Pretty sure they said her damage was always 65/130/195 and that 60/120/180 was just a “typo” in the patchnotes…
But yeah, the first tick did reduced damage - even if you had 100% accuracy the beam would deal reduced damage for a short moment. If she constantly went on and off target her damage would be reduced by quite a bit.
ohh …was really confused yesterday
Gotta love Sym mains defending her ridiculous damage. It’s like saying Zarya doesn’t do that much damage either with the buff. They’re different roles but guess what? Try to play Winston into Orisa Sigma Baptiste while Sym stands there. Because you know, it’s always 1v1 against a Sym but it’s 6v6 when it comes to losing to Widow.
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Yes. She won’t get any healing during the time. Moira does negative healing. There’s no such thing as immortality field either.
Btw, Winston has lower than 45% winrate. He’s amazing to play right now.
I mean-
Even though I main her I have to agree, LOL.
The problem isn’t she’s easy to counter and whatnot. The problem is Blizzard doesn’t have any clue how to balance the game after goats. If only 3 dps characters (Sym won’t be great after today’s patch), 3 tanks and 4 supports are viable, there’s a problem.
and Winston is not enough if symmetra is being healed.
Well actually, she gained 20-40% more overall damage due to a bug fix.
So, she kinda did become op over night.
Sym max charge beam deals less damage than Reaper, McCree, Ashe, Junkrat, Soldier.
I was watching some video yesterday and see this
because of that I check all the patchnotes to see where these original values where tunned.
(I just find funny the sitiation of the “typo” and orinigal damage values tunned)
sure but then if u gonna get the team involved ill get my df to punch you dead
Lets not forget her turrets on-top of all of her beam damage. She is just OP when i comes to holding space. No tank can invade her space and not get instantly deleted. The amount of coordination to it takes to take away the space from her is really to much for comp. Its hard to get 2 people to coordinate let alone all 6. Imagine everyone having to re-pick there whole comps because theres 1 Sym and at most I see is maybe 1 flex to one other hero and very rarely 2 between a whole team in a match.
You comparing with heroes that can actually miss? Are you doing raw damage alone or did you assume perfect aim? Do you account for reaper’s spread or did you assume every peller lands? Are you comparing with head shot damage only or body shot damage? Did you factor in turrets?
When people say Sym isn’t a problem for shield tanks - I often wonder if they realise she gains charge and doesn’t expend ammo when using M1 on shield. Which means…ez charge into ez melt of tanks.
Those 2 combined means she can go from harmless to dangerous to very hazardous to deal with. That then snowballs into her Ult gain as she’s doing a lot more damage.
Now, add that to a meta where shields are everywhere and are the big strength. There you go, now that meta has created a “must pick” in Symetra, to both breaking shields and getting a lot of damage in to tanks once their defenses are down.
You’re not wrong and tracking with her is stupid easy. But frankly in most metas if I’m a dps I just kill sym. Like it’s that straightforward. I don’t care if she can land every bit of her level 1 beam and get lvl 2 in a hurry - if she isn’t engaging me with level 3 or close there’s no way I should lose fights to her on most of the dps roster. I do think her impact is mostly coming down to being able to reliably engage at lvl 3 beam. The fact that she gets to hit every bit of that beam was a big buff but I still think even an auto aim sym that’s usually at level 1 is gonna lose to most of the roster.
OP Sym is a product of Double shields*
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after the bug fix there was a 20-40% increase in damage from Zarya and Sym.
I am a “Zarya main” (tank main really) and love to play Sym, there is no way I believe everyone didn’t feel the changes.
Actually she fairs even worse outside of 1 vs 1s against tanks due to the team backing them up. Sym needs a lot of pocketing to be effective whereas all a tank needs is their team’s presence. If the meta wasn’t double barrier Sym would be irrelevant, a meta like this just feeds her M1 charge like crazy so of course she’s going to be a common pick.
This is Overwatch. Let the community and developers that caters the anti counter crowd burn themselves down. *passes you popcorn *
500 HP / 180 DPS = 2.77 seconds.
Winston left click? Stage 1 Symmetra charge or 60DPS
200HP / 60 DPS = 3.3 seconds. (not including shield resistance)
Winston’s shield doesn’t move with him, and is easy to LOS winston in and out of it.
1 right click from sym against winston drops the TTK to less than 2.77 seconds, and Winston has no resistance against her beam or her right click.