šŸ”§ ā‚®ā±§É† ā±¤É„ā‚“ā‚®ÉŽ ā‚®Ć˜Ć˜ā±  ąøæĆ˜Ó¾ ~ The place where Bastion mains and players come to talk about Bastion, and wait for him to have his problems get fixed

No hate, itā€™s just pretty reasonable facts. Are stationary targets easier to shoot than moving targets? Yes. Is a hero at a distinct disadvantage if they are not moving? Yes. Unless you compensate with their inability to move which overtunes other mechanics of the heroā€™s kit. Heā€™s a totally brainless hero right now and that needs to change to make him work.

The hero should not be able to stay in Sentry form indefinitely. It should have a resource meter like D.vaā€™s matrix (granted lasts longer than 2 seconds). This allows him to go into that stationary mode and deal incredible damage, but adds a tactical element that otherwise is missing. The balance required is ensuring the player has a brain.

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No it doesnā€™t, what the hell is your problem with these ridiculous accusations that come out of nowhere with no explanation and where they on their face make no sense at all?

Why? What possible function could this serve? Not only does this have zero basis in reality it contradicts even your own reality that Bastion is so unacceptably vulnerable because heā€™s stationary.

I am not going to let you play your games without anyone calling you out, youā€™re the worse sort of person to have in a discussion because you put forward zero substance. There is no reason for anything you say that anyone can dissect. Just baseless accusations and insistence that things should happen but you wonā€™t ever give any reason why.


I think Bastion is getting a fairly substantial indirect buff with Baptise from what I have seen. I wonder if that means Bastion is going to end up in the same position that Brigitte finds herself in now.

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Unfortunately Baptiste boat will be a thing, and SR boosters will be plaguing the game with the extra cheese. We really donā€™t need to be rewarding players for doing nothing, which is why Bastion needs a fundamental rework or just to be forgotten. So get your good games in while you can.

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Bastion doesnā€™t do nothing. He does a lot. His stationary nature in turret form is a pretty big weakness.

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Youā€™ve presented NO FACTS that everyone doesnā€™t already know and agree on already.

Itā€™s like in a trial saying the because the court agrees on the defendants nameā€¦ therefore heā€™s guilty!!!

Well then obviously donā€™t ā€œovertuneā€ the mechanics!

What is this absurd reasoning, why would it be impossible to avoid overtuning? This is getting to the point of gaslighting, could you please stop this, itā€™s too much.

Why is he brainless?

Explain why. Give me a reason. Again, proving me right all you are going to do is accuse.

Accusations that contradict what you just said. Demanding a contrivance with even the slightest hint of a reason why. It jsut makes no sense.

I know WHY you wonā€™t give a reason, because so many hate Bastion for reason they cannot give and when the reasons are given theyā€™ve instantly utterly demolished. There is no reason that stands up to scrutiny, thatā€™s why you wonā€™t give reasons or explanations.

Let me guessā€¦ you canā€™t play Bastion but others can play him way better than you. Be careful who you accuse of being brainless if you canā€™t play a brainless hero what does that say about you.

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And thus we get into the respectable range.

We all know that if you get too close to Mei, you will get frozen, and possibly die. If you get too close to Reaper, you might die.

THUS you try to keep range on them, or you huddle as a team to keep eachother alive.

Currently, tanks can do the latter and roll a Bastion. Meanwhile weā€™ve gotten buffs to heros who can counter Bastion in a magnitude of ways:

  • Sombra hack speed buff, now makes it harder to counter hack
  • Hanzoā€™s new E
  • Pharah faster firerate = more spam, on a stationary target
  • Soldier and McCree buffs
  • Reaper healing more, essentially harder to kill

And then on the PTR, Junk is getting a buff to his primary damage. 130 per shot.

There are a plethora of ways to counter him by now, and itā€™s not my fault the players in Broze die to a Mei who everyone claims is balanced, but somehow Bastion cannot be made better because those same dull players died to him too.

Then, by all means, go carry games by not doing anything, because as it stands I do a whole lot, then get rolled because Bastion is inferior to everything.

Because the fundamentals of Bastion seems like a concept you are too unfamiliar with. And if you say ā€œOf course I donā€™t play this hero for XYZ reasonsā€ then it shows how naive you are about this hero, and thus ignorant of his problems.

To put it into perspective, I main 3 heros: Pharah, Bastion, Junkrat, in that order. All 3 of my mains have been gutted while the heros around them have maintaned their power, or have gotten more powerful. I have more time on all support heros combined than alone on Bastion. I know the fundamentals of this game, and have though about what makes Bastion bad for the past 3 years of this game. Thatā€™s how I know to say IC was a mistake. Thatā€™s how I know to say IC will never go away.

What do you have to say? That I can plop anywhere as Bastion and get potg? Get real.

No, because good Bastions know when to reconfigure, and when to reposition. A Bastion camping in Sentry is either riding a payload or banking off the stupidity of the enemy. If weā€™re balancing around stupidity, then a LOT of heros need to be toned back, and not just the mistakes that Blizzard recently made with Reaper or McCree.

So the ā€œForeverā€ part is just the naive position showing through a bit more.

Just because it can be done, doesnā€™t mean it should. IC is a failure in this regard. Junkrat being D-tier after his nade size nerf, when all he needed was an ult charge nerf, is yet another example.

Throwing out baseless ideas like this doesnā€™t help anything, especially in the areas where help is needed.

They are. Youā€™re just naive of how theyā€™re playing.


I donā€™t really count sitting in one spot and throwing bullets to be doing something. It actually kind of irritates me when I see a bastion just sitting there, on my team or otherwise while everyone else is strafing around. Itā€™s like watching your neighbor let his dog defecate on the sidewalk and just leave it there. It bothers me on some level that people can be like this.

Thatā€™s pretty irrational since it makes him very vulnerable.


And to maximize value on Bastion he generally has to reposition quite a bit and try his best to manage that weakness through game sense and positioning.

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Slap that tank on E and make the big shot on cooldown while normal shots are just the torb small projectile bullets (the ones that prove the earth aint flat).

Yeah because he can either only ever be undertuned or overtuned. Thatā€™s literally what Iā€™ve been saying lol

I agree, itā€™s very irrational and I donā€™t understand why itā€™s a hero concept.

Iā€™ve pondered increasing his HP too, but that poses a lot of problems, like how his counters are now more ineffective against him.

Even if you take the precaution of nerfed his Sentry damage, well heā€™s now that much harder to displace off a Pirate Ship. This then goes back to what I said about not wanting him to be Meta.

This is where you break Rule #4. Bye.


Its your hatred of it thatā€™s irrational.


Him being poorly designed doesnā€™t count as trolling, mate. Iā€™m trying to work with you, but you are insisting on bad mechanics.

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You havenā€™t done it though. You speak baseless words.


No hatred here, just all these facts.

My man you are just salty cause you play hammond into a bastion orisa comp.


Bastion benefits far more from even a measly Winston shield than a Immort field.

Immort field doesnā€™t protect Bastion from sleep darts, hooks or hacks. The immort field is destroyed by taking only 250 damage, the field goes down quick, quicker than even the weakest deployable shield in the game which is winstonā€™s bubble shield.

Bastion has always theoretically hugely benefited from help from allies but the fact is he doesnā€™t get them that often in practice and bastion mains know he manages without.

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Yeah, thatā€™s how I maintain a 70% WR on Hammond. Very clever roast, but you just broke Rule #4 my man.

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