While I’m more or less okay with these (I’ve yet to try them out though), I really don’t think Moira should be changed. No buffs, no nerfs, she’s fine as is. And the Mei changes don’t exactly strike a chord with me either.
Most of the role changing reworks essentially leave the heroes as the same dps they were before. Doomfist and Mei have almost the same damage potential, but now they have more health. The only trade off is that Doomfist doesn’t 1 shot with Rocket Punch, but all of his other regular abilities are the same and Mei just has a longer Ice Block cooldown and slower primary freezing for a permanent extra 150 hp, shorter wall cooldown, and a much more dangerous ult. Soldier and Sombra still have pretty much all their damage and their supporting potential makes Zen look like a good main healer.
As for the Orisa and Sigma changes giving them longer barrier cooldowns just makes them more dependent on each other to cover each other’s barrier down time. Once you get them out of the meta this way they’ll be completely unplayable without each other. This is exactly what happened with the GOATs heroes.
The issue with Sigma’s barrier is that it’s too durable and recharges too fast for its flexibility. Unlike Rein’s barrier the source of the barrier is not necessarily behind it, so recalling it under fire or even letting it get destroyed doesn’t necessarily put Sigma in a risky situation like it would Rein. The recharge will quickly have the barrier back at full health if the Sigma deployed the barrier from a safe location. Orisa was fine before the now unnecessary GOATs changes and would probably go back to that state if they were reverted.
The snipers probably don’t need buffs. They were dominating the meta before double barrier and they’ll most likely go back to that spot once double barriers are gone. Hanzo’s role within the dps category should probably be looked at. His fundamental design as a mobile sniper tank buster allows him to reliably deal with heroes that would usually be considered sniper counters, allowing him to fill the roles of other dps heroes that aren’t played as much because of it.
The rest of the changes aren’t that huge, although buffing Moira right now probably isn’t ideal. Overall, I don’t really agree with most of these ideas, although I respect the effort you put into this. There are a few more heroes that should probably get some changes that you didn’t include here as well.
The sigma change in this post isnt the deploy time. It is the almost instant recall time nerf. So once you place it you have to keep the barrier position for 5 secs.
Seems what you might like actually.
no. Nerfs just because Tanks and supports people don’t like is never the way to go and why this game loses players. The Sigma/orisa nerfs just seem like you only want people playing Rein/Zarya.
The only changes I really dislike are the soldier and sigma changes. On the fence about Sombra.
Sigma change is too long. It would make punishing Sigma really easy, especially with how his barrier functions.
Soldier doesn’t really have enough qualities to justify being in the support role. Even at 10 seconds, you’ll essentially have a dps in a slot meant for heals. His heal is also in a very small area on a very long cd for no other healing sources from soldier.
More importantly, this change I think would further dilute 2-2-2 and allow for a damage character meant for a healer slot.
Sombra I am on the fence about for similar reasons. I do think she needs major changes however. I’m not sure if this is the right path for her. The best way to maximize healing output in this situation would be for Sombra to take damage and then be healed (effectively increasing the other healer’s output hy 10% or slightly more depending on if they are single target or aoe heals).
But her kit relies on her being sneaky and avoiding taking damage.
I don’t like Sigma being unable to move his barrier because it messes with the flow of his kit. His barrier being less flexible turns him into a kind of awkward Rein Orisa hybrid and his extremely mobile barrier makes him feel unique. I think it recharges too fast. He should be able to move it around as much as he likes, but it shouldn’t go back to full health so fast every time he takes it down. The thing that makes it frustrating is that you keep shooting into it and it just reappears with another 1000 hp a few seconds later before you even have a chance to burn through the other barrier and go after Sigma.
Then what if we combine both, and he self damages his shield every time he retreat the shield?
He would have to think when to redeploy more or keep it safe.
I can’t see the devs doing that it’s too counterintuitive for recalling the barrier to damage it. I don’t think Sigma should have any penalty for moving his barrier it should be like a resource he has to manage. He can only block what’s necessary or wait a long time for the barrier to recharge. As it stands he can block everything then hide behind a wall or another barrier for a little while and it will ready again very quickly.
No I meant his shield health is the resource. He has to only block what’s necessary. If he blocks too much his barrier will take a long time to regenerate its health.
I can imagine this took a lot of work to do. I will try it out. This is incredible and I appreciate the effort, but like all excited fans I immediately think of what more can be done. I dont mean to sound ungrateful, I just see a lot of potential here.
For the future could you work on bastion and winston possibly put bastion into tank category? and how possible is it to bring symmetra and torb back to support? how possible is it to further increase the supportive aspects of sombra and soldier (even more healing? or reworked abilities?) Could you work any hero into a flamethrower dps?
My Thoughts: There’s a reason the devs don’t do huge sweeping change-lists like this. You talk like this would solve everything, when all it will do is muddy the waters so bad that nobody will be able to tell if anything is balanced.
I am happy to see someone doing something though. At least he is willing to make a change and see what happens. assuming there is a willingness to revert and adjust the stats I have no problem with big changes. It could be a faster route to a better game. I wish blizzard did more big changes like this more often. utilize the ptr
First, the answer is NOT to make yet another widowmaker. Also, the fact that you did not make any changes to widow leads me to believe that you think she’s perfect, or something.
Hint: Widowmaker is broken. She’s the most broken, least balanced hero in the roster. She’s not only too powerful when in the hands of someone who can aim, she’s utterly worthless when played by someone who can’t which is even worse.
So no change to hanzo. Why do anything to him at all then?
Just say what you actually mean: you want him deleted.
Your tank change is awful. 125 damage RP if they hit a wall? No way to make space at anything other than the individual level? No way to maintain space outside of his grossly OP ultimate?
Were you high when you thought this up?
Lets take the hero people accuse of being spammy, and make him even more spammy!
As a Junrkat fan, I hate this “fix”. As a fan I hate it.
Stop it.
“Because you all keep asking for it.” is never a good reason to make a change. It can be reason to celebrate one or even reason to push one over the edge when it is otherwise borderline fine/not-fine. But it’s not a good reason to make it.
Translation: To make her more boring. If anything she needs the swings in her available energy to be wider so that she has more need to deal damage and can’t just sit back and heal all the time. She should be an aggressive support by necessity.
I don’t like these changes. They don’t fix anything because what they target isn’t a problem.
See my comments on Mercy AND on Orissa. This won’t fix anything because the only reason for it is “popularity”. Let me put it a different way: If it would make a difference, Blizzard would have already done it. It’s far more likely to simply make him easier to deal with as an opponent while making him feel a lot more sluggish to play as. Without accompanying some kind of CD decrease to his shift this kind of change is simple pandering.
This is why we can’t have nice things. “He can heal, therefore he’s a support!”
No. Soldier:76’s problems are 2-fold. The first is Hanzo, and the second, and far worse, is Widowmaker. You almost fixed Hanzo, but failed. And you don’t even bother to touch widow.
Seriously, stop it.
Does nothing but make her more annoying. This will turn her into a much worse pub-stomper in low ranks as well.
Yes you are.
That’s good to hear. It’s also why you should keep it up.
We, apparently, completely disagree on what “balance” is. Which is okay.
they wouldn’t even need to actually send any changes to the actual game but testing more in the ptr would actually be really nice and help us see that they are trying to come up with solutions and not (by what several people on the forums believe) just sitting around playing cards.