I actually can’t believe someone is worse at balancing than the devs.
While I find role changes interesting but foolish, you just gutted a perfectly balanced hero (Sigma). Want to get rid of double barriers? Make the other half of the tank roster non throw picks and reduce dps powercreep.
I like the spirit of the changes. I like the idea or reworking Doomfist and Mei into tanks. I’d like to add that Mei’s freeze should change to a root instead of a stun. (Honestly, it should be like that now.)
I dislike the idea of reworking Soldier 76 and Sombra to support.
I dislike the Sym buff being tied to her sentries. I’d rather improve her alternate fire projectile speed or give her minor shielding again, like a 25 shield aura, or both. TP could use some buffs too.
I think a more fitting cooldown for Sigma (if we’re going that route) would be 2 seconds. Personally I think we should first try lowering the barrier HP to like 1200 first.
I dunno. You really tested all of them?
Like, I think the reworked DF or Mei seems too dps still. How much damage do they do? Does Mei have no falloff still?
I like some of these but I disagree with the Ashe one. She can carry games if you are skilled enough it’s just that widow is broken asf at long range and mccree’s rate of fire dominates close range. Nerf those two instead of adding more damage creep
I actually think Sigma can work. with maybe some more fixes.
And DF actually seems still overpowered if you ask me. He still has CC on short CD and gains Shield+400hp And a ultimate that kills anybody even behind a shield? Or is this rocket punch stopped by shields? How long does he need to charge it to do 1000 damage? I would just rush into anybody behind a shield and punch them
But I don’t think she needs any buffs, she’s a victim of powercreep.
Unless the devs do nothing about other dps a buff is needed to make her on par with other dps heroes (Basically make her broken like almost every other hero).
I would probably drop Moira if those changes went through, you don’t nerf Charge because its over-used in low ranks, but see a Moira press m2 and suddenly its rework o’clock.
I kinda like the idea of turning 76 and Sombra into off-supports but they would need better healing for sure, and that’s aside from them not having defensive ults (although, i bet Sombra could get by with EMP staying the same).
She’d probably have an 80% winrate in bronze and silver after this lol.
I don’t think any of the meta heroes are OP. I want nerfs to snipers and buffs to tanks that once enabled the “just walk thru them 4head” approach to fighting barriers: Winston and Rein. Brigitte buffs too, she sucks and Rein could use her help.
The Moira changes are damn good. Ashe is fine too, because Widowmaker is in the most situations the better pick. Orisa and Mercy changes are okay. The rest is stupid.
He’s not at all perfectly balanced. Tank power creep is just as responsible as DPS and healing for the terrible state the game’s in. Sigma needs nerfs, and severely.
Well, it’s a significant enough portion of each class. And half the people here want to fight it with more power creep. The poster to whom I responded, for instance: the last thing the game needs is to buff other tanks to Sigma’s level. That’d just exacerbate all the problems with barrier spam and requiring tons of CC and damage just to get through it all, and then tons of healing to compensate, etc.
At this point, the only solution is to start dialing things back in all categories. Then we can have actual fights with actual give-and-take again, and a meta with some variety, and hopefully future hero design without more and more overloaded kits.
“Fun and powerful” doesn’t have to mean “More CC, more mobility, more damage, more barriers!” or whatever, either, though. It’s possible to make them fun without stuffing everything into their kits and escalating power creep. It’s destroying the game’s competitive integrity.
I don’t really agree with most of the changes, but I do respect the effort and thought that went into them. I’ll see about giving the workshop code a try sometime!
Hmm. Nice balance patch here. I like the idea of changing certain damage characters into tank or support role. Expanding the role roster without needing to add in more heroes. Plus it would fit well in 2-2-2 by giving more variety. As well the idea of Sombra having a heal torrent if she ever becomes a support.
What if Sombra passive doesnt only heal by our support, But stacks enemy AOA heal and give it to your team? So if enemies rely on AOA too much, they will actually heal enemy team in close corrider fights.