One tricks being banned

There are one-tricks who want to win just as much as you do. It just so happens the one-trick character they play are what they are best at. Often because the specialized/off-meta character offers gameplay strategies that aren’t commonly found in competitive matches.

And what possible reason is there for these players to communicate if they receive nothing but a string of profanity and toxicity from voice chat? The truth is you don’t care about the communicating, you just want them to immediately acquiesce to anyone on the team demanding that they switch.

And the problem comes in when the one-tricks are actually doing well, but they’re team is demanding they switch regardless. Because they never look at the Soldier missing all his shots or the Tracer constantly feeding. They always look at the off-meta character first.


There is no but-maybe.
Not only does the term no longer apply at all (if it ever has), since off-meta flexer face the exact same problem. I just got the warning and I play plenty Heroes, including Tank and Heal.

What it comes down to is the simple question: should it be punishable to suck at this game ?
Well hell yeah ! It’s a game after all, so that’s part of it. And that’s why we have the SR system, right ? If whatever that gold torb in your team does wouldn’t be good enough for gold, he wouldn’t be gold.

The report system is not to filter the pros from the plebs. Leave that to the leagues.


how about this: dont one trick! there are 27 heroes in this game, youre telling me that you only like/are good at one? just give other heroes a shot for gods sake.


If the person is in my rank and is just terrible i watch the kill feed and they arr barely up there then ya i am going to be pissed because this person was boosted to my rank and now is dead weight to my team (i am gold on console where i play now)

Look at yourself first. I’ve seen you in many threads talking about kill feed. Stop watching the kill feed and make space. You’d be surprised how little help the off-meta character actually gets from their team and how much they get focused by the other team.

You’re a tank main. Create space for your dps/supports otherwise they really can’t do anything regardless of whether they are playing soldier or symmetra or reaper. If you don’t engage the enemy team and disrupt their defenses, your tracer one-trick will get focused down by their whole team. If you don’t push the choke on attack, the other team can just sit there farming ults. If you don’t counter-dive the enemy DVA when she jumps your hanzo, your hanzo won’t be able to kill their mercy.

I don’t know you at all but I can PROMISE you that you aren’t stuck in gold because one person on your team isn’t in the kill feed on a DPS hero even though you’re creating ample opportunities for them.


Inbound thread gets deleted

The devs have spoken, we’re free to play whatever hero we want, so it is not correct to ban onetricks…


The surprising thing is the biggest population of one tricks is actually DPS mains. Genji mains, Tracer mains, soldier mains, etc.

But according to the community is A-OK to one trick a DPS character, but its not OK to one trick in defense or support.

See the hypocrisy?


This so much.

Like, so I played ctf for fun and got this 63% kill participation, 3 golds and potg. I’ve never grilled enemy team so hard as this match.

There is also no way I could have done all of that without my team’s mercy hardcore pocketing me and my team’s Mei making sure to keep the roadhog frozen. But sadly, because some people feel like offmeta players are useless etc. they do not even bother to heal them, much less make space for them to operate or even use their skills to victory, like ignoring symmetra’s teleporters even in GM level and they manage to tilt themselves before they even leave the spawn room, so they play badly.


Does knowing more that 1 hero make you a flex player or just a normal player?

It’s funny. When they started the automated ban system and one tricks started getting banned left and right, I started watching a lot of one trick streamers.

What I would see over and over again is some of the most toxic chat I have ever seen directed at the one trick. As the team would tell them to kill themselves, they would go out of their way to make sure the one trick failed. They would get no heals, no peels, no help at all. The one trick would be completely ignored by the rest of the team.

Then, adding the final insult to injury, their teammates and people like yourself would accuse them of playing like a “lone wolf”. Absolutely hilarious.


One trick if you want but I hate having to facilitate someone doing something totally different then what the team is doing.
If a OT bastion wants to take a position somewhere away from the team and it wants me to hold a shield for it while the rest of my team is grouped somewhere else, I’m ditching the bastion.
If the bastion/ Torb is with the team, sure I’ll cover you.


Kind of hard to talk to a team when they’re screeching at one tricks for picking a non meta hero.



I always have and always will be a 1 trick no matter how many timed I may get banned from false reports(Thankfully 0 bans so far across 3 1 trick accounts)


“False reports”

To think that there are people here defending you.

Yes the only reason I’ve had people report me is because I was a 1 trick

A.k.a. False reports


To think that there are people here defending other players who play the characters they like well and with positive winrates, from mob justice system that punishes players with impunity regardless if they actually broke TOS or not.

Such horrible people indeed. /s


what about the 1 tricks meta hero? am sick of flankers like your main or tracer been countered and refuse to change just bcuz they are meta. This works both ways dude, me and my friend starting to report this ppl too and we getting a few of then ban already, we really proud about it.


This is a team game and playing a hero that is off meta usually means that that hero is bad. Picking those heros is selfish and raises the chances of your team loosing by quiet a bit.

However if the enemy team does not have a brig, then hell go dive. Things like that also need to be considered.

Just disable all off-meta in comp.
Let’s just have mirror matches all the time.
Problem solved…right?

Afterall playing anything that isn’t 100% effective (comparatively speaking) is a bannable offence…