only real attractions are the mini grav and the oxygen mask for cc.

She has nothing that really makes her special, nothing that would immediately draw someone to her kit. So she has no fans behind her. She has no group of crusaders, no jungle. She’s just… there. And because of this, she’s ignored by both players and developers alike.
Which brings me to her second problem-

#2- Reinhardt
The problem with Reinhardt isn’t exactly that he’s too powerful, I’m not one of those anti rein people who have popped up recently. He’s got a balanced kit that feels pretty fine to play against and not anything too frustrating. The problem is that he overshadows Orisa waaay too much.

Everything about Rein is better than Orisa. His shield is a better multi purpose tool for protecting on D and pushing on attack, as well as protecting from D.Va much better. He has better damage, long range with firestrike, one shot and mobility with charge, and anti flanker with his huge hammer. His ultimate is probably the single best in the game right now, charging super fast while also having the ability to win team fights by itself. Orisa’s only real advantage over Rein is that she can handle being focused better with halt and fortify.

On practically any map, Reinhardt will be the better pick than Orisa. Considering Orisa takes the same amount of mechanical skill, if not more, than Rein, she should be able to have the same impact, if not more of an impact. But she doesn’t. And so she continues to be difficult to get value with for the people that do play her.

Orisa needs help now more than ever. Now that Rein can tank bash, fortify becomes even less of an important ability. Winston now isn’t ultra countered by Brig as well. She is getting destroyed by power creep.

What to do?

What would be ideal is a rework for some of her abilities that make her more impactful. I have heard some great suggestions, such as reworking supercharger so it gives the effects of fortify instead of a damage boost so it’s not overshadowed by valkyrie, reworking fortify so it’s on a resource meter without having a damage reduction, and allowing Orisa to pick up her shield and move it.

If I had to be realistic and not expect a rework to some of her abilities, her numbers need some serious tweaking. The top things I would suggest-

-Make her have 450 health.
Seriously. A main tank should not have this kind of pathetic health pool while being such a big target. I would even have her have 500, but that could have effects I wouldn’t be able to anticipate.

  • Reduce head hitbox
    A shield tank should not be such an easy pick for widowmaker of all heroes. Her head is friggin enormous. I would be surprised if you hit the body and not the head.

-Decrease the pull time of halt
In the wake of hogs changes, which make him feel a lot better (thank you!) Orisa also needs a reduction to the delay between activating the ball and pulling. It takes way, way too long to get off and allows people to either walk away from it when they see it coming or walk out of the effects even when they were in the pulls range. The ball should travel faster and activate faster.

Supercharger, for how terrible an ult it is, should either have as much health as BOB or not be killable at all.

We need help for the Omnic chieftess now! Rally for Orisa!


I think the biggest problem Orisa faces is lack of appeal. Their are definitely heroes I’d pick her over if I’m looking for a good time, but Orisa seems to fail at drawing in a respectable base of mains.

I chalk it up to her personality, which is good, im definitely not bashing her character, but its extremely different from other tanks: knights, psychopaths, and mutant animals with or without death machines.

Her design is also hard to connect to, a centaur bot from Africa. Then there’s her origin, being built by a prodigy instead of making a name for herself by herself (none of this is bad btw).

Her playstyle is also an acquired taste for many, just think to yourself: How many heroes in this game use speed to be appealing? Speed is fun in a mainstream way, far fewer people want to go slow.

What would really boost Orisa’s popularity are some skins that change her image, like how forest guardian makes Orisa into a fantasy creature.

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I don’t think supercharger should have 1,200 health, but I would appreciate some small buffs and QoL changes for her.

Yeah, that’s sort of what I was trying to get at in this post with main problem #1, that she has a lack of appeal. Skins would definitely make her more interesting, but they would fail to change her playstyle.
I think if I had to prioritize any of her changes, I would choose making halt work faster because that ability is so clunky and it’s central to her kit. If it felt better to use, so would Orisa.

I don’t think significant enough changes could be made to her playstyle short of turning her into a different hero.

Making halt better makes sense.

Her biggest issue I think is a lak of mobility compared with Rein and Winston. She just can’t compete, it’s too risky to play her in most situations.

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Then another thing that could be done to remove the clunkiness of her kit is to get rid of the movement speed reduction on her primary fire. That would also make Orisa feel much better to use.


No mobility is tough, but can work on certain maps with the right comps. I find it really fun getting environmentals with Orisa, which is why I always pick her on Ilios Well (but usually change to Rein on Ruins). It’s also pretty darn fun to Fortify and stop an enemy Rein :yum:

I think the best changes she’s gotten are the buffs to her primary fire. With the most recent buff, I’m actually able to secure kills more often and feel like I’m actually helping. Before those buffs, it was sort of a spray and pray - like Bastion but nowhere near as powerful.

I think that (without making her primary too OP) the more they buff her weapon, the better. Giving her more ability to secure kills will make her more fun to play.

It would definitely give her the best of both Rein’s long range damage and Winston’s kill securing, which would be a huge boost

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I think Orisas problem is she is too situational. You can never really use her on attack except for the both attack maps. And even then you need a lucio for speed boost. On the maps she can be used she is really great but there isn’t a lot of maps like that so I would say that’s her biggest problem.

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I don’t think it’s so much an Orisa issue… more of a who matches with her?

Torbjorn who was considered a throw pick, might not be anymore.
Symmetra… yeah…
Mercy with Mass Resurrect, but that’s gone.
Roadhog, but he was terrible for how long again?
Bastion… poor Bastion.
Junkrat, he’s pretty good but falls off hard as you go up the ranks.

Even if you do throw together that comp… you have no way to pull off a hard engage and you can’t really consistently threaten ranged DPS, so they can just chip away at your bunker and eventually hit a good shot and just win off that.

