Why is the developer team so hesitant to buff Orisa?

This is a question I would like to be formally answered. Why do we leave Orisa in such a crappy state? Why do we make a global armor nerf that of course hits her harder than anyone else? Why do we not bring her power up to make something that can stand up to something like GOATS instead of nerfing her??? Hello? Why did this happen? Nobody wants to nerf Rein, but he’s still the most picked main tank in the game and is a borderline must pick that overshadows his counterparts by so much.
This makes me angry because this feels like my fourth or fifth thread on this and I can’t believe that in the time since then, nothing has happened because it seems so obvious.

Nobody wants to play Orisa? Then why not buff her.
Orisa is such a lazy hero introduction. We released her, gave her a few buffs, said “eh, we tried” and left her with a massive hitbox, slow walking speed (she’s literally a robot horse??? hello???) and the downright crappiest ultimate in the game. She could be the piece needed to fight against Rein and GOATS comp thanks to her anti-CC and her own form of CC which slows down the onslaught of Lucio Speed+ Rein and D.Va, but her kit is so crappy that there is no reason to play her over just a counter-comp with Rein.
She has a literal laser mini gun arm. She’s so cool but no one wants to play an immobile hero that dies as soon as fortify is down.
Just. Buff. The Horse.



Orisa currently competes with rein
Rein offers much more versatility and utility in his shield and ult and just general design.
For Orisa to compete she’d need to be extremely strong
If rein were to be nerfed or the meta would be changed Orisa would be extremely strong.

It would be like Buffing Torb until his pickrate is the same as tracer or genji. Hed have to be extremely strong to outshine them when they have better designed kits.

Then overbuff her. The most simple thing to do is to make it so she doesn’t have a measly 400 health pool.


Trust me you dont want that. Id take pre shield buff doom over current one any day. I bet bastion players would like pre ironclad bastion and im guessing when reaper gets smashed, people will want pre 50%.

Right now Orisa competes with rein but eventually theyll add more main tanks. When that happens They will either be on the same level as rein and the devs will see orisa needs buffing, or rein will completely outshine them and the devs will nerf rein making orisa more viable.

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Because Jeff hates her. And because Tanks generally are strong; Reinhardt - her main competition - is just an even bigger outlier.


I don’t think a hero should be buffed just so it can muscle another hero out of its role in the meta. Orisa is fine.

Orisa’s numbers are pretty bonkers though, her barrier uptime is almost 100% unless heavy focused, plus her damage only downside is that it’s projectile based, her effective DPS is huge and on top of that she can get environmental kills with ease and is the only tank with CC immunity… Not to mention her teamwide dmg boost

What I’m trying to say is that number wise she seems to be at the limit of balance and any buffs should be usability ones, like removing movement speed penalty while firing or even increasing her base movement speed (4 legs lul)


Explain to me how she is fine, please.
I don’t want to buff her to muscle Rein out of his role. He’s too versatile to be forced out. I want to buff Orisa to put her on par with Rein so that he’s not picked in every game.


Orisa has an above average winrate at every rank from Bronze to Grand Master on PC, XBL, and PSN.

If Rein didn’t exist people would be running Orisa. She’s roughly balanced he’s overpowered.

Agreed, I think they just don’t like her and forget she even exist. She was their experimental Rein replacement that wasn’t very successful.

That being said when changes come trough she might get buff… In next 7 months.

She crushes Reinhardt in many situations, particularly when turning it into a shield war. Just because GOATS is awful for her doesn’t mean she can’t compete with Rein/Zarya. She’s more useful than Reinhardt if the opposing team is running dive heroes and you don’t want to run Dive. She is already the go-to choice for protecting Bastion (and on Junkertown/Numbani-A in general) or on maps featuring bottomless pits near the control point.

She has a very different kit from Reinhardt, and benefits more from different team compositions. She’s already “on par” by being better in some situations and worse in others. The meta is simply bad for her, and even then only if they’re actually running GOATS, which isn’t oppressive for the lower half of the player base.

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The main problem I see with Orisa is that when she IS picked, her win rate is one of the higher ones. Her win rate in the higher divisions go from 53-56%, putting her in the top ten in many categories. Now this has to be considered WITH the pick rate however, which she’s very low in almost every rank, being in the bottom half with a 1-2% pick rate. However, when you look at that, you notice that she’s not in the bottom 5 most of the time. She’s reasonably in the 2/3rds area of sort.

Which actually makes a lot of sense given the character right now, being one of the only defensive positional specialists like she is.

The problem I see is several fold:

  1. Buffing her in the wrong way will definitely increase her win rate, and you have to be weary of the recent Armor nerfs. Yes, it hurt Orisa’s damage, but the opposite side is that she also was one of the ones who was able to get the most out of that armor nerf, being second only to Moira in DPS gained by the armor nerf. She’s very good against other tanks right now in general, and you’ve got to be real careful about how you buffer her.

