One hand gives, the other takes away: Post-beta updates for Mercy and Moira

The power that Necrotic Orb brought to the table necessitated a long cooldown to make the effect impactful but not overly frustrating to play against

and yet bionade remains effectively untouched (1sec duration less doesnt matter when that entire 3 sec is unable to be healed…how much dps can a tank, 2 dps, and possibly 1-2 supports firing on a enemy deal in 3seconds?).

leats orb was single target.

if devs actually release OW2 w/o actual changes to antinade (be it %blocked or a much longer cd) I and many others will love tellign you “i told you so” when you realize its problematic and shes in most high tier matches including owl)

no hero should ever be allowed to run #1 like ana as it means there is a SERIOUS issue as to why its happening.

Our goal was to integrate it into her kit for Overwatch 2, so it wasn’t as hidden for new players.

We recognize that the first iteration on Guardian Angel didn’t quite feel right, and we saw similar thoughts from our players.

We’re currently testing another iteration of Guardian Angel that includes the directional control we added in the beta, but it also allows Mercy to super jump in a similar way as before. This means canceling the ability with crouch will launch her straight upwards, without having to look in that direction.

  • 1st

Super Jump is rarely used (due to makign u a target in air) in actual play. A mercy mile in air has no cover nor can she really interact with her team.

  • 2nd

ruining the MUCH more used/useful bunny hop by making it worse or more complex is NOT the way to do it.

  • 3

Just make a hero specific option on if you want it to prefer bunny hop or super jump.

best of both worlds for those who can’t do the SJ normally and you don’t piss off your Mercy players who don’t want it to ruin how bunny hop works.

Stop wasting all this time on soemthign so dumb as super jump when Mercy has ACTUAL issues doing her job of supporting her team in OW2 :expressionless:

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What does this even mean? What does “impact” mean to you, anyway? I feel like an ultimate that literally increases her movement, staff, and gun is all the extra impact she needs.

It’s not accessible because it requires specific timings. It being a bug is secondary.

There are bugs that are easy to do, there’s no inherent quality of a bug that means it has to be difficult. That’s why they’ve kept it in so long. They don’t care that it’s a bug, they care that it’s hard.

An R ability. Something like:

Caduceus Overload

  • Tempoarily increases her healing output for 3 seconds, makes damage boost beam split off to 2 more targets for 3 seconds


  • Burst heals her current beam target for 100 HP and cleanses them of any negative status effect like anti-nade


  • pressing R shoots out an AoE damage projectile or something

Literally ANYTHING interesting that gives her more things to do and manage and raises her skill ceiling

Then they should look at changing Rez. It was fine-ish in 6v6 but is terrible in 5v5 because the game is so fast paced now and you don’t have an off tank anymore so it’s much more risky to pull off. And when you DO pull it off its super annoying for the enemy team because its much more impactful to bring someone back to life in 5v5 than 6v6 with less players.

I personally think they should make it so it’s locked behind her ult and she can only use 1 rez during Valkyrie, not during the rest of her gameplay, and give her a new standard E ability instead.

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can you guys just please leave superjump alone??? i get it’s a bug and you want it to be a legitimate part of her kit but you’re making it worse and more complicated than it is in current overwatch.
canceling GA should not be launching us into the sky, it should be letting us stop mid-flight like we intend and expect when we cancel that ability. if you absolutely HAVE to mess with it, AT LEAST give us a toggle in our mercy settings so we don’t have to re-learn her movement.


lol. They could make Mercy immortal and she would still be the worst support in OW2 (which is basically what happened near the end of Beta 1 and she still had a negative winrate). Staying alive doesn’t matter if you aren’t contributing as much value and impact to the game as the other supports who, by the way, are just as survivable as Mercy now with their support regen passive now that Mercy’s has been nerfed to 1.5 seconds as well, because all of them bar Zen have other self heal abilities too on top of that.

Mercy needs more utility or healing or offensive power, NOT more survivability. This is such a backwards take and literally no actual high ranked/good Mercy player would agree with you.


lol. Statistically she was bad all of Beta 1 with a negative winrate even with the perma-flight superjump change. She is the only support who has seen basically zero OWL playtime in every tournament no matter the patch. All the top support players/pros in general when making tier lists rank her low. KarQ a top500 Support main rated her in D tier and all the other supports in S or A tier.

She’s not good. Idk if you are console or low rank or both but lol

Mercy is so problematic to balance I feel because there’s a huge player base of people who really only play Mercy… popular streamers included. It’s hard to shift the power of her kit anywhere without suffering huge backlash.

" ow2 upcoming beta soon " Bedge

What if damage orb slowed cooldown progression on affected enemies?

So while the orb is tethered to them, the abilities on cooldown take longer to become available again.

Sorry, I don’t know how to state it more clearly :sweat_smile:

Personally, I didn’t mind the updated Moira ability. It seemed to have much more control than any of her other abilities (if that makes sense). Sad to see it get removed but I understand why many people are happy for it to leave.

