One Hour per Day

MegaDodo is a good egg

Whatever floats your boat. This is probably your 20th comment not even remotely talking about this thread, and instead still talking about another thread. You’re not interested in having a discussion. No worries, best of luck to you :slight_smile:

No one is being mean to MegaDodo, I’m just pointing out that they, like you, are more interested in talking about a different thread instead of what is in this thread.

For DPS, everyone will be queueing DPS and it’s already bad.

Tanks/Supports are incentivized to drag out matches. Based on how many games are already thrown because someone gets overconfident in their lead, this will be fairly pervasive. We can also expect a rise in leavers, and a leaver cycle messes with queues even further.

Right now the gameplay isn’t stellar, and queues are a mess, while talks of P2W have permeated beyond the echo chambers. Doesn’t matter if they’re accurate or not. They’ll never get around to discovering and enjoying the game unless all of these things are addressed.

I ask yet again that the personal attacks cease

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I like your style.

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You really don’t see the similarities in the two threads? You honestly think they have nothing to do with each other?

Threads about a leak and how many hours it takes to unlock a hero are irrelevant to each other because they’re about different lengths of time?

I mean, I can kinda see what you’re saying but I don’t think it’s what’s going to happen. I don’t see queues being bad or some absurd amount of leavers.

Yea, we can agree to disagree. I think the gameplay was great, queues will be fine & that millions of people will discover & enjoy the game. Only time will tell though.

When you want to speak about the topic of this thread let me know. You’ve spoken more about other threads than this one and it’s led us nowhere.

It only feels like we’ve gotten nowhere. We’re just as far from the goalposts as when we started, but it’s mostly because of all that moving they did.


Right, you moved the goalpost from this thread to another thread. Maybe there’s hope for you after all :sweat_smile:

Sure, they already have stated that money wasn’t the issue, while wanting more is “somewhat” fine.

Heroes or not wouldn’t change much on that regard, considering hey already sell fairly well skins.

You know that some places folks barely have the income for their “minimal” necessities, right? F2P business are to enable those folks to play, not folks who has a “comfortable” income. Anybody who has good income would been playing the game, some already bought like 2-10 times, which were stated on this forum from some those folks.

Going free to play you are getting folks who actually couldn’t pay those $10 every 6 months, considering that OW already reached 9,99$ value on brief periods of time.

Like I said, about 30$ for year. Isn’t something that most folks on the world can afford, considering that OW runs in pretty much outdated hardware to begin with and with one less hero and FSR would be even more accessible.

You would be surprised about how much money several countries in the world need to save, Pinoy by example one household member work overseas to afford the minimum liveable conditions for their whole parents, due the lack of resources and jobs their country gives. Africa also doesn’t that far off either, some latin americans also have some issues, even some european countries have their own issues.

Having 10$ to spend in a game for a year is a privillege that most folks can’t, that’s why several f2p games are popular and played around the globe.

Could help, yet I highly doubt it. Offline play doesn’t exactly exist on OW, even private games requires internet.

Sure, we disagree on this. What increases longevity is constant content a healthy dosage of FOMO and quality. Which blizzard fails on the 3 since 2019 on OW and their other franchises.

They’re famous by being accessible and enable folks to sell their acc to get money for their time. Most of pinoy does that since early 2000’s.

They dominated from a long time MMORPG’s doing so. Same goes from other asian countries and some african ones.

Folks will pay for instant access or for someone do the chore for them. Most of those games are resulted from it.

If they were famous and had a good way to exploit the system for folks get money from it, sure. Diablo made some folks rich because of it, not because the game were great.

While diablo games were somewhat good and genre defining, most of the revenue came from folks “selling services” or real money transactions using legally grey things.

OW with phone requirement, e-mail and some measures of ID and stuff like that, makes it less “favorable” to be exploited in the same way.

Most of the games who have a ton of revenue doesn’t require much info or data from their “players”. Which can “monetize” from it. Folks do that all the time on mobile games to “grind” on gatchas and sell certain accounts.

Most “rentable” games are the ones that folks can exploit the system to get money and reinvest in the game to get even more money. That’s why bots are too costly and some folks still buys it.

That goes against what you stated previously, because most of players are casuals. Casuals doesn’t have defined schedule for it. While 1-2 weeks to reach 12-15 hours are somewhat “realistically”, that period will reflect on higher queue times, roughly 25% more. Followed by periods of less queue times but overall poor matches.

That’s good for you, but still… life happens and at some point you could not be able to fill the quota in a small timeframe. By example I kept playing DI daily about 2-3 hours, spent about 1 week without playing due a family member requiring medical care and intensive watch, that 1 week hiatus for me made me realize that the effort to catch up stuff in the game would be worth it. So I left about a week ago from the game, after about 30 friends leaving on the first month.

I wouldn’t imagine leaving DI prior to 1 year mileage, yet I ditched after 2-3 months. I really enjoyed the game, PvE portion while disliked a ton Dungeon party locked system.

Life happens, things goes on unplanned ways and you can end up not being able to play, the “playtime” become a chore not as fun or “natural” and put your mood down and make you dislike certain stuff that built overtime without you actually noticing.

Well, at least right now. Nothing I saw with the exception of more reliant on counter picks and ping sytem were good stuff.

