One tricks being banned

I as a flex player don’t respect one tricks throwing my games, no.
I commit to the win, I play whatever hero I need to.
It’s heart breaking to put in all that effort, just to be stuck at a disadvantage for some selfish person.

The rules also contradict themselves.

You’re expected to put in 100% to win every game you’re in.
But that doesn’t apply to hero picks, which is a large percentage of a games outcome?

Playing off meta isn’t putting 100% into the win.

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Where does the rules contradict themselves? Quote or link it.

Don’t mix up your personal opinion with offical rules that people are suppose to play/report by.


If you quoted just a little bit more of my post, the answer to your post would have been included in your post lol.

You are expected to try your hardest in whatever game you’re in.
That means playing to win.
If you’re playing off meta heroes, you aren’t trying your hardest.
You’ve handicapped your team.

Quote where the rules contradict themselves.

Like I said, this is your personal opinion, which Blizzard disagrees with.

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No, you are expected to play to win xD
That is the entire point of a competitive mode xD

You’re splitting hairs and being semantic.
I’ve made my point.

for some of them sur ebut not all of them, aarge had video evidence for ALL of his games because he is a streamer, he got unbanned several times cause of community outrage n even got a loot box present or something idk but even he got a ban upheld…

“if you are banned you did something to deserve the ban” is a dangerous mentality.

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Playing to win doesn’t mandate hero change. There is no rule or Blizz posts that support your selfish views. People didn’t sign up to OW under your rules.

It’s not being semantic because you’re equating throwing to not-switching. Throwing is a reportable offense. Not-switching is not reportable. Off-meta picks are not reportable.

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I’m selfish?
How am I selfish?
I flex for the win…
How is it selfish of me to think symmetra is dead weight in streets phase?

How is it selfish of me to notice a weak link in our team comp?

I want to win. I want my team to win. I play for the win.

Why should five people have to suffer because you’d rather have fun in the competitive mode?
There are more casuals modes for exactly that kind of behaviour.

How is it selfish of me, to want for my team to win?
How is it selfish to stand five against one and ask for equal input…


It’s selfish because you think people should be punished for not playing the game your way.

And you still haven’t linked where the rules contradict themselves.


Well Said, I flex as well and nothing is more disheartening than a 1 trick that is countered and won’t change.


Yeah, people should be punished for throwing.
The individual should be punished for letting the team down.
One tricking is selfish.


He’s selfish for filling? rofl you heard it here first when you see a throw torb or a sym on offense just do what you want like the one trick otherwise you’re “selfish”.


Throwing is already punishable.

One-trick, off-meta pick, refusing to switch is not throwing.

Poor performance is not reportable.

Being selfish isn’t against the rules. If it was, you’d be first to get hit because you’re the one being selfish.

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I’m a reasonable guy. I talk to them and say things like “hey man, we need a shield and a healer. I can play Rein or Mercy I don’t mind. Do you reckon you could swap to something else?”

When you get responses like;

“Sorry man, this account is X hero only.”
“Nah dude. I main this character, I’ll carry.”
“No. I’m not swapping.”
“X one trick has left the chat.”

…You’re demanding your team to carry you, and being dead weight at the same time.

I am not the selfish one :expressionless:

I have barely had a chance to play my strongest heroes this season, because my teams is always lacking an essential roll.

Look at my play time for this season.
How on earth am I the selfish one?


The lesson is do what you want all the time and the hell with everyone else or you’re selfish. According to one tricks anyway…


we all know your dream is to ban people who are bad at the game but thats not going to happen.

picking meta heros is throwing

No… that isn’t my dream :expressionless:
My dream is that when we have too many DPS, not enough tanks and not enough healers, that someone besides me will step up and play something the team needs…

I’m not an evil guy, I’m a normal person.

I just want to win my comp games.

I’m just sorry that I can’t play main tank and main healer at the same time, or else I would have nothing to complain about.


What’s unreasonable about that?

then act normal and stop obsessing over what your teammates do, you cannot control them, the sooner you accept that the sooner your games will become more fun.

You will win more games if you focus on your own play and improvement, the league of legends and dota communities already know this and they have been around for a long time, I can only hope that the overwatch community learns this after a few more years.

Sometimes people don’t switch to a second healer or a tank at all and that’s annoying but they don’t deserve to be banned for it thinking they do is ludicrous it is seriously mind boggling that you think thats a good idea.

My god… dota players pride themselves on a wide swath of options in any given meta, league is a bit more structured but its still got lots of options, but overwatch players… overwatch players want to enforce the same mirror comps and kill the game with boring stale always the same 6-7 heros on both teams.

In other games players rile against developor forced meta but yall enforce it yourselves under the threat of bans. As someone who plays many different comp games and sees what the different playerbases are like overwatch’s is, frankly, incredibly embarrassing

whats unreasonable about wanting to force people to not play more than half the cast? I dunno, think about it.

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actually you play this game to have fun by playing different heroes

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