OK Blizz, you win

Yup. Had 4 dps on my team once. Reaper, Tracer, Doomfist, Mei. Enemy Pharah was wrecking us and none of them switched as the Pharah was “someone else’s issue”.

I swapped off Lucio to Dva and did their jobs for them. We ended up winning the game.

This happens maybe once in 200 hundred games

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ROFL and pharah hard counters 3 of those heroes too. Tracer and her is sort of a stalemate. Dude comp is just a circus.

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Most of those heroes can avoid Pharah relatively easy, so it’s not an issue for them.

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Hmmm, maybe 1/20 before. But now 0/0 with 222.

One reason I’m learning Baptiste. Want a hitscan support to assist Vs Pharmercies.

Only played Vs one Pharmercy so far and Soldier and I took them down when required.

Also going to try and pick up Ana. But I can’t hit my shots with her on fast moving team mates. It’s an issue…

Not for them, but they’ve got team mates that Pharah is flattening with impunity.

Then they scream for heals as their supports are crawling back from spawn.

It wasn’t even Pharmercy. Just a bog standard Pharah. And four dps couldn’t deal with her. Pathetic.

1/20 is not the average experience.
Far too many players had their issues with “creative teamcomps” far too often.

Picking up the slack should not be the default game mode for a competitive game. 2-2-2 is an attempt to fix that
Take a while till everyone is at the rank where they belong but that is nothing someone should be upset about

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It’s a step in the right direction for sure.

After these teething pains pass should be a slightly better game.

OW2 will fix it, just as Classic fix BFA :slight_smile:

it’s okay. ive been called trash by trash…

My fear is going to be that people will refuse to play support. I am sorry right now playing support feels like the role with the least impact. It’s a miserable experience. So yes I suspect supports will soon have instant ques… but is it going to be worth the instant que to be put into a game where you feel like you are at the mercy of having teammates actually fill their role properly?

I would rather go a third dps with the ability of turning things around than playing as a support while helplessly watch my dps not be able to hit stationary targets.

PLaying support right now is absolutely positively AWFUL. I almost rather punch myself in the balls. I am dont playing support till the ladder sorts itself out.


Look at it like some kind of science test, with teammates being your test subjects.

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i can agree atleast in gold that support is where i have had my bad games. i dont queue for it anymore. atleast not for a while .
on dps and tank i have had 90% good games, its only sup role im realy not happy with playing after rq. but what you say about switching into a 3 dps wont help that

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This feature will undoubtedly result in less toxicity.

However, we’re going through the transition/growing-pains stage atm. People who were toxic, who assumed “Rein/Mercy mains locking DPS!!!” or people switching roles were the problem, are flocking back. Then they’ll find nothing has changed from their perspective. Because they - themselves - were a part of the problem the entire time. So they’ll have their outbursts several times before either:

  • accepting the changes
  • moving to a less serious mode
  • quiting the game

Role lock is unfortunately a system that promotes toxicity in a highly competitive environment. While before the game had it’s issues, now you can’t have someone switch to help alleviate those issues.

Before, you could switch to one tank, three dps and two heal if dps was low. Or any combination of such. Now that can’t be done. If you have two roles that simply aren’t doing enough, you’re forced to bang your head against a wall and just hope for the best.

It inspires people to get more frustrated with their team. It’s a natural human emotion to think “I can do that better” regardless if you really could. We all do it. It results in certain roles feeling like the others are under-performing even if they’re not. It leaves people feeling helpless.

It’s not a problem with the role lock itself. It’s more people have exchanged the security of getting a 2/2/2 comp for the loss of being able to flex roles to cover team weaknesses. It’s something people had and lost and are bound to feel frustrations at the loss of feeling like they can make a difference.

Sadly a lot of these frustrations will fall on the DPS. DPS is the role that requires the greatest flex by a large margin. People may not wish to admit it but it’s true. You have projectile heroes like Pharah and Junkrat. High accuracy hitscan heroes like McCree, Ashe and 76. Tankbusters like Mei and Reaper. Snipers like Widow and Hanzo. Defense heroes like Sym Torb and Bastion.

All of those heroes are good for some situations and bad for others. This isn’t as true for Tanks and less so for support. You have your Main tanks and offtanks. Your Dive vs Bunkers. But generally where a Rein will be good, an Orisa can work. Support you can almost split in half between main heal and offheal and any two combination will work except for high level play.

You can’t do that with DPS. If you’re good at Pharah and they have a McCree and Widow. You likely need to change. So you go Ashe. They have Orisa/Sigma so now you need a tank/shield buster. How many heroes can you realistically expect any one given person to know to a credible level? Tank is two maybe three. Support you can get away with 1-2. DPS that amount can increase 2-4 fold just to be able to compete. It’s not fair but it’s what the system demands.

It may get better, it may not. It entirely depends on the community. Is the community willing to show empathy and understand someone may not be an expert at 4+ heroes? Are they willing to not get mad and lash out at their team for what they perceive as “under-performing”? Take a good look at the community and how it has acted in the past and decide for yourself.


I agree, as a support main.

Feels like putting a little band aid on anything.
If your tanks don’t create space and even get bullied, DPS can at least apply pressure or try to get picks, but as support you can only hope your heal is enough to turn the tide.
Playing off role as support is risky and most of the time your team will lack the support and just get shredded even faster.

If your tank or support suck, there will be no follow up or setup, thus anti nade or sleep do little, same goes for discord or boob.

In the tank role, I aggressively bully the enemy and the enemy usually collapse under the pressure.
What can the enemy supports do?
Discord orb is the only threat I fear.

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I used to be a support main. I am losing in silver… a rank that I used to win in totally intoxicated. I am sorry I refuse to paly support till the ladder sorts itself out. I will just play tank and dps and play better games than playing support.

Believe it or not it’s not even the tank play that is causing losses in silver. It’s dps who have zero survival skills. People in this bracket really need to learn when its a bad situation and to fall back and not feed.

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Support is arguably the most impactful role in overwatch.

You are not. You can hard carry on support. Just like you can on tank and dps. If support is not your main role, then it is natural that you don’t have that carry factor with that role. You just need to practice support heroes (Ana, from my experience is the best support to carry with).

In most cases, this would lose you the game. The enemy team focuses your only support now-> and you have no heals at all.

Not for me.


You call me a trash widow, but I clicked on your head :wink:


I play around mid plat and DPS behaviour didn’t change much.
Calling out to back up is often ignored.

I believe will see more and better teamwork over time with 2-2-2. People are forced to play as a team otherwise they loose.

BTW: This season doesn’t count, your SR will be reset to your last state

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That’s just DPS in general below platinum. At times it feels like people don’t pay any attention to their health bar. Once I was even told, that it’s my job to watch their health, not theirs.

If your health goes down with my healing beam on you, you probably bite too much to chew.