One tricks being banned

Thats the only thing worth reporting if you report for anything more your a sumbag

Are you playing in the top 3%? Or the top 3% of that hero? There’s a difference and it is not insignificant

Not only should rien have gold damage in certain games but maybe you’re just better than your dps. Maybe that game, your rien isn’t creating space and your dps is taking focus and aggro leaving you to hammer your way to victory. Maybe your supports are busy pocketing you rather than keeping your dps up. There are so many factors that need to be addressed here but beyond that, If you carry as rien with gold damage, it doesn’t matter. A W is a W.

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As a widow main, my role on the team isn’t always to kill their whole back line; sometimes it standing back, looking pretty and watching the other team get rolled by mine as they try and dive me.

Not really, as a Soldier or McCree you usually have to take the high ground when defending, or stay behind your shield when attacking.

Torb is much different with his turret and his need to run into corpses to gather resource.

IF you take one sec to read you will see.
And this are actually real rules pointed out in the game and not once you yourself feel are worth reporting on.

"It is NOT gameplay sabotage if a player simply makes a mistake or has a poor match. Everyone does that from time to time, even the very best professionals in the world. Players can also have a rough match without a lot of mistakes, simply because the other team is making better plays and performing well. For a player to be reported for Gameplay Sabotage, they must intentionally be trying to disrupt and harass their teammates or actively trying to lose. Note that playing a non-meta Hero does not mean someone is taking part in Gameplay Sabotage. Players who are trying hard to help their team to win should not be reported, regardless of the hero they choose.

The other change we’re making to the player reporting categories is removing the “Poor Teamwork” category. Many players were using this category in a very similar fashion to the “Griefing” category, because both categories could be interpreted very broadly to include diverse types of bad behavior. This made it more difficult for us to action players appropriately."

Blizzard need to punish all the false reporters just like they do on steamers who abused it.

Idiots just like to abuse the report system because they didn’t get their way. Even thou they are trying to force their will on someone else.


but " I was banned for INNOCENTLY playing my hero! " and everyone sympathizes!

People sympathize because most people have been in a game where someone sees a Torb or Symmetra pick and immediately asks both teams to report them for throwing. One tricks get a ton of hate and it’s kind of confusing considering how rarely people even encounter one tricks in game, seems like people just use them as a convenient excuse whenever they under performed themselves.

Last season I mostly duoed with a friend who plays a lot Symmetra and I can tell you first hand, people were incredibly vitriolic towards him, regardless of how he was playing. A Zenyatta could be feeding the entire game, constantly getting picked off by Widow/Hanzo because he keeps peeking, but when playing with a one trick, people act like the issues the team is facing are never the Zenyatta’s fault. Even when he does switch, if it’s a loss they still get the blame because “Sym main can’t play other heroes” and if it’s a win, we got carried. Despite consistently being above a 65% win rate on Symmetra, I’d say 6/10 of our games had someone accusing us of throwing or trolling before the gates even opened. I feel like if you dealt with the same thing every day, you wouldn’t be joining match chat either.


There’s a lot more to torb than people give him credit for. He does so much damage close range and he can duel tanks with ease. He can set up his turret to prevent a flank and control a zone and his left click has 0 damage drop off. He can 2-shot a pharah if his aim is there. A torb one-trick understands these things and plays him accordingly. You’d be surprised as to how many don’t actually need you to babysit them. The negative stigma comes from the best players in the world being stronger than his turret and people picking torb to troll. Ask a genuine torb one-trick about how strong he really can be even without his team.

i actually have an account named torb only that I used to one-trick him in seasons 5,6,8 and then I opened up to other heroes. It placed higher than my main back then.


“Other team won i myself coudn’t have made a misstake or contribute to this happening so better report my dps’s” is the mindset shared by 90% of the Overwatch’s player base.


