Opinions on Moira?

You mean 80 heals per second? The only 2 examples of instant heals is bionade and Repair Pack.

Besides, Moira’s advantage is the fact that she can output ton of heals, but that’s it. No CC or dmg boost of any kind.

Probably, but the fact of the matter is that you can do w/e you want as this hero and it’s very difficult to be punished playing however you like.

Not talking heals, but if you want to, her peak burst would be 155 for 4 seconds using orb + spray.
Her damage is high for a supp and is also almost always hero damage has a lot of her kit pierces barriers (everything except for her beam drain)
Tell me how many games you’ve played where you’ve been Moira with multiple golds and silver/gold damage, this is why.

I like Moira but I think she is actually a bit on the weak side. I think Ana is actually a bit better than her. Moira has some significant weaknesses that hurt her, especially if you compare her to someone like Mercy who has none. Her short range and lack of utility makes her difficult to get high value out of her.

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to be fair :slight_smile:
Moira and Mercy have the same primary heal range :slight_smile:

Caduceus Staff Maximum range15 meters
Biotic Grasp Maximum range15 meters

she will be bad with the next patch, again making mercy the strongest only reliable healer.

Moria has inflated eliminations/obj kills due to the way her damage orb works, doesnt necessarily mean shes getting picks as final blows have no medals.

Also i rarely ever get gold on damage unless the team is doing really horrible, silver once in awhile but its mostly bronze or no medals as im too busy healing my team instead of trying to dps.

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Actually, I would rarely have golds or silver playing Moira. In fact, playing Moira is actually a good indicator that someone isn’t outputting any dmg.

It’s actually funny when I have gold dmg with a one-trick Junkrat on my team as they insist they’re “helping”.

But not the same movement tools to quickly get in closer or on to high ground.

Opinion on Moira?

Hate her.

It’s moira’s like you that ruin the game though :shrug:
Moira having gold damage is not an indicator for anything, as she can cheese that medal, same with elims, easily.
also feeds enemy supports ult charge but I doubt you care

thats right !
7 chars

You do know that most of Moira’s eliminations are from assists, right? It’s not like I play a Moira and expect to pick up the slack of an entire category (now known as Damage).

Even if I do get gold eliminations/damage, it’s only paired with the fact that I have gold healing since I’m able to pump out so much output to keep my team and myself alive. To argue that I would be “feeding” cause I can help in eliminating tricky enemies like Genji and Brigitte is pretty ignorant for the fact that whenever I play Moira, I’ll always be a healer first and foremost.

If anyone were to insinuate that I would be better off playing Moira as a DPS is just stupid, plain and simple.

The only problem with her is that her orbs if she chucks one at you u cant do anything and you cant do anything about its like your accepting death

She’s balanced, even when there is a dps Moira harassing you that means that her team isn’t getting any serious healing.

What nerfs is Moira getting?

She can no longer heal through shields.

i feel like her damage orb needs a slight nerf. maybe by like 2-5 points per hit or something like that. not too much to make it useless

Couldn’t have said it better myself. What it lacks in power it makes up for in charge speed and and versatility.

She’s the most frustrating hero to play against in the game. I see 2 Moiras in almost every single game I play