One thing I don’t get is why Mercy needed a rework in the first place. Like her superjump was fine without needing to get shown that it exists to players. If you know how to play Mercy then you know about the superjump and when to use it. I’m a Mercy main (lol) and I can 100% say she does not fit well with the 5v5. She needs a rework that is actually helpful. Maybe a more beneficial ult? I don’t know what that could be but she just needs something so she isn’t that one fly that never leaves.

Side note: can’t wait for OW2 lmao

In the context of the past it was more a choice between Guardian Angel or 5 hps more and GA buffs to me would be more welcome. The beta we never got to see the full result of those changes in the last few days. It was only for a few and many things get time to change. I’m curious to see how Beta 2 went.

I’m honestly more for bringing the other supports down a little bit more towards Mercy’s level than buff her as a character. Curbing bionade for one on Ana from a full 100% to maybe more like 75% heal reduction or something of that sort. It seems to work out both in terms of fun playing against her and bringing down a little bit. Brigitte might be fine or need a slight reduction in something. Dunno what. Zen recently got his own change to bring him up a little bit.

The game has seen some power creep and it would be nice to curb that a little bit.

Mercy’s ultimate is not one that can turn the tide of a fight easily. It can be impactful in some situations, but it’s usually to save yourself from dying or to res a fallen team mate. Saving yourself with valk is not usually necessary. As for ressing, it still isn’t completely safe. You need to make sure there is no one nearby who can shut you down or there is cover. It basically just allows you to go for resses that are a little more risky thanks to the movement increase and health regeneration.

You can do a lot with this ultimate but a lot of it is just meh in terms of ultimates. Compared to Lucio and Zens ult, it is bad because it cannot save your team from ults if they get focus fire. Compare it to Ana’s ult that basically allows her to res a team mate (crazy healing boost to someone who was definitely going to die) with no counterplay to stop it from happening. And to top it off that person gets a damage boost. This ult can be combined with others to become a nearly unbeatable combo. Unlike Moira, she cannot get kills with it unless she completely stops supporting her team. Baptiste window can either delete enemies, deny a sight line, or provide a healing boost.

When using valk to damage boost, it doesn’t make much of a difference than it would if you were just damage boosting one person. The healing increase is nice, but it isn’t anything that is going to stop your team mates from dying to more than one person shooting them. From experience, regardless of timing, the chain healing and damage boost just isn’t impactful in many situations.


Here’s an idea from melee double tap jump or crouch to shorten super jump / glide

(How fox and Falco side special works)

Possibly with the release of OW2 mobile. It would be easier to port iOS on Apple Silicon.

Thank you!

Moira necrotic orb was a great idea though! But I’d focus that great idea for a new hero’s deck

This bug became a core mechanic of high-level Mercy gameplay, and it added a lot of depth to her movement.

The first part is a bit debatable, while the second part is obvious. There are some Mercy players at the higher ranks who don’t utilize SJ often and still play very well, most notably Vale.

Using SJ can be fun, but it’s also not wise to overuse it and I think it can overstated how impactful it is for optimal Mercy play. It definitely adds to survivability – at times.

Some might mention the advanced movement tech like SJ res and wall/prop/floor bounces but how impactful are those in reality other than being enjoyable?

The higher ranked Mercy players excel at minimizing death and it’s not simply because of SJ. It’s about knowing where to be at the right times and making good decisions quickly – peak gamesense.

5v5 changes this up in terms of pacing and extra vulnerability, and the accessibility change will be meaningful for the average Mercy player, but again, using SJ often is going to get punished hard especially when players continue to get better and better across the board.

We’re currently testing another iteration of Guardian Angel that includes the directional control we added in the beta, but it also allows Mercy to super jump in a similar way as before. This means canceling the ability with crouch will launch her straight upwards, without having to look in that direction.

I hope that the direction control (if the meter is still used?) charges slightly faster because it was a clear nerf to short-mid range SJs and slingshots. I still think that some people really overreacted (surprise…) with how the first auto SJ felt and I think having that stay as an option for certain players who do not require this extra control wouldn’t be a bad idea. The crouch cancel sounds like it could be awkward for those who do not use toggle GA, but I guess we’ll see?

Edit: Just as a side note, maybe one of the reasons people felt the first iteration was off is because many don’t cancel GA early or slingshot much? So of course if you go to your target the full way every time, it SJed and felt bad. But cancelling GA early is often a great idea to stay farther away (+avoid SJing) and fully utilize your beam length because you don’t have to be so close.

It been 3y and blizz has not figured out what to do with supp.

Its kinda sad and embarrassing at the same time.

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Hmm, I mean we are promised 1 support in October and 2 more in 2023 at regular intervals. So I don’t think the Moira changes are going to affect the number of supports we get.
I do think she needs some kind of change to make her more engaging to plays.

I didn’t follow all those messy last-minute changes made for the F2P OW1 beta but what was wrong with Mercy’s SuperJump on beta 1, again ?