Not swapping to a role not filled isnt throwing

ad hominem much?

except it isnt

quoting from the report screen in Overwatch

the standard that pros and streamers are held to are different from rank n file players

you can talk about what you think the rules should be all you want

there is far less to discuss about what the rules are, however

thats correct, because there is no argument - thats perfectly legit

I say so because every player has a right to play whatever character they want from among those available. That means in turn that all 6 character could choose DPS, and that’d be perfectly within the rules

Is it optimal in terms of winning? Probably not, though I have seen 6 DPS teams win

There is a difference between what a player would prefer (a well balanced and synched team) and what is permissible (any combination of any 6 characters)

I think a lot of players confuse the two

Suppose you’re playing in magical OW Christmas-land, and you queue up with 2 tank mains, 2 support mains, and you play DPS. Who would you rather your 6th player be? Someone who has 100 hours on widow, and 900 hours split between a bunch of tank/support chars, or someone who has 1000 hours on widowmaker? I know who I’d choose.

Competitive mode isn’t about helping your teammates, it’s not about getting 2-2-2 comp every time, it’s about being the best. You’re not going to get top500 on widow flexing to support 80% of your games.

And if you don’t like that, use LFG! It’s a great tool and it solves all of these problems.


Gameplay sabotage is a bit nebulously defined. One person picking a stupid hero is technically legal, but a group that bring an entire bad comp is doing something worse. At that point, it seems very likely a premeditated attempt to mess with people or lose, i.e. trolling or throwing, not just a bunch of people making individual bad decisions.

I mean there is no way a 4-5 stack that comes in all DPS is doing anything but deliberately trying to lose the game.

And I don’t know why you’re defending this unless you throw games in this manner.

There is no technical about it

Its legal


and yet, this too is legal

and again, perfectly legit despite you feeling personally conspired against

and you’d be wrong. Plenty of other possibilities

unless you are reading their minds?

Nah, I like good teams, and I like to win

What I like and what I want are not the same as what the rules allow, though

To answer your implied question: I am defending the rules

Sorry to burst your bubble, but

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

Everything is bannable. Even a false report can still follow the insanely subjective CoC.
At worst people can just lie and say someone ‘deters from their fun’ and they can’t be proven liars.

It is not, I’ve been warned several times on alt accounts for one tricking. Not swapping is gameplay sabotage. You can quote the game as much as you want, it’s still sabotaging the game. Maybe you don’t think it is because you’re too low of an elo to actually see this stuff in effect? not trying to elo-shame but really, not swapping will get you a suspension above 3.5k eventually.

It is legal, but if this person is feeding and doing things that are massively negative for the team, it is game play sabotage regardless of what your little report disclaimer tells you. Also I’d advise you to do more research Mega, you’re absolutely clueless. You’re literally spewing non-sense when there are countless instances in which that disclaimer is straight up out-dated. Dafran being warned wasn’t because he’s a streamer, it was because he was throwing by playing torb at GM+ some of the time because of the way the game works. Redshell being warned to have more hours on another hero other than lucio isn’t a coincidence. Sinatraa even said it himself gameplay sabotage IS when you are not swapping heroes when you need to/are feeding heavily. Several examples in this age of the internet exist, yet here you are spewing bs.

your source is older material, and in any case, Blizzard has set rules for what is reportable by players and what is not

they are expecting players to report correctly

in actuality, they are not

Blizzard makes a bad situation worse by not enforcing their own rules correctly, or sometimes, at all

so “my bubble”? Not burst. Not even close.

Updated previous post reply

and yes I hit low. I’m tired of mega’s “the game says this” statements. I highly doubt your credibility when all you’ve said is “BLIZZARD DISCLAIMER OMG IT SAYS THIS.”


You’re not wrong. You just don’t understand that as long as that vague CoC is there, Blizzard can always cite it to not have to defend the problems with the system (which they do a lot).
The CoC is the problem.

we can go back and forth all you want

They are indeed held to a different standard

Since one tricking is not one of the reportable categories, no, you weren’t.

No, it isn’t. this is explicitly laid out for you on the screen where you report someone for gameplay sabotage

You can keep living in your fantasyland where the rules are set by you, but the rules in the real world have been set by the game owner/producer/creator/publisher.

