Not swapping to a role not filled isnt throwing

The problem comes when someone is rigid but expects others to build a viable team around them. I may mostly heal, but if we have 4 DPS and a Roadhog and no one’s peeling, ain’t no way I’m sacrificing my fun in that uphill battle. I’m picking something that can be self-sufficient, so have fun with no healing or tanking support.

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A team of maybe Masters could 6 Support and win vs plats, but 6 support Plats could not win vs a meta comp of Plats.

this is not sabotage, nor is it even arguable as such

every player has the right to pick any available player in any tam, match, map, mode, scenario, comp etc etc etc




this is never throwing


quoting from the report screen in Overwatch

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that is NOT sabotage as defined by Blizzards rules

quoting from the report screen in Overwatch

Well it kinda is when you’re a third/fourth DPS pick with no damage or elim medals.

Maybeee it’s time to switch to something a tad more team oriented? Or is your hero pick only not doing well because someone else isn’t making space/healing for you?

Why? If I pick last, what does that change, you can always switch if you want. It is not as though the composition is set in stone.

Just because you play a role doesn’t excuse poor teamplay.


I should probably make it clear that I use the term “throwing” fairly loosely.

You don’t need to “sabotage the gameplay” to be considered a thrower in my eyes. Actively making calls that cost the match is good enough, which includes being too stubborn to swap when you very obviously are putting your team at a disadvantage.

Sure, I’d never report you, but that doesn’t mean you’re not throwing away the match because of your poor game sense.

(note, your own quote says what gameplay sabotage isn’t, not what throwing isn’t)

For ergonomic reasons I remap all the keys for every hero I play constantly. It’s a task I find crucial to playing a hero well.

When I’m asked to play a hero not in my pool I literally have no clue on what key goes where on that hero. It’s practically suicide.

Anyway being a support main already it doesn’t happen that often — just when the game decides to pool me in with other support mains and they somehow tagged their heroes first. Grrrrr!

I find that there’s always a double standard when the conversation turns to support mains.

You are a little on the coocoo for cocoa puffs side in my opinion. Not swapping off a hero and feeding is gameplay sabotage. Dafran was warned by Blizzard for playing torbjorn only in GM. Do some research.

I think there should be a rule about grouping misconduct and bringing in a non-viable comp as a group should be against that rule.

You cant really argue that bringing in, say, a five stack of DPS isnt basically throwing as a group.

Just separate group queue and solo queue. That’s what needs to happen there. Another thing that I’m tired of is getting into a game with a 4-stack or 5-stack and them sucking absolute butt.

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You do need at least one healer tho (and no Zen doesn’t count)

Im bringing back insta replies cause Im bored. Zenyatta is a healer in many ways, you can heal for 10k in 10 minutes very easily. There’s something called transendence, and you can get it once a minute or less most of the time.

And no you technically don’t need more than one healer. The only reason the two healer meta became a thing was because people began to feed too much by playing too aggressively. If you need two healers because you’re taking too much damage, you’re partially feeding. not entirely feeding, but partially. Having no healer is also not a huge issue, if it gets down to that, play self-sustain characters.

Yeah, I really want a solo queue, at least for QP. I hate playing with stacks, they always stick you with the jobs they don’t want, usually healing or tanking.

3 dps is better than 2 2 2 anyway

In this meta, most of the time yes it is. I agree.