Torb on lower ranks when enemy team doesn’t have a shield is basically guaranteed full hold lol. Nobody even dares to approach the choke in fear of torb blasting them off with his turret. This happens every single time. Torb doesn’t need a shield to deter the average dps player with just his turret.

Add in symmetra and brigitte and you got yourself some massive meme beef composition enemies will find hard to break through with normal 2-2-2 it’s hilarious. 500hp symmetra is actually not a joke.

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Rather than “what could I have done better? On my character or otherwise.”

Right but in GM, where 76 ult is weaker than 76 not ulting, torb’s turret becomes almost obsolete. That being said people still manage to win with him. I see him almost like the hanzo to widow counterpart to mcree; He does similar damage just with projectiles rather than hitscan (arguably a handicap but still possible).

I think it’s worth acknowledging that most one-tricks cut communication because people don’t work with them and instantly flame them. I am a positive player and I like to flex, but when I pick Sombra, I get flamed and accused of throwing immediately before the spawn doors even open.

I think it’s detrimental still, though…I work with my team and help them as much as I can. So when they cut communication, it makes it hard to work with them and I often hate the team dynamics because they silenced everyone. Most even mute team chat so I can’t even type to them.

It’s just not fun playing a team game, regardless of the hero you are playing, if we have 0 methods of communication. :expressionless:

If this game is so toxic that one must mute the team then the community really needs to think “who’s fault is that?”

Seen a lot of drama players want to run 3 tanks comp even thou other team has reaper/bastion and its going to inconvenience some players still they insested that we playd 3 tanks and trolled untill someone swaped for a 3ed tank is that fair ? ohh yeah and we still lost since they had to trow to make it happen. At the end of the game you report them and they report you so what the point in having this report system that can be abused by everyone… so why stay in the team chat in the situation even as a 3ed party its still dumb to read chat and hear team drama when you are focusing on wining.

Most of the time and this is true the majority of the team isn’t right and shouldn’t be listened to this shows more then even when someone is smurffing.

Top 500 player plays in diamond above steaming just laughs at what some teams wanted him to do and what they do just to make him swap its sad that it was the majority if the team ganging up on him as well. Yet he was the one carrying them all the time, he ofc had to mute the chat and voice com his steaming then they are telling him to kill himself calling him A * * * * t and a N * * * * r on stream. Overwatch actually managed to be more toxic than league of legends in less then 1 year.

:fire: :ocean: :fire_engine:

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you mistake…we got a few 1 trick meta heros players…not us lul. LIke you i became a moira/Zarya player bcuz i got so many auto lock genjis and tracers and now this days hanzos…every time we get the msj of we got a 1 trick meta hero baned we so proud of it.

They really just need to lock heroes out if they are going to ban people. Either they lock certain classes out for competitive situations or they leave it open if they are going to stop doing “bans”. The way I see it. if you pug for a Comp match and someone just isn’t doing something correctly, get over it.

Some players may not quite understand how to play comp. Which is why I do NOT play it.

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Jeff Kaplan said THIS in an interview:

All in all, the game lets you pick whoever you want. It’s not up to your teammates who you should play. I do think it’s respectful to people to be willing to gel with the team composition, but you can’t ban somebody - it’s not a bannable offence - for just playing one hero, as long as you’re trying your best to win with that hero.

I think the game gets in a very dangerous state when we tell you who you’re allowed to play and not play with the game functioning like it does right now. The allure and the fantasy of Overwatch is there are these 26 heroes, and you can log in at any moment and be one of them. We should be trying to keep them all viable, and all decent picks within a team composition. I mean, sometimes you’re gonna be countered, but we can’t leave it at other players’ discretion to decide what you should be doing.

THAT ALONE means that players that one trick shouldn’t be banned. Yet they still are.


Wow. All you people against 1 tricks. “27 characters” League of legends and DOTA 2 have a massive amount of characters. There are still a ton of 1 tricks, even in ranked. Seriously, its a game, get over it. Not even league or DOTA ban you for this and THEY ARE FREE!