One Hour per Day

Whatever you say :laughing: Keep reaching.

You keep talking about other threads because you can’t focus on this one…

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“This thread is talking about 12-15 hour unlocks, the other one was 2-3 hours, they’re completely different threads! They have absolutely nothing in common! It’s incredulous to even think they belong in the same discussion!”

From the same thread. Turns out a 700% increase isn’t “takes forever.”

Those goalposts, they keep on changin’.

You can certainly get 9 wins in a couple hours. But it does take luck. I’ve completed a weekly invent in right around 2 hours before.

Just keep proving that you can’t refute the points in this thread by talking about other threads… be my guest

This entire thread has been 12-15 hour unlocks, can we talk about that? Or are you just going to keep pivoting :laughing: “but what about a different thread!!”

Hey look he’s starting to reach that point where he resorts to insults again, LOL. That started this whole mess.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure forensic science is relevant to law enforcement, even if they don’t share every detail.


Putting non-skins in a battlepass is unacceptable, people defending it are delusional. You give them that inch, they will take a mile.


He’s an S tier level troll, I’m convinced.

Hell, SSR tier level troll.

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How did I insult anyone? I’m simply observing that people are talking about other threads instead of this one…

It’s the industry standard & is why Apex/Valorant/League will be getting content for years to come.

No joke all of your comments don’t speak to the point of this thread… and you wonder why I’m saying you’re off topic :laughing:

The leaks I’m going off of say older ones require 25 hours each, on their specific role, which leads to throwing on tank/support and egregious queues on DPS. Still, even if it’s 12 and not 25, it doesn’t really matter if its 24 or 240, if it’s high enough it will drive new players away. Even 12 hours is a lot when most people have decided whether or not they’ll uninstall within like, 3.

And just in case:

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But you commented that I “can’t” focus on this thread. Not won’t, not should, but can’t. That implies that there is some deficiency preventing me from focusing on it.

They’re almost identical threads, I don’t know why there’s even a need to focus on one or the other.

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Two threads can have entirely different topic titles and yet contain material relevant to the other

That is the case here

as such, yes, there was and is material relevant to this thread in other threads

clarification: there has been no reaching nor any mental hurdling by me involved here. This has been explained above. simply stated, two threads with different titles can contain material relevant to the other. This occurs regularly on these forums, as any experienced forum member already knows

clarification: there has been no such failure on my part. Rather a realization that there is material relevant to both threads in said thread

I’ll add here that I ask that personal attacks cease


Valorant is csgo you ordered from wish .com, and as far as I am aware, all the microtransactions for lol are cosmetic.

Apex is free, and didnt remove titanfall 1 and 2 when it launched.

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queue time isnt playing

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That’s exactly the problem, you need more than 12 hours of IRL time to get 12 hours of counted game time.

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I didn’t see 25 hours on specific roles… I saw potentially 25 wins on specific roles for the same roled new hero. But, how would it lead to throwing on tank/support and egregious queues? Players are going to play their best because they want to win so they can unlock the hero the fastest & will hopefully be placed at their skill level within that role.

Why will it drive new players away? Most or all of us talking here are veterans who have over a thousand hours on OW1. These new players don’t have any and have so much to discover & enjoy…

Well until you’re actually contributing to the topic of the thread instead of referencing other threads it seems like you can’t focus on this thread…

This comment is another example, you’re not talking to the point of the thread.

A thread about 12-15 hour unlocks is not the same as a thread that is not talking about 12-15 hour unlocks. It’s really not hard to understand. You seem incapable of talking solely about 12-15 hour unlocks for some reason, and then you complain that you’re tired of the conversation you’re not even trying to have lol

It has nothing to do with the titles, it’s about the content. The content of this thread is 12-15 hour unlocks, the other thread in question is not which makes them irrelevant to eachother. How hard is it to understand?

You are reaching when you say that a thread talking about 12-15 hour unlocks and a thread that isn’t are relevant to eachother. They’re not. They’re different topics.

I ask that your false claims cease.

Aren’t Valorant & Apex characters behind play time or money? Maybe I’m wrong and all characters are instantly available in both games for free.

In that case, thanks


If it were a thread about 12-15 hour hero unlocks, and a thread about everyone’s favorite arcade mode, yeah, they have nothing to do with each other.

One is a thread about 12-15 hour hero unlocks, one is a thread about 2-3 hour hero unlocks. They’re extremely relevant to each other.

Especially considering “a couple hours” was nothing, but it would sure suck if it “took forever,” and now an hour a day is nothing, which some of us would call moving the goalposts.


But anyway, the ‘setting’ of the thread may be different, but even within their respective context they both center around your views of the battlepass and hero locking, and the phrase

Is applicable in a general way to your stance on hero locking, regardless of the duration of time required to unlock them

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I have made no false claims

There have been multiple personal attacks made on me (as well as at least one additional attack made on another forum member in the post I am replying to now) at this point and I ask yet again that these cease


Honestly, y’all need to stop being mean to MegaDodo. He doesn’t deserve it.

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