Why is lucio played in double shield?

Why do pros play lucio in double shield? Why not opt for more healing, with someone like baptiste? Why is double shield played on KOTH? Isn’t rein zarya better for pushing the enemy?

Speed boost.

He is played for the speed boost. In order to press the 2 shields onto their double shields.

So pushing into the other team? Isn’t rein zarya better for that?

Also, he’s played because boops in this game are broken op now thanks to the ridiculous buff no one asked for.

I’m not entirely sure.
But i think it has to do with Sigma’s ult and Doomfist ripping the other supports apart.

For pushing? Yeah, but I think Meowjoker was understating what speed boost is for. It is helpful for pushing, but it’s also great for retreating, disengaging, rotating, kiting and a plethra of other stuff, which don’t necessarily work best with Zar-Rein. Speed boost is the most powerful ability in the game, or at least, top 3, hence why Lucio has been meta almost without interruption since the dawn of time. It doesn’t matter really what your tanks are.

Also, a defensive ult is pretty valuable, which isn’t provided by Bap or other more bunker-y supports.

Every other support with a defensive ultimate feeds to Doomfist.

Bap does have IF though, if you just wanted a defensive ult IF is good for that

Speed boost, boop the Doom/reaper away, boop the tanks away/infront of their shields/ out of position in general, defensive ult and doesnt get demolished by current meta dps like zen does

  1. Supports Reaper
  2. Him and Moira are the only 2 Supports that Doomfists have a hard time farming.
  3. He’s a KotH autopick.
  4. Brig sucks.
  5. Supports Sigma a bit.

Cause he can somewhat surive against DF and his ultimate counters Sigma’s ultimate.

Speed boost is also quite nice for your orisa and sigma to move faster.

However I think Mercy, Bap and Brig are good substitutes to Lucio :slight_smile:

I just hope we don’t get echo as a doomfist hardcounter. Countering the whole game. :sweat_smile:

Zen doesn’t get enough value through shields, plus is too suscetibilize of Doomfist.

Brigitte… Well, she’s Brigitte, reworked, make that what you will.

Ana, same as Zen, doesn’t get enough value in double shield.

Baptiste, as above, doesn’t get enough value in double shield.

Mercy, although she does ignore shields, doesn’t get enough value either because she lacks a defensive ultimate and/or burst heal.

So the flex support Hunger Games champion is Lucio, for his ult counters Gravitic Flux. And that’s about it. His speed is actually not that important, it’s good to have, but not what makes the comp works like GOATS that relied on it. Double shield actually doesn’t care at all about rotations, any corners is their corner.

I wouldn’t mind her having one single ability that only counters doom.
“Domm Spanker”

Because lucio heals through shields?

Idk about you but I see a lot of zarya as well.

Beat is much more reliable. Immortality field, especially after the hp nerf, is pretty easily destroyed and you can’t stop people who aren’t paying attention from walking out of it and dying. At least with beat they have no choice but to get the shields if they are within the radius.

Personally though, I often choose Lucio over other healers so I can boop Doom away. And also, swapping between heal and speed boost seems to throw off some Widow and Hanzo players aim.