Oceania Players being placed into 120ms+ Latency Servers

I am also being queued into the wrong servers most of the time. I am in NZ and get 53ms to OCE servers. However most games I am getting 140ms. Definitely not OCE server.

Same for me usual is 20ms latency but since OW 2 launch most games are 120 :expressionless:

Yup about 50% of me and my friends games are on SEA servers causing 120 ping+

At least 90% of my games on some nights have placed me onto the GSG1 server. I’m literally located a 5min drive from the server hubs in Sydney. There’s no conceivable way I can be routed onto it. I get 5ms on every other game with OCE servers but since OW2 launch I’ve had multiple games per night (80%+) where I’ve asked the entire lobby their location; all of them are from Aus, and we’re all on GSG1 server.

Fix it Blizzard. This is insane.

Yep games should be on syd2 server at ~70ms but I’m getting games in Singapore at ~140ms half the time. I tired blocking the IP address (based off this Tutorial: Forcing which server you want to play (Blocking IP addresses) and some reddit threads with the required ip addresses).

This was perfect in quick play, didn’t get a single game in singapore. Then I’ve tried comp today and 2 out of 5 games its put me in singapore even though I can’t connect to server. I get a failed to connect to server error message and now I’m banned for an hour

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In Adelaide, South Australia. getting mostly 130ms instead of the usual 30-40. particularly in comp

Waiting for “Nicole” to come in here and tell us all how it’s “not Blizzard’s fault” and “we should blame our ISPs”. Come on, we’re waiting for you to deflect and deny the issue.


Make this a known Issue please, Got a bunch of singapore servers (180MS) dc’d back to the loading screen, copped a 75% penalty for leaving too many games early while trying to level a battle pass. Fix your game so that we can actually enjoy it, please and thanks


I also have the same issues. Incredibly frustrating. Half my games I have ping of around 40 then BOOM I’m put into a match with ping of 120+ which makes it impossible to play.

Same issue, go from 30 latency to like 300+ randomly in a match

I too have experienced this issue however on launch chalked it up to the shaky launch for the game. However this is a consistent problem I would say at least 75% my games range between 150-170ms. I cant queue for comp at all as there is just no way of knowing what server Ill get.

Very frustrating and most of the time results in me closing the game down hoping for it to be fixed by the time I log in later on.

Looked and monitored my logs on my OPNsense, this is not a client issue, its a server side issue.

spending most of my games at 150-180 ping and even when my pink is 70 which is normal everyone is rubber bandint

Same experience here. Sydney. Feels like maybe 70% of lobbies are the 120ms ones, the rest are 20-30 range. In the 120ms games, it seems like everyone universally agrees they’re from Aus and all have the same ping issue. I guess we’re being sent to Asia somewhere?

Exact same issue. 5 stacking with mates and it’s almost consistantly 150+ ping servers and the occasional 50 ping server. Never used to happen in OW1 so not sure why it’s like this now, it’s really annoying.

All of australia have this issue, every game the whole lobby is talking about it, i never had this in years of ow1, hurry up and fix please blizzard we can’t play the game

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Yeah everybody I know has the same thing. Its like about 50% or 60% of the time 125-200ms and then when it’s a good ping game its about 45ms. I don’t know why this wasnt a known thing/ being actively worked on…

Has Blizzard said anything about this issue at all?

I’m in NZ and getting the same as everyone else, I’m loving the game but about to quit because I can’t stand the latency and it makes playing anything hit scan impossible.

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Me too, just had 7 singapore comp games in a row. Pretty close to just pulling the pin on this game entirely. Total BS

Every game i have played so far in comp has been in a 120ms server i have constantly people slingshot tping around the map