Well if I say to someone “no offense - but you’re fat, ugly, stupid, smelly, and everyone hates you” offense is still given. So yes, you’re rank shaming, tho I have no shame over my rank.

One can understand the rules of the game perfectly and yet have terrible game sense and/or mechanical skill. Understanding the rules and one’s SR have very little if any connection.

Can one be banned for not swapping? Absolutely, but it will be due to false reports in every case.

My credibility is irrelevant

What is relevant is Blizzards authority

I am pointing out Blizzards rules

are you doubting Blizzards authority here?

if so, you may want to find yourself a different game from a different company, one whose authority you accept

Also you have no idea how the report system works if you’re under 3.5k. So don’t talk about it. All you know is you can be chat muted. You’ve never seen anything first-hand. Not swapping is throwing, throwing is gameplay sabotage. If you don’t believe that I cannot help you, you’re already far gone. I honestly don’t wanna hit low but really, you sound like a dude that claims they’re plat because of their team-mates. If you’re tracer, and the enemy team is entirely tracer-counters, not swapping and feeding is throwing which is reportable, and has been stated by blizzard AND Jeff Kaplan several times. Good day, and I hope you can somehow be more intelligent in the future with stating actual evidence rather than spewing your opinion with no facts except an out-dated disclaimer. Go to sleep its past your bed-time.

Ill gladly take my silence to shush you.


And note this before I close this tab, Game masters have the final say. And Google is your friend. have a good one Mega. Sorry for the elo-shame, but your opinion is irrelevant to me if you’re under 3.5k talking about how ranked works.

My rank is irrelevant to the matter of the rules and the reporting system

Every rank has access to and and is affected by the same reporting system


this is a discussion board

I am discussing

Thats all I know? Wow.

No sir, like any player, I dont know precisely how the system works, since that is held close to the vest by Blizzard (as they should) but I know considerably more than that

also wrong

not according to Blizzard.

Its very explicit, right to the point, no wiggle room

quoting from the report screen in Overwatch

no belief required, its been spelled out for all of us by Blizzard

their games, their rules

my understanding of the reporting system has nothing to do with my rank in the game. The two are unrelated.

except its not

More ad hominem.


but that aside…Nah.

You want to keep living in your dream world where the rules are made up to suit you, {shrug}, you should probably go design a game for yourself that employs the rules you prefer - or barring that, find a game that is at least closer to your ideal

thats pretty ridiculous, but also irrelevant, as we are not discussing rank here, we are discussing (or some of us are trying to, rather) the rules and the reporting system, which apply to all levels of play

Are you trying to say that there is more false reporting based on not swapping at SR 3500 and above? If so, sure, that may well be true.

Personally, I love playing in strange/off-meta comps. Everyone usually plays their best hero so it’s rare they do poorly. Maybe it’s just me though.

Come to think of it, it’s probably just me. Mercy works great with 3+ dps comps, and she’s my main :sweat_smile:

I’d rather get kicked in the balls than play tank in competitive. Or support for that matter. They are both the most obnoxious roles I’ve ever ever had the displeasure of playing. Telling me I’m potentially throwing because I’m not playing a role that legitimately causes me undue stress, rage and frustration is beyond me.

Else: keep in mind that many of these players who want someone other than themselves to switch are doing so because the world revolves around them

Ie your enjoyment be damned, all that matters is theirs; and their enjoyment is enhanced if someone else handles the roles they dont want to handle themselves

Honestly, it doesn’t matter. I’m not good at the game and I won’t pretend to be by fulfilling someone else’s ego and playing tank/support. To my own detriment, in nearly EVERY case. I tried for a year to get good at my mechanical ability to NO EFFECT, all the tanks are these huge targets that get knocked around all game, and playing support is less about healing and more about trying your damndest not to get 1-clipped by tracer or obliterated by genji. It’s not fun, and I will never play those roles again.

I will always swap to an unfilled role but I wont expect anyone else to do the same. We have LFG for people with those very expectations.

As far as I’m concerned its only throwing if you are being hard countered and feeding. Make the game that little bit more fun for yourselves and swap in that situation.

Hard countering shouldn’t even be a thing.