Okay, so the Hamster

Seagull is streaming right now and he is in chat with the OW Devs about Hammond, watch it now. ^^

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It doesn’t really matter since serious Overwatch, apparently from the big top players, uses all of 8 characters in the game, or something like that.

So either the hamster ball is a top tier character, or he’s ‘niche’ which means unbalanced . And if he’s unbalanced, because he’s all hilarious, people will play him.

Of course, following along the lines of the cartoon that Overwatch is, the next 3 characters I expect to see are a stop sign, a cotton candy roll, and a shoe.

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It’s mostly blizzards fault for not establishing enough lore and putting it in game in some ways.

Some people see this as an arcade shooter and that’s all.

I love the story, bought the game because of it. Blizz really shouldn’t let it go to waste.

A very small subset of furries who are into chibi stuff, and even then I find it unlikely. There’s frankly nothing anthropomorphic about Hammond. Then again, I know this is a “Furries! Yuck!” sort of post so getting too specific on the subject seems misplaced. There’s a reason even Winston rarely features in Overwatch “fanart,” put it like that.

To a point, but I’d argue it’s equal parts players’ faults for filling in the gaps with their own fan fiction takes on that same story. Think Star Wars expanded universe and people being mad about how the new trilogy “doesn’t fit” with what isn’t actually canon any more, and debatably ever was.

I’m reminded of arguments I’ve had with people over whether the world of City of Heroes was a post-apocalypse. This isn’t established in lore and doesn’t seem very likely, but these people had already built up their own fictional universe where that was the case so no real argument could even happen.

I don’t begrudge you for liking the story of Overwatch and buying the game for that. I find it interesting to say the least, albeit superficial, like I said. The comic books create the sense of a shared, persistent world ala Marvel or DC. However, between ret-cons of working concepts, underdone or dropped plotlines and a frankly pretty basic and on-the-nose narrative structure, I’m not convinced there is much of a “story bible” to back any of this up.

The story genuinely feels like it’s being made up as we go along. That’s why Reinhardt and Morrison have 40 years of backstory while D’Va’s backstory is “She played StarCraft, now she battles Kaiju in a mech.” That’s about on the level of what I wrote for my own City of Heroes characters 14 years ago because I was limited to 1024 characters in the “Description” field, and speaks to lack of any sort of forward planning.

There is, in other words, a profound disconnect between the Extended Universe and what’s in the actual game. What’s in the actual game is predominantly more child-friendly, colourful and upbeat.

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Why does Seagull have all this influence over devs? Seems odd, i still havent forgiven him over his Mercy change because she was so “unfun” to play against.


Hey I know, let’s learn to take a joke.
Seriously if you’re going to put something like that basic as an explanation expect a lot of sarcasm.

But it does exist. And r34 of Hammond is being made as we speak.

Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll add Jetpack Kitty in the future.

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asian mythology has always been heavily influenced by the mystic and spiritual world and its beasts.

it actually fits.

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And an Uncle Pennybags skin for Torbjorn.

Just seems like needless picking and choosing what makes sense in your head cannon(canon? Frick this word).

We have a talking Gorilla thats the result of genetic manipulation ON THE MOON, a Minotaur Robot built by a hyper intelligent pre-teen girl, a floating Robot Monk who found robot god and helped convert a homicidal cyborg into the peak of peace, David Bowie that shoots magic healing glitter… and you’re here, with a straight face, seriously having a problem with a Intelligent Hamster?

Frankly, this boils down to some other chip on your shoulder, not Overwatch lore. This character fits as well as any.

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Literally me. This represents me on a molecular level

Well, he’s now on the PTR. Here are his abilities:

And here is the origin story:

Unfortunately, none of it today was a joke.



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Whats wrong with Disney? You know its not just for 6 year olds right? I guess your parents never loved you.

As for the hamster itself…you never see it so whats the problem?

You do, actually. It’s constantly on top of Wrecking Ball in its walker mode and serves as the character’s headshot crit box. That’s a pretty big hampster, too - looks to be as big as Torbjorn’s head, and that’s saying something.

Seriously? Forget the hamster. It’s the mech you’re playing, just like dva only more so since the hamster doesn’t eject from time to time. Sure it would have been more fun if they stuffed Teryon Lanistor in that mech, but still… it’s just the mech you’re playing.

At least in the real Marvel Comics continuity, Rocket comes from another damned planet and wasn’t genetically engineered on Earth.

He comes from Halfworld in the Keystone quadrant, where animal companions were genetically engineered to have intelligence to be companions for the criminally insane imprisoned there.

And, for a majority of his appearances, they’ve always been in the off-humor titles and issues. Long before we got the 21st century GoTG from Dan Abnett.

As far as the MCU, outside of Infinity War, he appears in the GoTG films, which are a comedy by design. They were based on Abnett’s 2008 comic book version of the Guardians of the Galaxy, which spun out of Annihilation: Conquest.

Ah, yes, realism. A DJ able to heal people with good music. How real. A mech suit able to explode and somehow come back to the pro gamer. Infinite shotguns that are able to be tossed on the floor. A little girl building a talking robot that makes people stronger. A person able to bring people back to life. A talking gorilla. A random guy able to shoot 6 people with his ultimate even if he has 1 ammo. Throwing a black hole out of a gun. A floating robot capable of revealing his multiple arms while healing his friends. A girl literally able to stop people from running and rolling. Some random woman able to fade out of existence. The game isn’t supposed to be realistic.


Hammond is ADORABLE, so who wouldn’t wanna shoot it in the face repeatedly until it dies, falls off a cliff or gets blown up? Wait…

All jokes aside though, Hammond is BY FAR my new favorite hero. So I’m gonna defend and offend some people for him. Super-intelligence has always been my favorite superpower. (Yes it is a super power in my opinion, fight me.) Add in the fact that he is a small adorable hamster, so he is kinda underestimated by his enemies, which is a trait that I find admirable. As for him in Overwatch, I LOVE the play-style. Now that he is on the PTR, being able to quickly go from ball-form and then back to mech and mow people down is such a fun concept. I love grappling hook mechanics in games, so that will be fun to learn. And a new tank is long overdue, so maybe we focus on the game play positives that this brings, okay?

Anyway, the lore of this game is pretty long-gone so anyone who was expecting some intricate connected and somewhat grounded Rick and Morty level storytelling was at the wrong game to begin with. They specifically made the game with the mindset of wacky characters that would fit in with no game other than Overwatch (And heroes of the storm.) They based the game off of diversity, and sadly, the community pretty much does what the rest of humanity does with diverse people. Oppresses them. I mean, look at Brigitte, Hanzo, Moira, etc. I’m even guilty for it, so nobody is innocent. Obviously I’m generalizing here but, you get the idea.

Just relax and let blizzard do what they want. I can guarantee that this will not be the weirdest character they add, so if you are triggered, I would…stop playing pretty soon.