Not swapping to a role not filled isnt throwing

If you have 3 DPS and none of them play off-tank, asking lets say the worst one of the three to swap followed by their refusal IS NOT throwing.

You are asking someone to swap to a role they do not play. You are asking someone to play a hero they have no hours on. You are asking someone to go out of there way even though it will be MUCH less effective than if they just stayed DPS.

A torbjorn isnt throwing, a bastion isnt throwing, picking 5 support isnt throwing, picking 6 dps isnt throwing. If you get these games, you’re going to have to do something called PLAY AROUND IT. I have 6 OW accounts all 3k+ with my highest being 4.2k, and I cannot stand when people literally SCREAM in their mic OMG SWAP WE NEED THIS ROLE. If we need the role, you are welcomed to change to it, if not, play around it.

Stop bullying people to swap to things they dont play. Them playing competitive doesn’t make them a flex. There’s a reason there’s a FLEX role in this game.


It’s not throwing, but I still consider it poor teamwork. People really should be able to play every role competently in a competitive match. That said, it’s never right to bully somebody into doing what you want. Demanding a switch doesn’t make you right.


Can respect the majority of that but highly disagree with the every role statement. Not everyone is a flex, but if someone is willing to be one for a game for the sake of the team that’s completely on them. Honestly this is more of an issue at higher SR’s so it might be hard for most of the playerbase to understand that not everyone is a flex, and most people are only good at one role entirely. Flex players climbed that way, if you climbed playing one role, swapping/flexing to another role you haven’t really played much especially now at a higher tier is extremely damaging to the rest of the team.


It’s a little debatable if the three came in as a stack. That basically pre-arranges a non-viable team comp for the others, which is arguably sabotage.

As far as three solos, yeah. But you should switch off even if it’s not a rule - it is being a very poor teammate, and anyways, surely you can find a dps-y tank (Roadhog, Dva) or support (Zenyatta, Brigitte) you can enjoy.


But what is throwing is when they refuse to swap in general.

I’m not talking about a pick you don’t like and you’d prefer something different to ease your own life.

I’m talking about when literally everyone knows that one specific person isn’t doing anything yet they’re constantly just running in and dying instead of trying to adapt. Go a fourth DPS, I don’t care, just stop banging your head against the wall and expecting things to change, because they won’t.


Not everyone is a flex. I do not ever swap off my role and I’m peaked @ t500.
You’re forgetting people 3500+ are less effective on a role they have little to no hours on. At that point it’s based on pure game-sense. Swapping in bronze-silver-gold-plat-diamond like this works because honestly nobody has a clue at what they’re really doing. Sorry not sorry.

This is true. Swapping to a hero within that role is completely on the table, and refusal to swap is somewhat gameplay sabotage.

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There are a lot of top level flex players. It certainly is possible. You pretty much have to flex if you don’t play with a pre-arranged team, since you could easily end up with four DPS players and two tanks, or something.

That’s what I said in my post…lol. There are flex players at the top of the top, but they got their FLEXING. Not everyone is a flex…and no you do not have to flex at all in comp solo Q if you aren’t a flex. You aren’t forced to and you shouldn’t. It has a massive impact on overall output.

Still throwing.

If the enemy team goes pharmercy and none of your team plays a hitscan so game over and next to the next game right?.

All top players flexes on their respective role, they don’t exclusively hard one trick


omg do you guys read what im saying entirely…
Ima use caps for this to make it REAL bold
Flexing is being able to play 2 or more roles effectively. Most flex’s are tank/dps and tank/support. Flexing more than 2 heroes in a specific role is risky, and should never happen. 2 to 3 heroes max should be your hero pool. two roles is flexing, playing 2 to 3 heroes in a single role is not flexing.

I feel like you shouldn’t enter competitive with the ability to only play 1 role. It is a hindrance to your team. In the same way that Mercy one tricks are annoying, so are people who only play DPS regardless of their team’s composition. I specialize in main tank, but I can also pop off on most supports and some DPS.


I was mostly referring to the people I play with in higher-level games, so you make a good point. I shouldn’t expect all low or mid-range players to be able to flex well. It’s really important at high levels, though, so I don’t have a lot of patience for inflexibility there.

This is a very 96% of the playerbase way of thinking. 3% of the playerbase is masters, 1% is t500. These players are NOT able to effectively flex if they aren’t a flex player. xQc is a great example of this, he is a main tank, but on DPS (with the exception of some situations where he does kinda good) he has a huge negative impact on the team as a whole. Sure Ill admit most players in the t100 are dps and support flex’s, but you have to bare in mind these people are flexing with others being able to effectively fill the other roles without issues. What do I mean by that? In the t100, everyone is able to play at least one other role moderately well, this is because of their pure game sense. I’m not saying this is bad or anything, I’m just saying asking someone to swap a role they don’t play in general is bad, excluding the t100. That’s like telling dafran to play ana. Sure he’s a god on ana but he is much less effective.

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Eh, I don’t know. I do appreciate that you at least will switch within DPS, because DPS heroes need to switch more often than most (they get countered more easily, and counter better, than others). But I still think most people should be able to flex. You might still end up with too many specialists on one team, especially in lower rank where there are loads of DPS specialists, and flexing is easier. Nobody starts in high rank, after all.

See this is a good way of saying it. It’s easier at lower ranks to formulate an opinion on flexing, as these people never really experience 4k+ games. These opinions aren’t wrong or right, they’re opinions after all, and I can respect that. I personally believe flexing is a great thing, but if it isn’t someones thing, they shouldn’t be forced.

Ijs, while not playing main-tank is a valid excuse, if you can DPS, you have the skills to off-tank.

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I mean, part of it is that the very top of the playerbase is tiny and we’re not really speaking to them, they know more about the game anyway. It’s more about speaking to the vast majority of players.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Well, I also believe that as you get into T500 games, exclusivity is something you have to take into account. The best players in overwatch are those who can play any role because this is a team game.

I agree xQc, is what makes me love main tank and watching him play DPS makes me think: “ah, he’s gonna lose this game for sure”. However, with few exceptions, players won’t be able to climb by one-tricking such a saturated role as DPS. XQC, S8 Mercy one-tricks, and Reddit Lucios would seem to be such examples.

We should also take into account the practicality of this debate. This is entirely a 96% way of thinking because, the other 4% are irrelevant to the discussion. In that elo, people are going to swap regardless of how effective they are. The other 96% are where Most of the community, and thus, most of the DPS players lie.

In most cases, people don’t launch Overwatch to play a game of Chess or Hide and Seek, instead, it’s a small minority. That’s what happens when the game is marketed as an FPS. Those who play so much Chess or Hide and Seek to become masters deserve some respect, but they also deserve the accompanying criticism when they are expected to play laser-tag, and simply cannot. This in every direction.

This issue is easily resolved with a role queue