Don’t you think that toxic player who wants to go 2 off tanks, would probably do whatever he/she wants if role que wasn’t enforced in the first place?
What exactly is the difference here? A thrower in a non role que environment, and the same guy in a role que?
They throw regardless. Better for them to at least be a bit more useful as a tank, than 100% useless.
I hope they don’t force anything. For a legit flex-player like myself, if I queue up for a game, 95% of the time it will be a tank. 4% of the time it will be a healer, and 1% of the time it will be DPS.
So now I will be locked into choosing 1 of 6 heroes 99% of the time (considering 7 heroes tank/heal and 1 of them is already taken by the other tank/healer) is really, really sad. REALLY sad.
I went from having a roster of almost 30 (minus 5 for the 5 other players choosing) available to choose from to a roster of 6. REally lame.
Yes. Because with a 2Flex-2-2 (Or a 2-2-2)
You could have a bad tank, a bad healer, a bad DPS.
HALF of the team underperforming.
And the other half could still carry, by overperforming in their Roles.
With SoloTank or SoloHeal, if that one player representing the entire role can’t or won’t perform well. Or isn’t getting the team support needed to perform well.
Then that entire Role is bad.
With this, it’s like having 2 chutes in a parachute pack.
If one fails, you still got one that can work.
I can guarantee that they won’t do 2flex-2-2 because they said they will do role based SR if (when) they do role queue. You can’t have DPS SR if it’s flex.
You only limit yourself if you let yourself be limited. Every game you play, you can queue up as a different role, you’re not stuck to play the same role every game you play. You can switch it up anytime you want.
One game you queue up a support, the game ends, next game you queue up as a tank, the game ends, next game you queue up as DPS.
It works in other games just fine, it will work here. It’s not perfect but its far better than what we have now. Players have over three years shown that they cannot make reasonable and responsible choices more often than not in the game.
I think I told you this before but having the two Flex options means that going goats is still going to be an option and will still live on.
if that is the most effective composition people are going to use it if they have the option to use it even if it’s boring and unfun.
It’s not like the majority of the people playing are going to be creative they’re just going to be meta sheep’s, that are going to continue playing goats or whatever other meta becomes popular.
The 2Flex+2+2 actually solves a handful of corner case issues but leaves the bulk untouched, it’s nice in theory just like allowing people to choose themselves for 6, but it just doesn’t work in reality.
Because someone can be 4k tank player but their dps is 3k. What’s the point of role based SR if those 2 flex players can pick either a 3k dps or a 4k tank?
Funny that you are saying “in theory” when the last time we had this conversation you were trying to convince me that GOATs comp is a problem in Silver.
Yeah, and I replied that GOATs comp isn’t relevant for 95% of the playerbase.
And acting like it is, doesn’t make much sense.