Funnily enough… Ashe fixes those two problems. A new sniper with two abilities that force enemies to respect her space with a hard engage ultimate? Sounds perfect for bunker comp.

Then throw in Torb and Symm’s reworks, Roadhog’s buffs, Bastion’s buffs… I think Bunker comp has real potential to be good.

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I agree - some maps offer the enemy team too many flanking routes. If Orisa gets rushed by a team (especially a death ball type comp) she’s pretty much done for

That’s something I complained about here, yeah. Her value on attack is pretty limited.

I guess if you think about it, giving Orisa jump jets to escape danger is really the only logical solution.

Orisa main here. Or well, tank main, and Orisa is one of the tanks I play.

I maintained a 60% winrate with her last season IIRC.

Anyway, Orisa is IMO fine for the most part. There are a couple things that would make her more interesting though:

  • Fortify CD reduced from 10 to 7 or
    8 seconds. Considering that Fortify lasts 4 seconds itself already, having 1 fortify every 14 seconds is very, VERY slow. Could use a significant buff to cooldown. Perhaps even 6 seconds.
  • Fortify applies a 30% speed boost to Orisa for its duration. Mobility has always been Orisa’s weak point. IMO not needed, but would reduce one of her weak spots.
  • Halt max pull range increased from 7.5m to 9m. Combined with perhaps a movement root while targets are in the air. Ever since the mobility buff for all heroes a while ago, it is a lot harder to get environmental kills with Orisa. Halt also seems to have less effect because players can overcome the slowdown effect so easily.

The fortify buff might be pushing it a little, but the halt change sounds interesting and gives her some real game changing power, which she needs.

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I know it’s been a while since this chat was active, but I’ve had this possible buff/rework idea that I think would make Orisa’s abilities more… harmonious (character design and gameplay wise). Now, I won’t pretend to be a professional game developer, but I suppose throwing ideas around never hurt!

  • Healthpool increased to 450. 200 base health, 250 armour.
  • Halt! is removed as a cooldown ability (used the same name for new passive).
  • New Passive: Halt! An ability that activates/levels up after 1.5 seconds of uninterrupted walking. Has three levels: her normal walking speed (trot), +10% speed increase (canter) after 1.5 seconds, +10% speed increase (gallop) after another 1.5 seconds (3 seconds total). Using her primary fire/stopping/crashing into an object/taking damage will cancel it. Like Wrecking Ball, she can knock enemies slightly in her full gallop.
  • Fortify is now on a resource meter, like D.Va’s Defense Matrix, with a cooldown-activation period of 2 seconds. Fully-charged duration lasts 8 seconds. Recharges per 3 seconds (12 seconds for full recharge).
  • Supercharger becomes a circular area of effect. AOE shortened to a 20 meter radius, duration shortened to 10-12 seconds, no line of sight. Teammates within the circle receive its effects; a 30% speed increase (that can stack with Lucio’s Crossfade), and cannot be affected by movement-impairing abilities. Everyone within range is Fortified (same rules applying, no damage reduction). At the cost of cooldown abilities and primary fire, Orisa can pick up the Supercharger and move it while holding down the interact key. Letting go will have Orisa set is down again. Supercharger’s healthpool is slightly increased to 300 HP. Can still be destroyed / hacked.

Everyone and their grandmother have asked for Supercharger to be reworked since Mercy’s Valkyrie was implemented, and it makes sense both from a design and gameplay perspective. I don’t know why a bunker anchor tank like Orisa was given a push ultimate that has to stay rooted. It sounds contradictory to me. Neither Orisa or the drum can move along with them. So, that’s why I decided to change it’s effects and also allow Orisa to move it if she so wishes. The game is very CC heavy at the moment, so a multi-fortify would be a welcomed inclusion. It’d also make her stand out from the crowd in terms of originality (something Orisa is constantly critiqued for not being).
Music seems to translate into an amped up state within Overwatch as proven by Lucio, and since the Supercharger is a drum I thought it would be consistent with the theme if it had a similar ability and a nicer substitute than the damage reduction.
The change to Halt! is also in line with the fact that Orisa’s drum is strapped to her back, explaining her self-speed-boost (and her Fortify). It also allows Orisa to get back into the fight after dying or to push with her team without entirely eliminating her weakness of being slow. Plus, it makes sense that the one hero with multiple legs has some sort of passive mobility. I will admit the change to Halt! will probably be very controversial for most but, personally, I’ve never been all that attached to it since Roadhog, Lucio, and Zarya all do a similar job / a better job.

Hope this was at least fun to read about! :slight_smile:
EDIT: sorry just noticed that I made a slight mistake on the passive Halt! section. All fixed!

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A good start would be reverting her 9% damage nerf on her fusion gun.

That would make her be able to break shields and fend off people again.

I’m a brand new Orisa main. I’ve only been playing the game for a week and she ticks my boxes.

Looks wise, I don’t understand the hate? I love that she’s quadrupedal and the Forest Spirit skin is excellent. Centaurs ftw.

I like that Orisa can fire at pretty much any range. The only problem are those Doomfists. Doomfists everywhere. In my experience though, an Orisa will beat a Reinhardt anyday. Anything that’s stuck on the ground is Orisa fodder.

I would like her to have more health and firepower. She really doesn’t have enough health for a tank, especially considering the size of her hitbox. Her gun feels like a peashooter, although I am thankful for the range on it.

Oh yeah, and the gravity alt-fire needs to have more gravity. I’ve scored several kills with it, but the range on it is pitiful. Dragging people out from behind cover is a really useful Orisa skill that could do with more omph. I don’t know if it can dislodge turrets, or Bastion? So far I haven’t had the opportunity.