Ok seriously, Mercy mafia exists or not?

The pros more or less pay a completely different game

I dont see this as applicable to the game per se

this is an opinion stated as if it were fact, when it isnt a fact

I and many others disagree with this opinion

I know of no aspect of rez that can reasonably be considered broken, particularly in a game where every character is rezzed after death in the lobby

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Pretty much this, mercy doesn’t need nerfs, Blizzard is just listening to the angry mob again.

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Mercy mafia is real and they control all important assets of Blizzard dev team. Don’t mess with them or they will nerf your hero, silence in game and post embarassing threads in your name to ruin your reputation /s

not at all

if this were true, Mercy would not have been hit with even one major nerf, much less the 3 consecutive large nerfs she has recently been hit with

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Guess i need to put /s at the end

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Not surprising that AKJ uses something so out of date as if it’s complaints hold to present day.

In season 2 of OW2 they didn’t even veil it. Reddit, these forums, and Twitter featured it brazenly.


It doesn’t exist. It just doesn’t. There is zero evidence, no proof.

The people claiming it exists are the flat earthers of Overwatch players. They don’t seem to realise that claiming something outlandish means the burden of proof is on them, not the rest of the playerbase.

I have seen more people trying to bait this imaginary army of mercy players than anything else. To the point that it’s getting spammy and clogging the board. They might as well be trying to bait an argument out of the tooth fairy or santa, they are arguing with thin air.

And then claim those that point out the false narrative as being part of said “mafia”.

I’ve been banned 3 times for speaking ill of a certain character and saying that players of a certain character false report.

maybe stop doing that?

Raid the Forums and mass flag anyone that would dare speak ill of Mercy…

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I remember these days.

On the old forums if anyone voiced the opinion that mercy might need nerfed they’d be downvoted into obscurity.

On the new forums they’d false flag the post until it was hidden.

Could be very well thought out, respectful, and mature- but if they didn’t like it? False flags left and right.

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