One tricks being banned

My only conclusion to this is:

  • These foruns are mostly filled with OTs
  • The ones who don’t OT don’t take competitive seriously, and will play it like it is QP for their golden gun only
  • Asking someone to change their hero is extremely offensive, but not changing your hero and refusing to cooperate in a TEAM BASED game is not.
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votes mean something though
and it seems like he got a lot of votes

…against him

its a mp game and people really really dont want him on their team.

strange that the victim always feels its by coincidence but the fact remains…dozens and dozens of unique reports lead to account action. strange that everyone is always innocent

They actually do not.

Plenty irl examples how massive amount of votes does not mean it was actually the right choice and how votes can be corrupted. Just look at Trump for instance.

But the very fact that this community voted XQC as the MVP for Overwatchleague speaks volumes about this community. The poll became a massive meme with no substance or meaning because it was flooded by fanboys and meme’rs.

Voting for this community means absolutely nothing, not with the way this community is. And I gave you plenty examples as to why this is the case too, which you decided to gloss over to continue your narrative of victim blaming. People are tired of being blamed and other people of being super ignorant.


and yet here we are. with a majority of players making their say heard. glad we have you to tell everyone how wrong they are

And I will keep telling them for as long as I care about Overwatch how immature it is to keep reporting players for character picks when they do not break TOS when we now have features to avoid teammates you do not wish to play with. That reports should go to people breaking blizz TOS and not become an arbitrary community like/dislike system. That and reporting players for gameplay sabotage before they have even left spawn is never ok. And maybe, just maybe, some actually listen and make this community less toxic and more bearable place to be in.

Glad to be of service.:ok_hand:


Why would it go without saying?
If you’ve taken it upon yourself to one trick something that’s viable and meta, that’s good.
That’s you wanting to win.

One tricking something like Tracer in season 10 though, is toxic.

We are humanbeings, we are capable of making distinctions like that…

This is a much better policy, and will win you more games, than being rude to your teammates.


I don’t mind it. One trick harms the team, Sym one trick Tracer one trick all the same. I wouldn’t judge people by their first pick, a good sym can carry the game as much as a good tracer, but if that aren’t working out maybe considering switch?

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I’m gonna one trick bastion so hard next comp season. Can’t wait for so many fellow OTP defending me :slight_smile:

You do not have to be in voice-comms as per the reporting cards. Inactivity simply states you’re ‘controlling’ your hero.

The Gameplay Sabotague report states you cannot report for ‘hero choice.’

There is no actual reason to report an off-meta hero who isn’t in voice-comms as per the current reporting options.

Trying to justify it simply shows you have no respect for the current rules in place.

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a pre-patch hanzo remove a soldier, a zarya, a junkrat and a ana from the point by killing them, his teammate a rein a mercy a junkrat and a roadhog can’t kill the enemy lucio and sym. but they think it is hanzo’s fault so they report him while asking the other team to do the same. but it is hanzo’s fault that his team mate sucked at 5 vs 2 regardless of the composition. true case

Jeff Kaplan said in an interview:
“I think the game gets in a very dangerous state when we tell you who you’re allowed to play and not play with the game functioning like it does right now. The allure and the fantasy of Overwatch is there are these 26 heroes, and you can log in at any moment and be one of them. We should be trying to keep them all viable, and all decent picks within a team composition. I mean, sometimes you’re gonna be countered, but we can’t leave it at other players’ discretion to decide what you should be doing.”

That straight up means that ALL one trick characters are allowed. It doesn’t make tracer toxic.


When a character is bad in a meta, and you play nothing but the character who is bad in that meta, you are throwing.

Specially locking in off meta DPS, in a game saturated with DPS players.

You mean every dps player not playing Hanzo and being Wraxu extraordinaire is a toxic thrower because Hanzo is the only dps you ever need and every other dps pales in comparison and triplesupport is so meta right now?

Nah. I don’t think so.

That is one extreme, yes.
Hanzo is meta, so naturally anything that works with him is meta, anything strong against him is meta.

I saw a post from a player who was currently rated 4200. He was ranting about the state of the game and how poorly balanced everything was.

He had played 6 hours of Tracer ONLY this season, and had a 40% winrate.

That’s throwing.

just learn other heroes, it’s a team based game.

Blizzard disagrees with you.

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Not when the lead developer of the game AND the rules say it isn’t.

Their hands are tied…

I think we are all intelligent enough to know that someone playing above 4000 SR, playing only Tracer with a 40% win rate is throwing.

You are more likely to lose because of that one guy, than someone who hasn’t decided to one trick something off meta for the luls.

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On the contrary, I think we are all intelligent enough to know that YOU do not respect the rules of the game.