One thing I'll never understand

Because pros did it.

It’s not a bad pick.

The person who prompted this thread literally said “I don’t know what I’m doing on this hero”. You seem to have missed the point of the thread entirely as well, Idk if it’s because it describes you but no, I’ll never stop thinking that actively putting your team at a disadvantage if you are capable of playing something else is dumb and counter productive. The higher you get the less likely it should be for someone to not know what synergizes and what causes anti synergy.

I am playing since winter2019 and I still don´t know every single good comp. My picks are also very dependable on the map we play on and if it´s attack or defense. Sometimes is good to say something (nicely), when you are going for a specific comp and someone has pick that doesn´t match. I would welcome such advice if adressed nicely without bullying.

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Because if I just “Took one for the team” and picked a different hero… I’d be doing that every single game


It may well be counterproductive but you asked why people do it. The answer for many is the challenge. You disputed that by saying that you’ve failed the challenge if you don’t reach gm.

I disagree with that and pointed out that a player at your peak sr is no more a failure than you. One that has limited themselves but still reached your peak is more of a success than you.


I ask quite politely in game and usually limit it to once, but I can’t explain what and why during a match.

So then you get people who can’t play that character well.
What do you do then?
Expect the to switch and not play well?
Not switch and you get upset that it’s not the comp you wanted?

Why are you actively ignoring the part you quoted?

Because it goes against what you said before:

They’re two different things.
You don’t like it that they didn’t pick it, but you do like it?

The difference being picking something that has anti synergy when you are capable of playing something else and when you aren’t. If it’s made clear that they are a one-trick or for some reason don’t play of the other heroes that would be better then that’s just that.

Well you didn’t actually answer it because you are still going at it from the one trick angle which isn’t what I’m talking about. Unless you want to make the argument that there are people who in every game deliberately choose anti synergistic heroes after looking at what their team is running to challenge themselves and even so, that would probably more of a challenge for the 5 other people to deal with.

The only actual answers seem to be ignorance or trolling

You asked, I answered. For many the answer is the challenge. Why do others do it? I have no idea, I cant read their minds.

I do wonder why you’re even asking if you dont want answers though.

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because that person likes playing lucio


I mean, it’s like I’m asking what date it is and you are answering with what time it is. Unless your answer does presume that people intentionally pick the worst possible hero for the given situation.

In a different meta with different balance patch for a specific comp. Blanket statements like that just don’t hold up even more so if you don’t understand why it was good at the time.
Also that strategy had a terrible team fight win statistic.

Tbf this might be one of the best chat interactions in the game


And they’re still playing the character you deem unworthy.

did u kno this game is rigged? so rly kinda nothing about balance or hero picks rly matter bcuz the game will always rig on ppls behalf. i mean the devs are free to prove us all wrong with orange text saying it’s 100% not rigged. then we can prob have civil discussions about a everything else bcuz it might matter then.

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My dude, I’ve witnessed comps where nobody has any legit synergy going on, or trying to make something work that normally doesn’t. Example can be half the team runs Dive, a.k.a. Winston, Tracer and Lucio, but then the other half would be Anti-Dive, Orisa, Mccree and Baptiste. People do this a lot. But honestly, as much as comps can matter, you should focus on ur own gameplay, and then worry about comps. Ur own individial gameplay will take u far, potentially giving u the power to carry and/or clutch if u must. I also worry about our comps too, but comps won’t matter if people can’t play certain characters to make said comps work, like trying to force me to play Winston when I don’t play Winston. I can and I only really play WB for the fun of it. So, trying to make a dive comp requires me to play, for the most part. If u mention Zar, 1, Not Dive, and 2, Can’t play her either. So u see my point as to why some of the comp set-ups go wacky? And also why it doesn’t matter too heavily, at least not right away?

The world doesn’t revolve around you. I do not care if 5 of my teammates set up a perfect comp that just needs me to fill it and the enemy is running 6 counters to Hog. The satisfaction I get is that I get to play the only fun hero in the game and no matter how bad my team is, I will still do well.

It is really easy to understand and the only reason you aren’t understanding is because you refuse to see it from any other perspective.

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Lets compare which one is more valuable to you as a player, not an account.

  1. 50 win in matches where you basicly did nothing but shot in the general direction of the enemy, all because the synergy was soo good with the team.


  1. 10 lose in matches where you were the obvious suboptimal pick, but you tried your best with the hero you are trying to be good at.

I would say 2. by a long shot.

You can try and complete every single call of duty on veteran with pistol and melee only.
It is hell on earth and you know, that you brought this on yourself, and you know how easy would it be, to just pick up that assault rifle from the ground and win.
But once you did learn how to play every situation even with the restrictions, you will roll through everyone and everything once you do decide to pick up an assault rifle.
In this case, the assault rifle is the match where your hero IS the optimal pick.

That is one tricking for you in a nutshell and it is better for you as a player in the long run. You can learn to play certain heroes very well if you keep being stubborn.
Its obviously bad for your team during that 10 match where you were stubborn, but in the long run it pays off, and will carry someone elses team to victory.

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I find this bit interesting considering what follows next, I often find that the people who use this line do so only to make the argument that the world revolves around them instead and this doesn’t seem to be an exception.