I am not Ok with this. He will always be Jesse Mcree to me. I have played and loved Mcree as one of my favorite Overwatch characters since day 1. I can’t imagine the majority of the community is Ok with this either. His name is not offensive. Mcree is a unique character and has absolutely nothing to do with anyone he may of been named after. This is just wrong.


Mental gymnastics to try and find a way to get offended

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  1. Can someone explain/resume to me what is the root of the problem about the McCree’s name? (I’m Brazilian, so I’m not in in the farwest references so much… if it is really a farwest reference);
  2. Well, what this changes will impact the non-Americans players?

This has not been proven in any way afaik (just something that was an unfortunate coincidence in hindsight). And I wouldn’t take blizz (they let him go from blizzard) on word alone after they’ve been caught shredding docs.

Operation Save face is on.

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Mf was literally on the Cobsy suit picture cheering, there’s literally a picture of it look it up.

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so… presumably no one on the team had anything objectionable to say about their colleague McCree at the time of naming? and you’re changing it to pander to ignorant slacktivists and or corporate sponsors?

if it’s purely because he was featured in a photo with his colleagues and made one comment lacking greater context and intent I’m not on board. I hope you know something we don’t, because this implicates him as being every bit the despicable person over assuming people would like to believe he is.
shame on team 4 if he’s a nice guy, imo.

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The furor around this is baffling to me. I cannot imagine caring that much about a video game chat name

He is a ref of old cow boy movies youngster don’t know about them, because they are most famous from late 1980.

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and if you read the articles you’d know that there were 100s of people in that room at times, it’s for smoozing in between panels and the like. imagine assuming horrible things about a person you don’t know because they took a photo with their colleagues. :grimacing:

That’s a first AND last name. That’s not quite the same.

It’s much more rare for someone to randomly share a first and last name.

On 2013. Formal charges and victims coming forward and not just settlements really began on 2014, with several victims who wanted justice.

The screenshot of Jesse Mccree on the chatroom was taken on 2013. We have no evidence of anything other than that, other than the fact that blizz fired him/he left blizz. But this is the same blizz HR that allegedly shredded documents, so they’re in full damage control.

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Ah yes, exactly the sort of changes we players want to see in this game great job keep up the fantastic work!

no one is making them do anything. It’s just a pr move they hastily put together to try and pretend they’re good guys.
Same as making soldier gay, it’s their usual panic button.

finally more people realize this instead of attacking random people on twitter acting like “sjws” are the problem.
It’s the corporations.

Lets call him “Stinky Pete”

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The name is based on an real person, and that real person was…bad (Not going to go in detail here, but it ties into the recent lawsuit)

A LOT of people were asking for this.

thats the most stupid thing ive read today but whatever.


And if they’re still IN the box, they just increased in value by at least double.

This is a wise and sensible takeaway.

Changing the name of a hero because of some real life person that nobody new existed 2 months ago is just… ludicrous. McCree hasn’t inherited the qualities of the person he was named after. He’s still a fictional character that has done no harm to anybody other than break a trigger PTSD from the 17th FtH kill in one game.


Keep them and sell at ebay for 500 dolls for the true original box.