Push felt half baked, 2cp were modes I enjoyed, one tank less felt bad but yet I understand the asymetrical design, the overall game engine felt incomplete, client didn’t felt stable, queue times weren’t great on rq while on classic were fine, while the game tried to reach their roots also showed that they didn’t improved much from that, oct will come and the game will not be ready, yet they’re aggresively doing some monetization choices that could easily backlash and hurt their whole plans. While they have content for about an year, their problems can eat a good chunk of that year also. Supports felt less enjoyable, while the game really needed less barriers they didn’t fine tunned the game enough to make things work, to the point of showing flawed and half-baked experience and make folks wait for it.

I sicerely hope, because I done good friends through overwatch, but the reality and what they showed weren’t good, at least for me and most of my friends. While I hope you enjoy it, I don’t see a good future if they do what the leak showed and what they showed to us already, the comp idea was cool but hero lock wasn’t. There’s too much work to be done and oct is near to the point of having a half-baked experience. Waiting 2-3 years to have a lesser polished experience than currently is, feels wrong. I would rather have both like they planned at beginning and merge when ow2 were ready to deploy or simply steadly giving small portions of those contents on this hiatus.

I request that the personal attacks cease.


People are generally averse to having an outside influence dictate how they spend their free time. It doesn’t matter what the activity is or for how long they have to do it.

For example: If someone barged into your room and told you to just ‘sit in your chair’ for five minutes everyday (and do nothing else) most people would be creeped out and want to do literally anything else.

People want autonomy. Feeling like they are obliged to put a set number of hours into a videogame or lose all progression and get walled off from the rest of the community does not grant autonomy.

The model posed by the leak is a treadmill, one that is easy to get on to but easier to fall off of (depending on how much money you spend on it.) Battle pass payees will have an easier time staying on the treamill than F2P players.

Either way, Blizzard need to break their silence and open their traps on the matter. Because the silence is starting to look more like guilt on their part.

I am basing this off my experience in both betas. Their opt in nature means that people in it should be more excitable than the average potential player, yet that is not what we saw.

[skims thread]
Apparently having a life or different priorities is frowned upon.

I have a full time job, am taking classes for additional certifications, I have people I like to spend time with, I have basic human needs that require time, I have other hobbies (drawing, photography, programming, etc), I have other games I like to play, and I just generally have other things to do besides play Overwatch.

If this battle pass non-sense is true I’ll either

  1. have to spend money and still get less value than the two times I bought OW (Console and PC) + all the loot boxes I bought specifically to support the OW team or
  2. Start living my life in a way I dont want to

I am willing to pay for things. I’ve done it before. I’ve supported the company. This just feels like they’re spitting my face because I dont win in either of those scenarios. I don’t have and dont want to make that sort of time for grinding, and even if I buy the pass I just won’t have the time to get significant value out of it, because I AM going to prioritize things that are more important. So by default, both my time and money would be disrespected because I’m essentially paying them for a second job just to get half a paycheck…

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this is the entire issue with F2P
“The game is free! Why are you complaining about all these downgrades for 2?”

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Others being more predatory and or also doing heroes (which as many have said isn’t really comparable given the impact on the game) doesn’t make it ok

And you neglected to answer the question…

It’s just an unnecessary money grab because they know they can get away with it

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Breaking Jeff’s promise from 6 years ago is not acceptable no matter how you try to spin it. No one is mad about having to play the game, they are mad because they are going against an important promise and essentially all core values the company supposedly upholds.

Oh but this is a Poytheon thread, so that smooth brain probably can’t comprehend anything other than. “It’s fine!”.

Agreed. I want to know if it really is 12-15 hours so I can decide if I really want the premium post watchpoint pack

Judging from other games I think time will help OW2.

You don’t have to do anything. You can just play the game when you want to. You will still have every hero you had in OW1 including new ones, new maps, new modes, & new unlockables. It’s only if you want instant access to the newest hero minute one that you have to spend $30 a year (each season pass is 4 1/2 months long, isn’t it?), otherwise you can apparently unlock them in 12-15 hours (but who knows, there’s been no official word yet. For all we know it could be 30, or 5 :laughing: )

I don’t think OW2 is a downgrade by any means.

I don’t consider giving game access to anyone who wants to play the game for free as predatory. Sure, you may not like the way the game is funded, but having a free enjoyable game is pretty great, isn’t it?

I don’t think it’s an unnecessary money grab. I think Overwatch stopped getting content because it didn’t have a sustainable business model. I think this one is sustainable

What promise was made 6 years ago about Overwatch 2?


OW2 is not a new game no matter how you try to spin it. It is a scam that doesn’t even benefit you anymore. And we all know how selfish you are, yet you still can’t see it.

They promised that we’d always get new heroes and maps for free, forever. Breaking this is unacceptable. They can monetize the :poop: out of cosmetics and skins, I don’t care. But this is not acceptable. It is also against 5 of 6 or 7 core values they supposedly uphold in all aspects and yet? This change goes against them.

Wait why the f am I bothering lmao. Never mind. You won’t get it because of blatant ignorance.


It’s not a full new game in October, no, but whatever we get between now and the day that Overwatch 2 stops getting content it’ll likely be considered a full game. October is officially “early access”

It sounds like you feel like you’re owed more than you got. I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe if you view Overwatch 2 as the entirety of what you’ll get, both PvP & PvE over the next few years (which is what you know Overwatch as over the years it received content) maybe you’ll have the same outlook I do