When. Just when.
I do not understand why hitscans are allowed to be dominant in every game but projectile heroes not. It is getting ridicolous at this point.
And now that double shield is gone, it is even more noticeable.
Can you at least try ANY change regarding hitscans on the next experimental? Litterally ANYTHING. The game would be in a much healthier state.
After the OWL Grand Finals.
Why would they nerf the “MOST SKILLFULL” HEROES!!!
It is Overwatch. Everybody is op. From auto-aim to oneshotting and huge hitbox. Kids like that.
they gotta nerf ashe’s poke on tanks and dynamite aoe and they gotta make widow more vulnerable.
Got any specifics? What needs to be changed about which ones?
Revert Ashe’s recent buffs but keep 15 mag, make dynamite less deadly, Widow takes 1.25 to full charge and longer grapple cd, revert mccree old rof and flashbang duration and mabye compensate on something like dmg dropoff. Stuff like that.
The biggest one tho is widow, but idk how to properly nerf her without making her obsolete.
Ashe could certainly use revokes on her buffs
Widow already takes 1.4 seconds to charge a shot after the first one, so that’s fine as it is honestly. As for her grapple cooldown, it’s also fine. It’s already on double the cooldown of Winston’s jump.
McCree is also fine honestly, it’s easy to keep him at bay
Maybe make widow reload time slower and make scoped shots use 5 ammo instead of 3. So she will have 6 scoped shots before she needs to reload, instead of old 10.
They buffed Genji specifically to deal with hitscan. People then proceeded to lose their minds.
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Don’t say ANY change. They might buff one…
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Does it really? I was talking about the first shot and i really never noticed that because i (try) to quickscope most of the time lol. Still, i think grapple could use a cooldown increase, it would make her more killable.
Something about him doesn’t feel right tho. Maybe i was abituated at the old rof, but it doesn’t feel natural, his dps shouldn’t be this high. I’d rather be stunned for 0.1/0.2 more instead of this current rof. It could allow more accurate shots instead of the current “spam”.
Usually snipers in other fps do not have 10 rounds but usually 5 or 6. This is a good idea! But i doubt that would affect her in the long run. Still, it would be a welcomed change.
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You’re gonna have to explain how any of Genji’s changes specifically affected hitscan enemies and not everyone in the game.
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Ashe was meta in double freaking barrier
So they kill the barrier tanks and don’t even think to touch her
Catch me in that DPS queue bois
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Why nerf the heroes who have arguably the highest skill caps in the game?
Being a god widow takes months of aim training and practice, but lets nerf the widow because they spent time trying to hone their skills in a game to climb the SR ladder, you complain is broken because of hitscan players.
It takes less time to learn about playing sightlines and proper usage of positioning and cover, than it does to learn how to be the god widow that is forcing you into that position.
mechanical skill isn’t the only skill and it isn’t a reason to leave heroes blatantly overtuned either.
Yeah, Widow’s shots take 0.9 seconds to charge, and then there’s a 0.5 second delay after shooting before it starts charging again
As for McCree, even if he can spam shots faster, you still have to be accurate to get kills. If they had made his gun able to shoot more before reloading or reload faster, then a fire rate increase would have definitely led to an effective spam style.
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Not my words.
FWIW I explicitly complained about that when the buffs first went around.
OK, fair enough. I wasn’t aware they’d said that, that’s pretty dumb. If they actually buffed Genji in a way that was only anti-hitscan, that’d be one thing, but if anything it just makes hitscan better against him. Changes like the deflect timing could hypothetically be reacted to by a quick hitscan reaction the moment he drops it, but just leaves any projectiles even more possible to hit him with.
Nobody worth talking to wants to discredit the skill it takes to be a good, consistent Widow main. Because it IS hard, and takes a lot of time to do it
What people don’t like is the fact that her shots aren’t telegraphed, so you’re usually made aware of her position after she’s already killed someone.
She also has very few sniper drawbacks present in other games (low ammo, scope sway/breathing, lack of mobility, hitscan bullet with no laser sights) so while mechanically she’s demanding and is rewarded for it, she’s not exactly enjoyable to play against.
Besides, as the sustain and protection go down so other DPS can actually… Y’know, exist, it only makes sense to scale her down to be in line with the rest of the game. Trashing her would be stupid, leaving her as the undisputed best DPS with an infinite skill ceiling who can’t be dealt with unless you can out 1v1 her is also stupid