One tricks being banned

This is exactly my point, I report most one tricks not just off-meta ones, I’ve never reported someone automatically because of their off-meta pick.

However I hate how I’M the one who always has to fill for supposed “one-tricks” which are horrible most of the time.

Every game people think Reinhardt is my main, because in the Comp seasons I’ve played, he is always my top pick, not because I love playing him or anything, but because every time there’s a one trick and I’m the one who has to fill for their graciousness.

That is the reason I made this post, I can just easily lock Genji every game, as you see in Quick Play I play him a lot, but not in Competitive.

The reason for that is that I am a team player, and I’m sick of solo players.

You deserve your bans one trick ponies, I’m glad you got it.


Yea lets ban everyone playing offmeta characters so people who don’t play zarya/rein/brigitte/zen/mercy/hanzo can be removed from playing this game all at once because playing anything else that is not 100% meta is super selfish and bannable offense. This dude playing Moira/widow/doomfist is just throwing, like wow seriously how dare you?



If you one trick meta champ its fine but if you dont you get reported seen it happen amilion times to myself on top of ppl purpusfully trowing the game cause they had a one trick in their team but ppl dont report the trower but the one trick blizzard knows this and is ignoring it. Im sysly surprise that they hanvent deleted this tread when i made one just like this one it got takn down instantly + you have to know that only players who play easy to play meta heros are on the forums deffending the non skillness of it and calling it freash so the forum is pointless.

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The main problem is that the support team CANNOT see the games so there is no way for them to find out wether you’re throwing or just playing an off-meta character

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Your argument makes no sense, there’s plenty of Meta DPS getting reported for throwing/sabotaging because they disregard the team’s meta.

I can explain why Torb happens to be one of the most commonly banned one tricks, not only is he off-meta, but he requires the team to play around him.

Tell me you don’t see it as selfish if I pick what I WANT to play every game and expect EVERY TEAM I encounter to play around me?!

How is that not selfish?!

So yeah, it’s not that weird that you get reported for that, ESPECIALLY if you don’t deliver.

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Some people are just more inclined to fill than others. There are very few people who only EVER play one hero. Try picking Genji more. You’d be surprised how it might work out and how certain people that you wouldn’t expect to chagne heroes actually do to support you.

One tricking is good y’all just mad cause you dont play meta only.

Yeah, just last game in Competitive, I played as a Reinhardt because we had two tank players none of which wanted to pick a tank with a Shield, which meant their Hanzo picked us off one by one and they crushed the first point on Anubis in 20 seconds.

I play the entire game BUT the last round as a Reinhardt Tank because seemingly no one else was able to pick something with a shield.

We had only one DPS and he was Hanzo, I asked him to switch roles and he started flaming me, assuming that “Let’s switch” meant “Hanzo you suck, go away”, which wasn’t necessarily the case.

The result? I changed to McCree, we had two tanks again none of which had a barrier, and we got destroyed in 20 seconds and the entire team blamed me for “daring” to switch off Reinhardt for 20 seconds.

If you REALLY don’t want to swap to fill but are tired of one-tricks, play with some friends who will fill for you. You can’t force anyone to swap as it’s written in the rules. Create a six-stack and you won’t have that issue.

Blizzard’s weak team SR-MMR system is a separate issue and should be the real target of your hatred

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You are the type of person who would rather go with an ad hominem attack that makes no sense cause it’s a baseless assumption.

In a game like overwatch one must be rdy to play with and amongs all the heros not just the 10 good once that take no skills and are the meta so yeah.

Ppl say the game is balanced than they say that they dont want certan heros picked. Thats bs.


I one trick every hero in the game on ONE ACCOUNT except for Lucio, Mercy, Sym, Briggy Doo Doo.

I hate Genji and I learned him out of Necessity… I’m the player people need, but do not deserve.

I spend a lot of time playing all the heros. If you’re playing just one hero… you’re wasting your time.


Don’t spiral into mud-slinging. Ignore Kitt or the thread will be locked/deleted.

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Yeah it’s weird, players are filing false reports which ends up in another player getting suspended. Blizzard should strike down hard on those people.

Start to actually report players that are breaking the rules, not those that didn’t want to play what hero the team wanted them to play.

Also it doesn’t really matter if you are a OTP or not, what matters is if you play any off-meta heroes or any heroes deemed “garbage” by the community.


Let me get this straight, I must be ready to play something I don’t like, so that I can support an off meta one trick pony.

How is that fair?

The reason most players flex and are not one trick ponies is, because they don’t feel so entitled as to pick and play what they personally want every. single. game.

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Knowing how to play every hero isn’t required so much for making a team comp (2-3 of different roles should be plenty) but it will make you much better at whatever your main hero is as you’ll know what the others are capable of.

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Or you can just pick a sillless hero and drool on your keyboard.

No, that’s not the case. Like I said it’s not so much about Torb being off meta, the problem is that he needs the team to play around him.

And like I said numerous times, I’ve been a witness to many meta hero one tricks being reported, because they troll/play solo/refuse to switch/communicate and so on.

But so does Mcree and Hanzo and soldier. Basically every DPS needs the team to play around them in one way or another. If you pick a support or tank, that’s what you’re signing up for. That’s the definition of support.

For me, it helps counter entire team comps. I know what needs to be done, who to use.

Although, gotta love the SR system. It matches me with people who aren’t at my level.

When someone says Change I can CHANGE to what they need. Even Mercy, but more often I just witness people who are TERRIBLE at being DPS or Tanking.

I’ve questioned many times how I was a gold DMG Rein with a 76 and a JR or Hanzo on my team haha. I Just wanna protect and do Dmg here and there, not Carry the teams dmg lol.