Ok seriously, Mercy mafia exists or not?

Agreed, the drama was waaaay overblown. Since they were kind enough to tip the devs about the raid they were virtually instantly deleted. Honestly, I recall seeing fewer Mercy topics than ever because legic Mercy topics got removed too lol.

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I remember your topic about the Rez roulette issue got casted into the ether when it was a legitimate concern.

i love mercy because it she enables to support effectively without great aim. Im almost 40 and have had multiple surgeries on my arms and wrists. My mind can support but the bottleneck is my aim.


I remember Aria did end up apologizing to the community manager at the time that had to deal with the raid,either way it’s been 5 years and some people need to get over it.

Nah just like 3 karens on forums. The rest of the Mercy mains are cool.

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Most topics supporting Mercy get flagged and 404’d these days too.

To be honest it got a lot grosser last time towards the end of season 2, unless I’m not seeing the bad threads/posts this time around.


Perhaps the Mercy mafia is a belief concept. People believe it exists, and with enough encouragement and belief, could be ‘willed’ into existence via self fulfilling prophecy.

Mercy Mafia does have a good ring to it.

Who knows, maybe there really is a ‘Mercy Mafia’ brewing and stewing over at Reddit or something. Not here though.

It’s literally just (very) thinly-veiled misogyny from people who believe that the majority of Mercy players are women.

That’s it.


The term started, I’m pretty sure, by streamers. I’ve heard Stylosa, Flats, Seagull, Emongg etc mention the mafia over the years.

Supposedly Seagull angered the ‘Mercy mafia’ with something. I’m not sure what it was.

Doesn’t surprise me though because Seagull has been quite condescending to legitimate critics/criticisms of a lot of Overwatch’s issues.

On the flipside, I believe the majority of Mercy players are homosexual or bisexual men. Most Mercy players I personally come across (that actually talk in voice) are effeminite guys.

And 9 out of 10 people who say things like ‘yes daddy’ in game are always Mercy boys.

That’s just my experience over the years, could be different for others. Could just be that they’re the Mercy Mains most likely to actually chat.

streamers and influencers touting lines and everyone copying what they say. devs seem to listen them as well i guess so influencers influence the devs too heh

i guess

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Seagull made a whiny video where he got outplayed by a Mercy resurrecting her team. That video is widely regarded as one of the things that lead to Mercy being reworked back in 2017.

Except a lot of the things he said in that video were kinda wrong - he was just raging because he was losing and decided to blame all his problems on the enemy Mercy instead of getting good. You know, streamer 101.

And before I get accused of being one of said “Mafia”, I have less than 10 hours on her :laughing:


Almost all the pro players agreed that Mercy was the unhealthiest hero for the game and Rez shouldn’t be a thing in an fps.

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Mercy basically had a 0% pickrate at a pro level before she was reworked. Resurrect was so overpowered they didn’t bother using it :smiley:

That video is from after the rework which turned Mercy into a must-pick for about 6 months. Hence the answers.

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The mercy fanbase is the core-casual scene that has occupied this game since the dawn of its growth.

The character itself has picked up a TON of following and rightly-so, that is what players in the core mercy group do. They unify. (mostly).

One side will always say they loved mass rez and the other side says they enjoy Valk. mercy so they can pew-pew random players they have a Grudge against.

They went from mass rez to rez on cooldown. Rez has never been balanced, always has been frustrating to play against. It shouldn’t be in an fps.

The only game that balanced rez has been valorant, Sage’s ultimate as a single man rez without bs tech. Mercy has it on cooldown and can rez over ledges, through walls, behind cover.

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Mass resurrect was so overpowered it had a near-0% pickrate in OWL and had people asking for Mercy to be buffed.

Mercy was considered to be a bad pick before she was reworked in 2017. Not overpowered at all.

It’s one of the reasons why the rework was so stupidly strong - they were trying to buff her.


Mass rez made me uninstall from the bs resurrects mercy got off on 2cp maps like Anubis.

It does seem like they went the wrong route, replacing mass rez for rez on cooldown. Neither being healthy for the game. One broken thing to another. Rez should have been deleted, but like Mercy says heroes never die zzzzz

Was that not the time when moth mercy was meta ?
The rework blizzard made that no mercy ask for and made her super broken.
That rework where blizzard told us how successful it was with a nearly 100 % pick rate of mercy.

And you wonder why pro players wanted mercy removed from the game at this time ?
Its very funny that you take that as an argument.

yeah, both versions were bad for the game. Rez is still a broken ability on cooldown so it still stands.

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