One thing I'll never understand

is why people choose to make the game harder for themselves and their team by picking certain things that basically goes opposite of what the rest of the team is playing. I’m talking about the scenarios where you have 5 people picking an actual comp, and 1 person that just doesn’t pick something that doesn’t match, but something that basically plays in the exact opposite way of whatever the rest of the team does.

Like when you have 5 people build a double shield comp, and then 1 person goes Lucio. Why? What does Lucio do there that has any value that makes him worth the pick? The point of double shield is not to go fast and rush the enemy team so that basically makes your speed useless, then all you have is some AoE heal which just makes the comp overall weaker because there are better heroes for the job. Current OW is supposed to be 6v6, why are you out here trying to make it a 1v11? What satisfaction are you getting out of this that makes it worth?


Receiving salt from 11 others players is a unique experience


I was just about to say that trolling is the only thing I can think off.

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Affinity of playing a favored hero over taking one for the team. Some want to play a certain hero no matter the situations because they find that more fun that adhering to a team comp.

This is more prevalent the lower you go in rank.

The other possibility is that they have a very narrow hero pool and does not know how to play other heroes to the same level.


I think a lot of people don’t realize how much their impact on their “good heroes” can be when forced into a comp where there’s anti synergy.

That is the biggest issue with OW. The heroes are way to specialized and doesn’t synthesize equally across the board.
Sometimes ppl just want to play X or doesn’t realize they are making a bad pick. You are pretty much forced to pick a hero you don’t want to play just to win.

This wouldn’t have happened if heroes were made to work in any situation similar to Paladins instead of everyone having a single niche.

This is also why the game is so much heavily dependent on teamwork instead of individual skill.


It’s quite the experience to have the other team defend you against your own teams tears in match chat.

Some people enjoy a challenge.


That’s interesting, wonder what makes people who aren’t GM think that the challenge they have failed at so far isn’t enough of a challenge.

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I will play the character I wish, and you can’t stop me.


I’d say that someone being in your ranked games despite placing themselves at such a disadvantage is them succeeding far more so than you.


That’s assuming that their wins are due to them making a positive difference.

If they have maintained that rank over hundreds of games it’s not an assumption.


It’s very easy to maintain a rank. If you are consistent with what you pick and it’s not blatently off meta you are just as likely to get comps where the hero is good as comps where it’s bad.

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Spot on! Some folks just aren’t as knowledgeable in the finer parts of the game’s tactics, so they might not even know they’re making a “mistake” in the first place!


You asserted that them not being gm means they’ve failed. If both of you are maintaining rank despite them putting themselves at a large disadvantage, that makes you more of the failure than them.


I’m ocellating between different ranks and working up towards what I used to be before I stopped playing. I’m just talking about people who I meet on my way there.

So you’ll stop complaining once you reach your peak and inevitably run into one tricks there too? The point doesn’t change.

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Who says I’m talking about one tricks?

When discussing players who refuse to swap it tends to mean 1 tricks. If not 1 tricks, it still means players who refuse to swap to make comps. The point doesn’t change. Will you stop complaining at your peak?


There are two things with this:

  1. If you want to play a certain comp, then play with a team. Not everyone should have to play a certain comp or be forced to play characters they might not be able to play very well. That would be making things harder for the team. It sounds like a “you should play this way because i say so.”

  2. They might not know. If there is no communication about exactly what is wanted, you can’t expect people to just know “Oh, they’re doing x comp so I need to pick y character.”