Oceania Players being placed into 120ms+ Latency Servers

Yeah it sucks, 8/10 of my matches are on laggy 130ms + servers. I want to play comp, but no way am i placing with the servers this bad.

It’s really bad! It’s always too late to mitigate damage to get out of a situation when you KNOW you pressed the button.

Same issue here. Some games are reaching 180ms and almost unplayable, ruined so many comp games

I don’t understand how the servers/connection were perfect in ow1 and since ow2 was released we have to put up with 120ms ping + rubber banding + 20% chance of being disconnected from the server. What happened from ow1 to ow2? The game is unplayable for the entire OCE region and Blizzard haven’t even acknowledged it.

It’s barely fine for unranked, but happens in ranked too.

cannon fodder freelo for Asia players.

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Dude blizzard can we please get this fixed its so annoying and you do nothing about it cuz oce is not as big as the other severs

It just get’s ridiculous! Stop placing OCE into ASIA servers.

super frustrating. 3/4 games are 150+ some reaching close to 180.

absolutely ridiculous this is still an issue.

I want to do comp but I just can’t with this god awful ping. Fix your servers Blizzard. Aussies shouldn’t be placed in a different region during matchmaking when we can specify our own region/data centre in customs and get placed there.

Still happening.

Note: there is a way to block Singapore servers - a quick Google away.

I don’t want to play on high latency (100+ ms) servers when I know there is a low latency alternative available. It becomes especially ridiculous when a whole game of 10 aus/nz players are forced to play out a laggy game because we will be penalized for leaving. Please fix this.

seriously the most annoying issue, I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. I can’t counter against certain heros due to the lag with hitscan. It THROWS games, considering dropping the game until this gets fixed

I’m from Melbourne and I’m having the very same issue, ping on most of my games is way too high, around the 110-120 mark for most of my games. What’s the point of playing a competitive fps if they put you on these servers, makes the game unplayable

Me and my friends and all of Australia are having this issue. Share it around and get it more exposure!!

I have legit killed enemies then turned around to chase someone else only to then be killed by the person i just killed.

In the kill cam i only take them down to around 10HP then it looks like i just walk away from them. Latency goes from 60 to 277 every 20 seconds

Easy way to confirm your server location once ingame: CTRL+SHIFT+N

Look at the server name in the top left. GSG1 will be “high ping” for AU/NZ players. It’s Singapore based so obviously the latency will be poor.

Something like GAUSE1 or SYD2 will be Australian based and “low ping”.

This is happening consistently during peak hours, Blizzard has not provided enough capacity for Australian servers so we end up playing on Singapore. There are probably more Australians playing on SGS than Singaporeans.

Just downloaded today first game was fine hopped off for a bit came back online joined my friends there in aus not experiencing rubber banding but every game I’ve played so far has just been going back and forth and seeing my friends be really cursed

Still getting into ASIA games while playing from OCE. Cmon Blizz, fix this, let us choose or ensure that we only go into servers that we’re from.

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