One tricks being banned

I feel like there’s more to these stories than people say.
I’ve played Widowmaker for 300 hours. A lot of the time I am that guy that wont switch. I’ve recently gotten better at this, but I feel like if that was the sole reason people were getting their bans upheld, I would have been a victim of this at least once.

I used to be pretty damn toxic and terrible too, but I have for a long time now been a person who is (usually) very positive in mental attitude while playing. Even when my teammates are being jerks, I’ll usually jokingly call them out on it or joke around and tell them it hurts my feelings. Something to that effect.

I feel like a lot of these bans are happening/being upheld more because of attitude than the actions people are taking, and people don’t want to call themselves out on their crappy behavior. That said, that is purely my opinion based on my own experience.

You should add that Tanks and Healers get a pass on this simply because they both have small hero pools of 6 (compared to the rest of 15 heroes) of which 2 are most likely to be picked anyway.

Personally as a flex player I’m not frustrated about DPS one tricks instalocking their heroes. What makes me frustrated are non-DPS one tricks picking DPS heroes or any player that (despite their role) refuses to switch in a bad spot, communicate and/or play with the team. Those players are the real moths of this game.

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You’re lucky. It happened to me. It’s almost random sometimes and it never should be.

I responded to another post of yours in a different thread but this is much better. Anyone who doesn’t play a specific hero but picks a role away from their team while performing poorly is much worse. You are absolutely right and they are the ones who throw games. (edit to add a paragraph)

If your team has a main tank/engage hero main and they refuse to play it while taking away another’s main healer main and not doing a very good job, they are throwing and that really isn’t cool. (this is assuming your team doesn’t have another engage/main tank player)

Matsy: How did you paste that image?

WRONG. Poor Performance and unwillingness to switch are NOT throwing, they are NOT gameplay sabotage. The report system EVEN SAYS THIS.

The only thing that is throwing is if a player is PURPOSELY TRYING TO MAKE THEIR TEAM LOSE. Character selection has absolutely ZERO to do with it.


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How often do you go on loss streaks? Are you in an extremely toxic SR level (Bronze to Mid Plat?) Trust me, enough reports just for playing a single character gets you suspended. Period.

I didn’t say it’s reportable and it’s not just the poor performance. It’s the combination of playing poorly on a hero that you know a teammate can perform better on while at the same time not contributing in a way that you know you can ei. playing your main when nobody else on the team is adequate with your main role.

Still, its not throwing either. This is the main problem, all of this is part of players trying to force other players to stick to a certain composition… 2/2/2, play what you’re amazing at with no variety, follow the meta… You don’t know if that player got his butt kicked on his main in the last match and is trying something different just to shake it up… Hell, I’ve seen 6 supports vs 4 tanks… With results that were completely unexpected. It’s well beyond time though that players STOP reporting people for things that are NOT against the rules.


When i bought this game i knew nothing about metas, or that I was required to play what everyone else decides i play I bought it to play WHOEVER the hell i wanted to play. Not even in TOS does it say I am required to play a certain character. My money my game, I should be able to play who and whatever I choose. I have never seen a company with such power tripped out minds that ban you for such ridiculous stuff, they should focus on fixing stuff before they have no players left…

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Totally agree with you here, but its not the company that’s power tripped. They get so many reports that they had no choice but to automate it. It’s the players that are power tripping. Blizzard is just not willing or able to handle the # of people getting banned for this.

Apparently the other post was taken down, but yes I agree. Poor performance means that the matchmaking is just putting you higher than what you should (assuming you’re playing only one hero) and not willing to switch isn’t throwing either because it’s just a players word against another. However if your poor performance is a direct result of being hard countered by opponents heroes and very poor synergy between your teammate’s heroes and you’re unwilling to switch after being asked to switch then it can be considered unfair and gameplay sabotage.

This can happen at gold level play also albeit being that much more rare due to the low level of skill and therefore skill ceiling being a much irrelevant factor in hero viability. I disagree that these player are banned or suspended from games as these should be uncommon occasions and the lower you go the more viable these low skill heroes become statistically. It could just be that if there’s 50 different game reports on a player and 5-10 of these occasions are accurately described as gameplay sabotage then they just go with the common consensus of the reporters rather than go through all of them individually. Or at least that’s something that would seem possible.

No, it is not, specifically because gameplay sabotage SAYS it is not right in the description of what gameplay sabotage is. ALSO, character counters are NOT STATIC. It is possible to take out monkey with a symm. It is possible to take out genji with bastion. It is possible to reaper a pharah. A widow can take down a rein shield.

This boils down to only one thing. Players are getting banned because OTHER PLAYERS are reporting them for something that’s NOT against the rules. These players that are filing the reports are ALSO not switching to improve the team composition in the way they want it improved. Ever think that instead of screaming at a guy to switch then reporting them for not switching, you could switch and solve the problem YOURSELF?


i dps one tricked for 3 seasons and i still climbed from bronze to plat without vc. Id rather play like trash and learn from that, than ruin my whole day screeching at randoms that cant even play the game themselves. I will continue to not be on voice chat until i hit my goal of getting to masters.

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DUH! They could easily do this.

i had a sym main on a team that wouldnt join VC, i got him into VC but he muted everyone else except me. I played rein for one match and enabled him to get damage in and put a tele down so we had “spawn advantage”. We won the game because i was positive and enabled a hero that is “off-meta”. Ive had games where torb on the payload works like a charm and works better then the bastion on a payload. I play mei, and i am a flankers nightmare. Ive won most of my games with off meta one tricks because no one understands that enabling these heros might actually benefit.

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The ban for one trick is mostly disruptive gameplay or an silence. How I know… my friend who just recently go an disruptive gameplay for playing Sym and winning a match.

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Exactly, and those not in voice chat arent breaking rules either. There is no rule stating you MUST be in voice chat.

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Actually, I hate all onetricks personally. There will always be situations where something won’t work, and the person refusing to switch off of that character is failing their team in doing so.

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definitely, i rarely join voice chat. I dont really care if people report me cause i know im not going to get banned. I also climbed from bronze all the way to play with 0 comms, and i probably wont need it for a while.