Leaker says it only takes a couple hours to unlock heroes

$45 mythics was never “the official suggestion”, yet you claimed that they were.

Meanwhile, from the start I was clear that the article I posted was not official and an unconfirmed “leak”

See the difference? You claimed something being official when it wasn’t, I’ve claimed nothing is official.

A survey asking if you’re willing to pay this much is about as much of an official suggestion as it gets. My main point also wasn’t that it’s official, but rather that that price is outrageous.

You thinking the price is outrageous is totally fine, you falsely claiming that it’s the “Official suggestion” is a lie

And what if it’s not all? Would it be in proportion then? I feel I’m fairly neutral on the matter of OW1 vs OW2. But I’m not gonna lie, Poly you seem as bad as the doomers sometimes.


Probably because they expect it to blow over after a bit. This place has a pretty short attention span. Remember all the hate this place was filled with during the Brig skin fiasco? Yeah I don’t remember either because it went away after like a day lol.

We won’t know until we get official word. If it takes forever to unlock new heroes that would suck

Sigma and Echo were not excluded from comp at launch. In fact, we haven’t had a single new hero since the advent of role queue that was temporarily banned from comp. It’s a small sample size, but still.

This is still a philosophy antithetical to the core of the game, though. Hero choice and abilities are more important in Overwatch than any other even relatively competing title.

Beyond that, though, if people were okay with 3 hours they would push it back further. It’s not okay. It’s just not. Creating ANY kind of competitive disadvantage because someone isn’t willing to pay for a hero is antithetical to both the philosophy of Overwatch, and the spirit of what makes free to play worthwhile in the first place.

It’s such a bad move.

And beyond all of THAT, you’re basing this on a leaker from reddit. None of us have all of the information, but this isn’t good. This speaks to a shift in philosophy that hurts the game’s competitive integrity. “Oh it’s quickplay it doesn’t matter” isn’t a good reason. People want to win their games, man, even if it’s just quickplay.


No offense, but that might one of the most unreliable leaks I’ve seen:

“If you don’t pay, you will play through the free-to-play pass and unlock her at the end likely."

"However, the leaker went on to say that they were “not tied closely with that arm of the Overwatch team,”

" Interestingly, at first, the leaker claimed that after the Battle Pass ends, everyone would get access to the new hero. That changed when Jon Spector replied on Twitter saying how the devs “will have free paths to get new heroes in future seasons too.”

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Nah, this is getting actual tech news coverage.

People care about Overwatch. This is an actual PR issue now.

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I agree. As I have said on “Overwatch 2 will die” threads. As well as “Overwatch 2 will succeed” threads.

All of these predictions are going to be confirmed/proveb false in time.

Exactly :slight_smile:

What we need are official details, not these leaks to freak out about.

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Justification of practices via incomplete leaks is just as counter-intuitive.


With less than 4 weeks to go before the supposed launch I can’t imagine we’ll be waiting too much longer for official news :laughing:

Definition of a lie: to deliberately say something that is not true.
Misinformed != liar
With the same logic, you’re disingenuous because you didn’t include the entirety of what that leaker says about the battlepass.
We were both misinformed, with the slight difference being that I doubt that you didn’t read all the threads about the controversy, some of which actually do include the whole leaks. And even if you didn’t, you were informed extremely early on in the thread that the leaker had said inaccurate information along what you posted, which means it’s pretty safe to assume this particular part is also inaccurate.
When P**tt (I’d rather not sacrifice an account for the sake of being accurate actually informed me on the whole situation, I did agree that the number isn’t official and shifted my argument (in the replies because the post itself didn’t call the number official).
But that’s besides the point. Ignoring the double standards and the clear dislike you have for me due to my opinions on the game, why do you feel the need to defend Blizzard’s every move?


Exactly. You claimed that the official suggestion for mythic skins was $45. You knew that wasn’t the official suggestion, but you claimed it anyways. You lied.

There was no “if” in your claim, you said “this is

I didn’t? I got 45, people from the discord I’m in got 45, the topics on the forums got 45, etc. I don’t get overwatch recommendations on Google so I didn’t have any articles :man_shrugging:. Would be great if you could stop dodging my question.

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What, this one?

I don’t. I’ve criticized Blizz plenty. Here’s yet another lie of yours

guys its only 3 hours compared to the 0 it took before! you’re so entitled! cmon!!!



I’ve literally never seen you criticize blizzard. Ever. You’re quite literally the golden example of a defender on the forums.