OK Blizz, you win

This is somewhat true. Diamonds have above average mechanics and game sense. So they do know what they are doing. The main problem in diamonds is their arrogance, they think they are gm’s. plus, I never said anything about people being clueless in diamond?

I’m taking my judgements back–

Now that things are starting to settle, it’s starting to feel more like the fun I had on PTR. I think Blizz made a mistake not putting role Q on QP, b/c it resulted in a huge glut of people doing placements for the first time, with zero competitive mindset.

Now that things have settled a bit, matches are feeling a bit more level, and I can trust my teammates more.

I think there is still a problem with dps queue times, but tank and support are getting to be fun again, and I’m working my way back up.

Funniest part is, now you have to queue a long time just to get paired up with toxic players. GG

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You’ve said it yourself, it’s low gold. I’m in that range too. Problem is Blizz thinks that your SR for all roles should be roughly similar to your old SR which I think is problematic in lower ranks because skill difference of a player in these ranks greatly differs by role. Like there are players who can only play DPS but nothing else etc. I have no doubt that my DPS and support SR are close to my old SR but there’s just no way that my tank play is close to that, it’s bronze at best yet I’m still placed in gold for tank (despite going 1-4 on my placement match). I can only imagine how much angry my teammates were towards me when I was playing tank. Funnily enough, my duo who plays tanks most of the time and his SR was previously mid-Silver, gets placed in Silver for everything, which is weird because his tank play is 10 times better than mine.

just posted something similar but yeah, its pretty bad I feel. I was really hoping and looking forward to this thinking it would help a lot with individual SR but man, basing that on previous seasons that have a fundamentally different approach to team comps is probably the worst mistake of this all.

Switching role would just be an abusable feature and remove any reason to role que to exist if so

Yeah, this game has just turned to crap, I’m going to try to play after beta but if it stays the way it is, I’m not playing anymore and I played the game since it launched.

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It’s better now than before in my opinion.

I think people are just quick to blame others over perceived deficiencies because they can’t accept that they personally made mistakes that contributed to the overall team’s loss. Before, if someone on supports/tanks was accusing the Damage heroes of being terrible, that would almost certainly lead to everyone just choosing a Damage hero and everyone loses because people want to take over the roles of other players whom they believe are inadequate. Now, if you have some sort of personal beef with someone in another role, you are forced to use “people skills” to work out any grievances you may have with the other person, which is a skill that is often underrated in matches.

Instead of throwing slurs and insults at the people in another role, simply ask

“Hey supports! Are you guys okay in the back line? Does an enemy keep harassing you? We’re not getting as much healing as we’re expecting. Is there anything we can do to help? Maybe we could approach battles more slowly to make damage mitigation more manageable for you all.”

Usually, it’s toxic players who are mad at 222 comp, because control has been taken out of their hands and their anger issues come out in full force due to frustration over their lack of power over others. So hopefully, the bad players will learn how to communicate with their team members in a more civilized manner, and realize that they personally contribute more than they realize to the team’s overall win or loss.

I had a battle Mercy. When we asked why, the response was DPS queue is too long. And he was literally a battle mercy, didn’t heal or rez once. Fun times!

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Yeah, same here. It’s a bit demotivating having to queue up for minimum 10, forced to a hero class and boom, one player drops. Then queue for another 10 minutes lmao, this is insane. One of the queues took 16 MINUTES.

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I disagree. I think it’s far better. Well, the simplest solution is to allow both systems.

But, one thing I think should be implemented is a checkbox “force voice chat”, when u check it, u are forced to listen to the voice chat…

It happened a lot of times with me… one player (or three, or four) simply do not enter voice chat in competitive and it is a big disadvantage comparing to a team using voice chat…

Role queue is dumb and pointless.

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How can people still be against role queue? Do you really not remember how bad it was? Games were decided in the first 30 seconds at hero select. You have 5 DPS that refuse to switch while the other team has 2-2-2? Well sucks for you, you lose. At least now you always have a fighting chance.

because people got attitude and too many wanted it done their way, got immediately tilted if it was not done the way they want
and if i had 5 dps 1 support, that was usually a win, because supports and tanks of the enemy can’t deal with that many angles of attack

now, with 2-2-2 locked, if you have an underperforming player in another role, you are stuck eating the loss, you can’t offer to take one’s tanking, damaging or supporting in exchange. Your tank is a scared cat? Too bad for you. Your support has poor awareness? Too bad for you. Your damage is positioned poor and gets eliminated first? Too bad for you.

Your experience was different than mine. Whether i was Healer or DPS in those comps, it was typically not a good time. The other team would sit behojd shields and just pick us off one by one. And then half the time, the healer would just get so annoyed with the crap teammates that they would just go DPS themselves.

With role queue, you at least dont have to worry about that kind of crap. Now the worst that happens is you get 2 off tanks or 2 off healers, which is much less of an auto loss. You can still cover for your teams weaknesses by flexing within the role.