Opinion: Myst's dream balance patch (Workshop code included)

What the actual f$&*?!

You are literally triple nerfing her again from the same nerf she got from OWL.

Heal passive ef’ing useless for crying out loud?! Reducing her hack CD is useless to her. You could have increased it to 12 seconds and it would mean the same thing. As long as her hack can be interrupted by 0.0001 damage there’s no reason to suggest a buff to her hack CD. Because she STILL has the 2 sec CD on interrupt.

You literally castrated her to a point you might as well delete her from the game.

Just buff mercy’s healing making it an AOE heal the same as it is in Valk, except with the reduced healing it currently has.

Then you can just delete Sombra all together and no one but Sombra mains would miss her.

So you call my post a troll post where I ask for a change on Mei and here you are waiving around that you also want a change on her… You really are a hypocrite or what?

Hey everyone. I am really happy there has been some constructive discussion across the board about my topic. Yes this proposal is limited to the capabilities of what I can do in a custom game, but still feel I was able to address most of the problems I currently perceive with the game in its current state.

I would observe that many of you that many are trying to look at these changes purely in the sense of just “nerfs” and “buffs”. Its important to remember that the devs don’t do this.

I also like how many different responses there to my ideas. Some of you don’t like them, that is not surprising but many of you are interested with them. Because of that I consider this a successful experiment in terms of at least being a constructive discussion to the forums.

Finally the time to be a “main” or “one trick” of any one hero is long over. That is one reason why I changed the role of the four heroes without too many drastic changes to their kit (except for Doomfist’s ult).


Some intresting ideas, but it feels like you did the workshop first and the patch idea later, cuz it feels like you were acting on some severe limits when thinking it out,

i dont agree with most of the ideas, but i do belive that if you want to make Mei and Doomfist tanks, it will take more than some nerfs and a bit more HP, it would probably take a bit more of a significant redesign to their kit, tbh

and soldier and sombra for support role would need a bit more significant changes in order to be actually supports (maybe the ability for sombra to translocate her hacked healthpacks to other places so that she can give them to other teammates?)


He would need an off support’s stopping ultimate. Could tactical visor count as that as it is seen to shutdown ultimates like dragonblade and Valk? Or would he fill a weird category of his own…

Could you make Symmetra support? Reduce her weapon and turret damage but enable her turrets to also heal team members too. Also make her turrets increase speed movement while healing team members and increase enemy slow down rate (slightly). And reduce her shield wall duration.

The workshop has no way to directly edit non playable entities. So I cant make such changes.


while i like the idea of making moira more consistent and making dps moira less of a thing, i don’t like the idea of more heavy healing in the game

Oh. Well maybe her secondary fire can act as healing while reducing the damage from the rest of her stuff then.

That is why I did not directly buff the healing itself, basically she just holds more in the tank and the healing biotic orb lasts a little longer as well.

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the soldier and sombra changes remind me of how much i miss solo support comps in owl

i remember when supports used to be the ones on sombra, or when the zens had to swap to hog

Love it already… What Sombra should have been from the beginning

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Tbh the only good way that i’ve seen yet to move Sombra into the Support category. And thats comming from Someone that really doesn’t like the idea (mainly because I hate the idea of Hacking Teammates/Transporting Healthpacks which are the more popular ideas out there cause they just don’t fit imo)

There are still some problem manly with her Clunkyness and downtime. That could be fixed with Buffs/Reworks (Very shameless self-advertising)

I think the Healing passive could end up causing some problems tho it’s probably hard to balance around the other Healers. Like its probably really could with someone that has mass healing like Moria, Brig or Lucio but I don’t think it has to much value with Mercy, Zen, and Ana. So having a Sombra is basically just a buff as if having buffed your other healer as long as its a mass healer.
Im kinda scared that it encourages the Sombra 76 playstyle instead of a more flank heavy one but it could be changed accordingly

Some clever changes. Pulling current damage heroes into other roles will have the potentially intended effect of reducing queue times.

This was one of my indirect goals.


Do you ever realize how much you need something just by seeing it?

No Winston and D.Va changes? :neutral_face:

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These heroes I feel did not need changes assuming the intended goal of making the Orisa/Sigma double shield combo more vulnerable and risky to use.

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This is a really good suggestion!!!
Put Mei in as a tank also gives the tank role a reaper counter. Adding soldier to the support role is ingenious!

Sombra does need to be removed from the damage role, its also giving the support role a Doomfist counter.

This suggestion get better the more I think about it!!

Dev’s do this!!!

Pretty much all awful ideas. Mega ashe buffs lol. Madness.

And only tank nerfs. Good luck with queue times with these changes.