OK Blizz, you win

There is a thing called utility

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


Read the whole post :wink:

To go more into detail: In season 12 I switched from Ana to Sombra everytime I felt my impact was not enough.
Combined time 3 hours, WR 70% and I was not a Sombra main at the time.
I focused on the problems my team can’t or didn’t want to solve.
How can it be that I have so much impact on the worst hero in the game with little experience?

Like I said: Without teamplay your utility is pretty much worthless.
Zenyatta is by far the best support in a little to no teamplay environment.
If your team is active and has teamplay your utillity becomes really strong. Your output is directly tied to your teamperformance

maybe you were meant to be a sombre main?

Zenyatta is basically a dps himself. So you can follow up on your own discords.

I played mercy and moira for role lock. Both have little to no utility. For some reason, I won most of my matches. If a teammate is dead “weight”, then you can avoid them - easy.

You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


Yes he is. His utility is one of few, that support player can make use of on their own.

you mean where your moira gets outhealed by you playing zen? ROFL

Any support mains out there be smart give it a week or 2 till this non sense sorts itself out.

If such thing happens, you have to ask, what kind of bad things you did to deserve that :woman_shrugging:

It’s always been toxic and it definitely has gotten worst. I’m always going to preach what I’ve always said the past x amount of season. Don’t take this game seriously. Play casually and live on. I could careless about people who takes this game to whole heartedly XD. Not my problem lmao


Maybe you are the one who got more toxic and u are just getting toxic responses to it.

Toxicity has definitely reduced in my matches since 222 was introduced. I’m not sure whether it depends on tier, location or what, but at my rank in my region at my times of day matches are far less toxic.

“See this bullet, i don’t like how close it is to the front of my head. So what I plan to do is, fire this gun through the back of my head, and it should push the other bullet away from me. Problem Solved.”

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I really miss voice lines from TF2, that allowed to communicate without voice or chat. And provided some funny moments, when mixed together.

I like what you said, but I think this comment is mostly false. Rational players didn’t want 2-2-2 because it would give them a 100% win rate, but many players think they are much better than they are, and if they could just play ________ role without filling, they would rank up to GM. I read it every day on the forums before 2-2-2 lock.

Who didn’t want role queue??

I think the 2-2-2 was forced beacuse everyone just sucks period in any role! Eventually maybe in few months or (should I dare say) years once the dust has settled you will find your role that you are good at and the games will be balanced. But for now its a waiting game.

I can feel the salt radiate off of the title.

I really hope toxic people leave the game if they dont like it. They aleays come back cursing everyone.

Autolock junkrat, no comms necessary.

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I don’t think 222 has created any extra toxicity. If anything what you’re experiencing is a lot of players who haven’t touched the game in over a year or longer coming back to the game, and they’re bringing their toxicity with them.

222 is a blessing.

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Yes because no one know what they’re doing in Diamond you are correct sir.

ughh seriously?> role que has made it much more clear who to blame when things go bad, or really where your losing team is lacking, and people rage at them.

furthermore, role que does not allow the good players to switch roles anymore to make up for the bads in roles, forcing them to suffer a full final game of hopelessly bad players that have no chance. altho this is why there are so many leavers since role que as well.

i dont get how everyone isn’t seeing this if they’re playing role que…well unless if they premade only i guess they’d never see these issues.

also to the OP blizzard has always catered to the pro players more than the player base as a whole. it was very evident in Wow.

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