❌ Official D Tier and Below Thread

Not every tank is bad because they’re not as good as they were when they were disgustingly overtuned and meta defining, nor are they bad because they can’t compete with Reinhardt who is currently disgustingly overtuned and meta defining.

Sombra is one of the best heroes in the game, just because there’s not enough coordination in ladder games to make her work doesn’t mean she’s bad, she’s seeing very consistent play at all levels of organized play and if any one hero belongs on this list it’s Genji, he’s far worse off than every hero listed besides maybe Bastion.

Forum Moderator Note: Inflammatory comment removed.

After compiling comments into the OP it’s interesting to see that the most debated heroes are exclusively tanks.

That being said, how in any way shape or form is Genji worse off than Sombra right now? You got it reversed as Genji is the one seeing consistent play, even if it’s for nanoblade.

Sombra has been dropped everywhere, including GM which is where she should be seeing the most play.

Surprised Mercy isn’t on the list.

Higher risk, lower reward.

Genji sees virtually no play at the highest level and when he does, the team playing him is usually losing. Sombra/Tracer has been the best dive DPS pairing in the game for a very long time, Doomfist & Echo compete for spots, but Genji is almost never in contention for a DPS spot in dive.

In a high SR lobby, nothing makes me more confident I’m going to win that match than a Genji on the other team, only a small handful of top tier flex DPS players actually have consistent impact on him and even then they’re better off picking almost any other hero in the game instead of Genji if they’re playing to win.

D.Va is Def sitting in the D Rank / F rank

Baptiste isn’t F nor D, he’s C imo

I was initially skeptical about adding her due to a lot of responses in other threads saying her beam was the only thing that needed changes… but seeing as some responses actually want different things for her, I’ll add her in and let the discussions take its course

You went on to describe personal victory seeing Genji on the other team… that being said, you didnt even bring up Sombra. She has gotten a myriad of changes since OG dive. At this point shes underperforming everywhere. Statistically the first thing you said is describing Sombra, not Genji.

Sorry for now he’s fine. It’s more likely a meta thing why you feel like hes lost a bit of his viability (thanks Echo). Theres nothing currently indicating him being worse off than Sombra, and he definitely is not a D tier hero atm.

I will say if there is enough pushback he will end up in the list under “debated” anyway so dont feel like hes being shut out

All of which haven’t affected her viability in dive.

Even though dive hasn’t been hard meta in a long time, Sombra has always been a consistent pick in dive ever since 2-2-2 allowed it to see some play.

If he wasn’t worse off than Sombra he’d be picked instead of her in OWL, Contenders & Trials when dive is played.

There is not a single situation where Genji will be the optimal hero to choose in a dive composition.

I don’t think that Mercy, Zen, D.Va, Sigma, and Hog should be in this list. They are B at best and C at worst. Hog is great against dive, and dive isn’t exactly being played a lot so…

The rest just needed some simple buffs. Make Mercy a better healer and D.Va a better peeler. Buff Sigma to compete Rein and gave Zen more survivability.

I would debate on Winston, but I don’t really play him. The rest could definitely stay on D and below.

She would get new abilities to compensate.

My favorite bug is when the hack subtly breaks at the end of the hack, restarting the ability, causing it to be double the original hack cast time.

It isn’t the obvious “hey, hack just stopped for literally no reason.” It’s more like, “hey, I know I just finished the cast, but I’ma let you finish and go again.”

We want to reduce hack’s cast time from 1s to 0.65 because sometimes it just felt impossible to hack someone. But let’s also have a bug that can cause the hack to take up to 1.3s and never fix it.

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I dont think mercy is in a terrible state but she is definitely in a bad one and it does need to be addressed which is what your post is about.

She’s lost her identity and cannot compete with burst main healers such as ana / moira but also can’t compete with off healers (lucio and zen) due to her lack of utility and defensive ult.

Basically her only viable use right now in overwatch is to be a pocket bot to pocket dps such as phara and ashe which I don’t think is healthy for her as a character or the game as a whole


Huh? yea not for his one shot oh no its for his ult sure buddy

I meant that he gives the enemies lots of ult charge

Pretty sure doom is way worse than alot of the dps here

you say that but junk,hog and reaper havent got any changes lately idk why theyre here

All supports and tanks except Hog are no lower than C tier.

Junk got ruined ages ago. They just never made him better.

Hog is controversial as this new Echo meta kinda threw him into the spotlight so hes probably gonna stay like that for a while unless more responses flesh out a clear standing for him.

Reaper just has a bad design for 222. Someone who counters a whole role like that was always going to be problematic balancewise.

And Doom got kinda screwed before but he skipped the cc nerf patch and is actually doing pretty good as of right now thanks to certain factors, so he probably wont end up being listed

I hope that clarified why they ended up there.

Zen Sigma and Hog are listed debatable for the very reason you posted. I think the meta shift kinda muddled their current standing… itll shake out soon.

Mercy was just recently added so she may also fall into debatable or back off the list. I personally think shes not far off at all from being a great healer again, but ultimately the decision comes from the discussion from everyone here… if there are more Mercy responses then her standing will change.

That happens in game
However when you go into replay you’ll have the experience i had where hack is just staring, so it never actually restarts for the server but it does for us because it’s messed up

you mean

having original 1s cast time would actually be a buff since it won’t have 1.3-2.1sec castime randomly

remove LoS check

Giving doom that cc nerf wouldve been too much, hes already pretty bad not really doing good hes just meh after the unnecessary nerf to his uppercut

Junk ha always been “ok” hes never been completely useless or op hes just really underrated and hes not as bad as doom

I’d put in Pharah too. Echo outclasses her in every way, not the least of which being the biggest slap on the face: she can use rocket barrage with no fear of death.

There needs to be something to help pharah, because with Echo’s release she’s looking more and more like a chump pick. Furthermore, her pickrate is only marginally above Symmetra, in spite of how her main counters have been banned many times over in the past several weeks.