37 yo lady. Hanzo’s my main, but I flex to whatever’s needed.
You’re not old… -.-
He is the real S76. The people around here are the Community dads and moms that we all need. Can we have yall to be like S76 and Mercy for the 30+yo people and the ones that hit 40+ are like Rein and Ana in this one comic?
Hold up, lemme search that real quick
I mean this one:
h ttp://blog.emengel.net/post/147571584209/i-cant-get-enough-the-fan-made-family-dynamics-of
EDIT: If akind lvl3 could link that for me, that would be great
Turned 53 today, main is Mei, off-mains are Zarya, Zen, Widow, Sombra…
While my reaction time hasn’t gone up, I will tell you for sure no matter what age you are if you play consistently your aim with a given character will go up and even surprise you after awhile.
Heck, I still remember 1976… I was in 6th grade then, all the ballyhoo over the Bicentennial then. Nasty winters starting then through 1981, people were touting Global Cooling then, I kid you not…
34 Yo dude - Tracer main in general, but recently, in my advanced age, I’ve taken up Ana.
(Hmm, it only lets me link that one image, not the comic. Weird. :/)
Anyway, 31 y/o female here. Main Tracer and most of the support cast.
It’s really awesome to see older people playing games. I try to get my older sisters to play all the time and they just won’t even hear of it.
Got to play with a few guys lastnight in the pioneer bracket,was fun look forward to more!
[/quote](Hmm, it only lets me link that one image, not the comic. Weird. :/)
Anyway, 31 y/o female here. Main Tracer and most of the support cast.
It’s really awesome to see older people playing games. I try to get my older sisters to play all the time and they just won’t even hear of it.
If you are a true gamer it never will… why would it? Because you get older you suddenly lose a taste for golf or chess or a passion for reading? It’s no different, and many celebs are known to be avid gamers… I believe in Rosario Dawson tweeted out about OWL recently to the surprise of many, implying at least she games…
Yep and wind power too lol same ole stuff just a new year I even have the whole 1976 newspaper local.
Let me let you in on a spicy secret my dude. That thing about your reflex timing going down as you age is actually completely untrue. It’s come out in newer tests that this is false. It’s just that as you get older you USE your reflexes less often, which causes them to dull. Effectively “Making your reflexes worse as you get older” simply by way of you not maintaining them.
If you actively practice as much as the yunguns’ at whatever games you find fun, you won’t have a problem competing. Issue is you don’t usually have that time.
At the risk of sounding patronizing to the young, I try to counsel people that despite all the end-of-the-world rhetoric the news of the day spins up for viewing and politicians for votes, I assure you it will go on … only age and experience can you give you this perspective… that isn’t to say there aren’t unique challenges, there always are, it’s the utter doom and gloom manipulation you realize is just that… manipulation …
I am not surprised, given the overall nature of neural plasticity, it makes sense, and unfortunately, it works in reverse, not using a neural pathway weakens it… makes sense actually. What I do believe is then the longer you go with a pathway unused the longer it takes to strengthen it again… so in that sense age does matter incidentally…
Well I’m 46 and this game is… it’s meh. I don’t recall a game I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled more than this one.
I play Pharah because my favorite FPSes were Quake and Tribes. I haven’t played many FPS after those with BF2 and COD4 being the two I played the most since.
Like a previous poster said I don’t think my reflexes are slower but I just don’t play as often as I used to.
I played a lot of Shifter on Tribes 1
I played tribes and tribes 2 for a while and bf2 I played competitively on teamwarfare when it was around 16th cavalry usually was top 5 or ten in the ladder rungs
Awww thanks
In the whole comic theres Rein and Ana coming in as Grandpa and Grandma, just FYI for those who are interested ^^
I’m 47 myself. I’ve played many video games since PONG.
During the 80’s I was always at the arcades with friends, those were good times.
After the consoles came out, many games were about beating all the bosses and then moving on to the next game.
The first FPS game I’ve played was Darkwatch which I still enjoy playing. I wasn’t interested in other FPS games until Overwatch came out and I was hooked! I play all modes except for Competitive as I prefer to play for fun.
I main Zarya mostly, along with Reaper, Reinhardt, Moira and Torb.
Both of my adult children are XBOX players playing other games and my grandkids love watching them as well.
toons? what is this?
One of the old guys reporting I guess (I don’t really feel that old but I suppose a lot of the younger players in this game would consider me old).
This is my first multiplayer FPS since the N64 era. I played the hell out of Goldeneye 007 and then Perfect Dark. Hadn’t touch a multiplayer FPS since then. My reaction times are not very good at all and honestly never really have been that good. They were better when I was younger but it’s not like I had a massive drop off as the years went by. That’s the main reason I’m bronze.
For who I play it depends on the mode. Most of my time is in vs ai. I’m not a competitive person so I don’t play that much comp (only reason I’m playing it a lot this season is because I’m approaching golden weapon). In comp, I usually play Moira, Rein, DVa, some Winston, Soldier, Hanzo and Brigitte.
My actual fav characters to play have some overlap with the above list: Brigitte, DVa, Rein. I also enjoy playing Mei. I don’t play her as much in comp though since I’m not that great at using her ice walls.
Despite being a bronze tier player, I still have fun (well competitive isn’t that much fun most of the time since I find it to be a steamroll where either my team rolls over opponent or we get rolled over…mostly the latter). I like vs ai a lot though (just wish they’d add some more heroes to it…and remove hero limit since it sucks trying to play heroes when they first come out…slow load time followed by my slow reaction time means it takes weeks before I can play a new character usually). It’s a nice relaxing environment and though it’s definitely not for everyone, I have a lot of fun in it. I always play some after a long day of comp since it helps to de-stress.
38, got the game for my kids during the first anniversary event and put down BF4 to play this StreetFighter FPS. When I first started I kept getting asked who I main all the time so I decided to not main anybody and now I have 40+ hours on all characters. I have my favorites, I have characters that I’m really good with, and I have characters that I’m mediocre with. My highest placement score was 3376 but I’m usually in high gold or platinum (usually just do placements). I don’t see this as a competitive game, it’s more arcade like to me so I spend my time in qp and a couple of arcade modes.