  2. Sadly, Orisa’s timing with coming into the game has everything to do with it. OWL. Let’s be clear: OWL does not want Orisa to succeed. I know that sounds harsh, but they are looking for viewership, they are looking for flashy plays and speed. Everything that Orisa is not. Which sucks: over time Orisa could provide a real boon to strategy to mix things up, helping variety in the long term of the sport. But right now they are building up its base, and she’s not useful for that element. She just isn’t. It’s why I think Tjorb got reworked the way he did, same with Sym.

  3. I disagree with the crappy ultimate portion. Orisa’s ult can completely turn a fight when used at the right time: but it’s SO situational.

  4. The weirdest problem with Orisa is the fact what defines her: her shield. Her shield takes a lot of focus to take down. It needs full coordination, and if doesn’t have it, then she’s going to help dominate a match. The issue though is that once you get past that, she’s relatively weak. Touching the shield in any way right now is really going to make her too over powered, or or not powered enough.

Here’s the thing, I do think Orisa needs a buff, but it can’t be a run of the mill buff to her damage or speed or something along that line. The design of her hero has her weakness as speed/mobility, and unless you rework her entirely you really can’t offset that in traditional ways without causing massive balance shifts. She needs something that increases her utility, reasons to choose her over other tanks and allow for something completely different.

What I see as options:

  1. I’ve been on the record saying that extending Fortify as a ranged element to provide anti-CC to people around you would have really been a smart way to deal with the CC problems we were seeing. It would have naturally provide some synergies/anti-synergies for Orisa, and I still think that’s the case. The range does need to be small: too big and it’s too oppressive, and it’s weakness does need to be grouping up which can be taken advantage by heroes like Junkrat.

But honestly, there’s another option that I think may be better…

  1. This is going to be the one that’s a suggestion that…I know Blizzard is not going to do. It goes against most philosophies they have on the game. But I also wonder if they are willing to consider changing that philosophy in order to allow some more strategy in the game and help out OWL. It would actually help the idea of more skilled play in that version.

The idea being: allow Halt to be a shiftable ability. What I mean by that is, similar to Moira’s biotic orb: allow one version of shift to be moving enemy teammates…and the other shiftable version is one to move your teammates. Change with a button press on which one you want to do.

The thing is, that second one (teammate movement) is dangerous cause it can lead to absolute 100% trolling with Orisa, which is why Blizzard usually doesn’t allow for abilities that really mess with your own team like that (the only person who can somewhat due that right now is Mei, and you can still get around her ice walls…sometimes. But she also got the devil handle because of it). Sadly, you know people will do that with the ability, and that’s the problem part. Even if the Orisa means well to use it and gets someone killed, it could end up really screwing with trolls in the game. That’s why I’m hesitant to even think of it as a possibility…but the thing is, with Orisa’s set of functionality and what she looks like in the game, it’s one of the only things I can think of that doesn’t rework the character immensely.

Giving Orisa the ability to pull people or push people could really help her UTILITY. Letting her save someone from damage by pulling them at the last second out of damage, or better yet, let them get to a place they couldn’t before with coordination of their own jump and the pulling of her HALT. That second part is the key: Allowing her to set up a flanker while she maintains the “push of an assault” will allowed flanking to work a little better, and it keeps the core of the character in tact without effecting that balance AS much.

I think it could lead to interesting combos in certain ways, but you’d have to be careful of the rules. Like I would only have it work on characters in the game: aka a DVA mech without dva in it is not an option, and a bastion turret is not an option either. But just think, firing your halt orb followed by a Rein charge? That would be mega interesting as the enemy team could react, but it could lead to some really upper level skill play.

I don’t think it’ll happen, and there’s probably a scenario that I missed that would make this overpowered.

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I just want her to have the ability to to reload while also being able to put down a barrier.
Orisa reloading and needing to put down a barrier at the same time currently just feels terrible and very annoying.

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I don’t think Orisa had any problems turning up in OWL, she certainly saw some use in Season 1.

She was actually played in the grand finals and was used in a particularly epic play

The play potential for Halt is actually great in high level play imo.

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Dont’ get me wrong, she has POTENTIAL for plays, but let’s be also fair on the other side: she also doesn’t have the flash as many other tanks (Reinhardt, D’va) on a regular basis. That’s not what she’s designed for.

Everytime they try to buff or rework a hero they end up worse or too OP. I have no confidence in them anymore.

Orisa just got buffed though? Where u been?

Orisa encourages cheese comps more than any other hero and her lack of mobility will always make her weak on most maps in pro play.

So you’ll be indirectly buffing Bastion, Torb and Junk in the solo queue environment.

Wow, 3 other heroes that need buffs too. I see no problem here.

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Yeah but it wouldn’t make them viable in high tiers. It would just make camping with an Orisa even stronger than it already is in lower tiers